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Can someone please share the notes of Independence and Partition of India and Muslim League. |
asked by Shivaanee sharma (shivaanee22) 8 years ago |
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What is :-
1)The minimum refractive index .
2)The absolute minimum refractive index
asked by Funny Funny (funnysimgh) 8 years ago |
2 |
What was the significance of August Declaration? |
asked by Pranjali Sharma (pranjali2806) 8 years ago |
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What is tribunal ? Explain |
asked by Gaurav Sahu (hfhjhh) 8 years ago |
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ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB=AC. The circle through B touches the side AC at its midpoint D and intersects side AB at P. Show that AB = 4xAP |
asked by Malfunction (amolbohora) 8 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by amolbohora
Find the equation of line inclined at 120 degree with negative direction of the x-axis and passing through the point (1,1) |
asked by Malfunction (amolbohora) 8 years ago |
1 |
Mention two Legislative Powers of the RAJYA SABha? |
asked by Anshika J (anmj) 8 years ago |
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What is instantiation (comp) |
asked by Snoop Dogg (sarthakkanyal) 8 years ago |
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When was the term "United Nations " first used? |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 8 years ago |
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why is urine slightly thicker in summer than in winter? Give reason |
asked by Extravagance (alyazalea) 8 years ago |
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1.What is the S.I unit of magnetic field?
2.Collector used in Froth Floataion process?
3.Condition in females when facial hair starts growing?
4.Name the class of levers
i.stapler rod
5.A hydrocarbon with a faint garlic odour?
6.Other name for Bulbo-Urethral Gland?
7.Mixing of the original sound with the reflected sound is called as?
8.Gas which turns acidified Ferrous Sulphate solution brown?
9.Disorder in adults due to oversecretion of GH?
10.Name two Fluorescent materials used to coat the Fluorescent screen in a Cathode Ray Tube?
11.An alloy of Ni and Fe?
12.The other term for Inner ear?
13.An Alpha particle is the same as a ________ helium atom?
14.The element with the highest density in the periodic table?
15.Scientific name for pea? More... |
asked by Mohammed Malik Sharaf (mmks1234) 8 years ago |
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