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can any one help me solve this question below??????????
wap to input a string n do the following
INPUT-Akash International school
output- AkAsH iNtErNaTiOnAl sChOoL
this question is from one of the prelim papae..................plz |
asked by Dr.Bhoomika Shankar (surys) 8 years ago |
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Can any1 please upload the program for pascal's triangle |
asked by Ishwaria Laxmi (sriniperuk) 8 years ago |
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Question on composite no.
A no.has one or more than one factor excluding 1 and no.itself |
asked by Kavya Sekhar (aswmgirl17) 8 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by aswmgirl17
Series 0,3,7,15,24.........n |
asked by Kavya Sekhar (aswmgirl17) 8 years ago |
3 |
Answer the question. ..... |
asked by Kavya Sekhar (aswmgirl17) 8 years ago |
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0,3,8,15,24 series plz WAP.. |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
2 | + 8 more questions by abhibenne
Scanner class definition!? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
1 |
What is argument type of compare to()?? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
1 |
One use of delimiters and explain their purpose!?? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
1 |
Scope and lifetime of an argument variable!? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
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aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa
So on
Th n starts to increase like
#end. Plz show me how to do this... |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
3 |
Temporary instance of a class explain!? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
1 |
Accept no within 30 and PRI t roman equivalent!! WAP |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
1 |
Guys: public class construct{
void construct(int a, int b)
In calling program.
Input a and b;
construct ob =new construct(a,b);
Is thus correct !?? If this is parameterized constructor ( don't mind the errors just see the variables and tell me can we use it like this))??? |
asked by Abhishek Shyam (abhibenne) 8 years ago |
2 |
South Africa lost :( |
asked by Saahil Sankar B (bestintheworld) 8 years ago |
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whats the difference between instance,class and local variable |
asked by Nh (ayesha1952) 8 years ago |
0 |
is it imp. to write comment in programs in exam? |
asked by Shreyashi Shreyashi (shreyashi29) 8 years ago |
2 |
Can we write The use of guard cells as check
excessive transpiration? |
asked by Kushagra Kushagra
(kushagra2014) 8 years ago |
2 |
please check if this question is right
it is in comments |
asked by Anubhav Verma (gforce777) 8 years ago |
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Name a keyword that indicates that a class was derives from an existing class. |
asked by Nikita Sharma (nikitasharma59) 8 years ago |
3 |
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