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What are the measures to regulate activities of MNCs in developing countries? |
asked by Vindhya Badal (_itsme_) 6 years ago |
1 |
three differences between ideologies of nazism and fascism. |
asked by √ (godblessme20) 6 years ago |
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Hindi was easy, what you guys think???
P.S- Indian Air Force just whooped Pakistan's a*s
Sorry for the language though. |
asked by Pranav Kant Tripathi (pranav0206) 6 years ago |
5 |
What are the exact answers for these both:
1. Why was the first war of Indian Independence called so? (2)
2. The contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. (4)
3. The contributions of Jyothiba Phule (4)
In 2 and 3, I know three each.... What's the fourth? |
asked by Mr. Mathematics (aditya_bandaru) 6 years ago |
4 |
All the best to everyone |
asked by Annhaliator (laxyone) 6 years ago |
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Once tomorrow's exam gets over, i care no more, for all the other subjects art easy... Boards are but a guiled shore with a dangerous sea that's all! |
asked by Aquaman- King of the Seven Seas (shauns) 6 years ago |
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please share some essay topics and points for those for hindi |
asked by Zoe D S (zoeds) 6 years ago |
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