Here are a few last-minute tips for writing your Mathematics paper:
* Make sure you fill up the necessary details on any graph papers. Also mention the question number and the section it belongs to.
* For clarity, outline/highlight your answer in a box, ex. if your answer is x=2 , draw a box around it so that it is easier for the examiner to locate your answer.
* Do not skip steps. Write down each and every step even if you feel it is very easy.
* If you have applied a specific technique in arriving at your answer, mention the name of the method, ex. if you have applied componendo and dividendo, then write down ‘by componendo and dividendo’ next to the step in parenthesis.
* Draw clear and neat diagrams and label them. Also, ex. if AB indicates the height of the tower, then mention separately, ‘AB=height of tower’, etc.
* Read the question thoroughly. Do not be in a hurry and see what the question is asking and attempt it accordingly.
* Check your paper twice and if you have the time, check it thrice. Make sure you don’t make any silly mistakes in calculation. To make it easier to recheck your answers, make sure your rough work is done on the same page as the answer and that it is clearly written and legible for you to recheck the calculation.
* Do not jumble up the steps. If you feel your answer seems jumbled up, leave a line after each step to make it look neat and clear.
* Leave a page if you don’t know the answer and come back to the question later. Do not waste time on a question that you are unsure of and which you need time to think upon.
* Check your paper and make sure you have answered each question and sub-question. If a question has two parts mentioned in the same line, make sure that you read the question till the very end and attempt all parts. If you have left a question to attempt later, make sure you go back and complete it.
Hope these tips help you while writing your exam paper! Keep visiting for more such tips! More... |