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What is the meaning of hrsht pusht.... Pg no 2 in gadhya sankalan......third para fourth line fourth word |
asked by Zuber Nawaz (zubernawaz) 9 years ago |
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What books must be referred to get 100 in geography?which topo may come this year :45D/10 or 45D/7 ? |
asked by Shodhan Shetty (ssrsshodhan) 9 years ago |
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Define water harvesting perfect ans |
asked by Jesse Bolt (jojojo) 9 years ago |
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Chandragupta Ki ethihasiktha spasht kijiye???
Can anyone answer this question...? |
asked by Bala Chandra (priyankab) 9 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by priyankab
Which adhyay are important in chandragupt??? |
asked by Bala Chandra (priyankab) 9 years ago |
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What is vikrami samvat in chandragupt? |
asked by Bala Chandra (priyankab) 9 years ago |
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i'm planning to study sacchi veertha as it was highly recommendable by many people out here...Well guys plz say what scenes and questions do i need to focus on ? coz time is short and i can ill afford to study the whole thing completely...Plz reply quick.... |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by student58
sacche veer duniya ke takhte ko apni aankh ki palakon se halchal me daal dethe hain ......plz iska matlab samjaao .... |
asked by MP Harsha (student58) 9 years ago |
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Why does south west monsoon retreat? |
asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 9 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by shreyasj
Explain the role of himalayas in determining the climate of South Asia during SUMMER N WINTER |
asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 9 years ago |
2 |
State all characteristics of retreating S.W monsoons(Atleast 3 pls) Thanks in advance |
asked by Shreyas Js (shreyasj) 9 years ago |
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Any tips for French ?? |
asked by Rahul S (rd1233) 9 years ago |
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Pls send me hindi vyakaran notes... pls guys... sincere request... better if you send the photos of pages of saras hindi vyakaran or vyakaran pallav... our school has no textbook for grammar... sens me via a message |
asked by Eshan Kotian (grimreaper) 9 years ago |
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Define a mini steel plant. |
asked by Ashish Prince
(ashishprince) 9 years ago |
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is natural gas included in the syllabus in the minerals chapter? |
asked by Ishanuj Hazarika (ishanuj99) 9 years ago |
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