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What was the pattern of settlement |
asked by Ayush Agarwal (qwertyuiop12345678901234567890) 5 years ago |
4 |
VeRy eAsY nOn ApPliCatiOn bAsEd pAper |
asked by Dhruv Singh (dhruv103) 5 years ago |
2 |
since most important settlement was a subjective question can we also write gulbganj since all cart tracks and metalled roads were leading to it |
asked by Varun Khadpe (varunkhadpe) 5 years ago |
3 |
I marked laterite soil right but in over smartness wrote "Rajmahal hills' also there which is far away from it. Will marks be cut ? |
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 5 years ago |
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The station was interiorxhxndnndndmnd.
Damnnnn meee
Also on other note annual rainfall? |
asked by Isha Choudhury (dessicatedcoconut) 5 years ago |
2 |
I marked rivers in blue but rest in all random colors , will I lose marks
PS my school allowed pencil marking but just before the exam we were told to mark with colors smh smffffh |
asked by Aditya Dungrani (chickezz5) 5 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by chickezz5 |
Please someone take a pic of copper from your tb and post it in the response.That heading is not even there in my tb. |
asked by Sanjay (sanjay673) 5 years ago |
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does water resource syllabus include multi-purpose projects? not mentioned by ICSE syllabus...
And transport - do we need to remember all waterways and airport names as it says advantage and disadvantage only |
asked by Zoe D S (zoeds) 5 years ago |
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