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Please everybody come 1 day before result. |
asked by Bitthal Maheshwari (bitthal04) 6 years ago |
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Now, for the worst face reveal of all time...... |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by aditya_bandaru
Guys, I'm gonna leave on April 15. It's been a great time being with you all out here. I'd love to stay in contact with you after April 15..... So, if anyone feels taht they want to stay in touch with me, just let me know...... If you don't I understand. Ignore this message and go forth with your fun holidays! |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
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I'm so glad I got to be a part of this! Thanks to all of y'all for EVERYTHING. I know for a fact that I'm gonna keep returning to this wonderful site. Thank you, the creators of ResPaper for this. I know we all will move on, and few of us might just stay back for a year or two.
I just wanna wish all of y'all BEST OF LUCK in ALL your future endeavours.
And one last thing, Stay Connected! Here are few of my social media IDs-
Instagtam- hxrjxs
Snapchat- harjas_22
Pubg(ya this is random but why not)- HarjasBajaj
Taking leave,
Yours truly,
Harjas Bajaj. |
asked by Harjas Bajaj (jammy229) 6 years ago |
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Chemistry Exam was 1000 times more easier than expected.
Do u agree ?? |
asked by Sarosh Sadaqut (life_is_ajoke) 6 years ago |
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Before I finally go off, not forever, if anyone of you, I hope none XD, wants to stay in touch and wants to get bored with me, DM me, I'll see it and I'll bore you forever. Thank you.
Yours hated,
Me obviously
Bye. Not FOREVER. |
asked by Aryan Gupta (xprince) 6 years ago |
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So if anyone wants any links for their future preparation u know what to do just comment below ......aah fells nice to help u all guyszz |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 6 years ago |
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hey all you Res buddies, thanks for being around ...this was great virtual combined study and boards was fun giving it ye all! thanks to all those who took time out to respond to all queries ... hope see ya all around in X! & XIIth too...till then have a great holiday! cheers |
asked by Zoe D S (zoeds) 6 years ago |
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Hey Guys,
I was at my friend's house to celebrate Boards getting over..
Result or no result, it was a great time
Ashish Mathew a.k.a. ash_matt |
asked by Ashish Mathew (ash_matt) 6 years ago |
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Sorry If I'm being a spoilsport here.. But when does the result come out? And how are y'all expecting to fare ? (Quantitatively) ... |
asked by Prateek Pradhan (prateek235) 6 years ago |
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