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Where is the highest urea in our body ? Plz explain all aspects I know ques. is not full |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by teleansh
In vasectomy if vas deferens is cut and tied then where did the sperm produced go ?? |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago |
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In tubectomy if vas deferens is cut and tied then where did the sperm produced go ?? |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago |
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Odd one out
Purkinje fibres, A. V. node, A. V. valve, S. A. node.
Renal pelvis, Medullary pyramid, Renal cortex, Renal papilla. |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 5 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by laxyone
.. |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 5 years ago |
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Sensory neuron, Dorsal root ganglion,Motor neuron, Ventral root
Dorsal root ganglion,Sensory neuron, Ventral root,Motor neuron
?? |
asked by Ashish Mathew (ash_matt) 5 years ago |
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Do we need to remember what traits are dominant and what are recessive for pea plant? |
asked by Prateek Pradhan (prateek235) 5 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by prateek235
Am I the only one down in the dumps and feeling like I've forgotten every single damn thing I've learnt in the last couple of days??!! Anyone feel me?! |
asked by Prateek Pradhan (prateek235) 5 years ago |
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1) Explain opening and closing of stomata with regard to potassium-ion theory
2)GR. One rotten orange can spoil a while basket of oranges.
3)Water molecules, oxygen, grana, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, photons.(Logical sequence)(I think grana, photons, water molecules, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, water). |
asked by Sanjay (sanjay673) 5 years ago |
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Today is the last examination. Good luck, everyone. If anyone was expecting big and complicated words from me, here you go:
I'mma die of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis if I don't get good marks today. |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 5 years ago |
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process of maintaining water and salt balance in the body.....
osmoregulation?? |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 5 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by taankkkkk
what is the function of oestrogen?
it is formed by the corpus luteum but on the internet, they say it determines the secondary sexual characteristics of the different sexes.... |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 5 years ago |
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wilted lettuce leaves become crisp when placed in cold water for a while. give detailed reason pls |
asked by Sankhya Gowda (taankkkkk) 5 years ago |
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The leaves of a plant are wilted during day due to excessive transpiration. What reason will you give if they remain wilted even during the night? |
asked by Agrajah Bhobe (iron_man98) 5 years ago |
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