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How should i study the chemical equations without any confusions ....pls help me someone |
asked by Nagarajan Muthuswamy (mnag15) 9 years ago |
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In the physics syllabus for thermionic emission , it says to learn work function and its value in eV for a few common substances. What are these 'common substances'? |
asked by As If (boo_hoo) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by boo_hoo
Is it true for geography that they only mark the first five questions and not best five? For all other subjects it is best right? |
asked by As If (boo_hoo) 9 years ago |
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While writing English or Hindi essays are marks specifically deducted for exceeding the word limit( say by 50 words) ? |
asked by Nina (ruchika16) 9 years ago |
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Is any matter of Sardar Vallabhai Patel is mentioned in our syllabus in H/C |
asked by Lavanya Ujjuru (littleheart16) 9 years ago |
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Solve it -
The price of article inclusive of 7.5% sales tax,
Is ₹6880 find change in selling price of the article if sales tax increases by 3/4 % |
asked by Manish Kumar (mkshahahh) 9 years ago |
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write balanced eq.
sulphur dioxide is passed through hydrogen sulphide solution |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
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Are the guess papers out for ICSE 2016? |
asked by Josna Jose (schoolkid) 9 years ago |
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11. If 238U92 emits successively four alpha particles two beta particles, what will be the atomic number and mass number of the final product |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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+ 10 more questions by pareshghosh
10. The velocity of light in a transparent liquid is 1.8X10cm/second, while in vacuum it is 3X10^3cm/second. Find how much the bottom of the vessel containing this liquid appears to be raised if the depth of the liquid is 25cm. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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9. 2 kg of water is contained in a 2.5 KW electric kittle. Assuring that the heat capacity of the kettle is negligible. Calculate (i) the time taken for the temp of water to rise from 25 degree centigrade to it boiling point 100 degree centigrade. (ii) the mass of the water evaporated per second from the boiling water. S.L.H of ice = 336X10^3J/kg. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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8. What would be the final temperature of the mixture when .5 g of ice at -10 degree are mixed with 250g of water at 30 degree centigrade? S.H.C of ice 0.5cal/g degree centigrade and S.L.H of ice = 80cal/g. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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7. 50g of steam at 100 degree centigrade is passed into a mixture of 100g of ice and 200gm of water at 0 degree centigrade. Find the rise in temperature. (S.L. H. Of steam = 540 cal/g and Lf of ice = 80cal/g) |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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6. How much steam at 100 degree centigrade will just melt 3200g of rice at -10 degree centigrade ? ( S.H.C of rice = 0.5 cal/g digree centigrade; Let heat of vapour of steam =540cal/gg). |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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5. An aluminium cessel of mass 200g, contains 0.5 litre of water. What is the heat required to raise the temperature of the system from 25 Degree centigrade to 75 Degree centigrade? (S.H.C of Aluminium 0.84X10^3J/kg dehree centigrade and S.H.C of water 4.2X10^3J/kg dehree centigrade. A dencity water = 10^3/m^3) |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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A bulb is joined to a battery of e.m.f 6V. A steady current of 0.5 A flows through circuit. Calculate the total energy provided by the battery in 5 minutes. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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3. A house wife uses “a fire tong pair” of length 20cm to lift a piece of burning coal of mass 200gm. If she applies force at a distance of 5cm from the fulcrum, what is her effort? If the efficiency of the fire tong is 100% . find it M.A and V. R. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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2. If the wavelength of Deepika’s voice is 2 and that of Ashwaria is 5m respectively in air. Find the frequency of Ashwaria’s voice. Fi the frequency of Deepika’s voice is 750Hz. Which of them has a higher pitch? |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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1. A man throws a body of mass 500gm with a velocity of 10m/s vertically upward on a planet he weight of the body on the planet. |
asked by paresh Ghosh (pareshghosh) 9 years ago |
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can I download the answers? |
asked by Guy (devrath) 9 years ago |
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