Hey Students!
I just came back here to say, that you need to perform relatively very well for your tomorrow's exam. Write so fast, that Light shall feel like a slow thing! I accept Eng. Lit. may be a little troublesome for you guys, so it is for me! Remember to give your all today and tomorrow, so much that if you had given all your energy to the metals with highest work function, it would certainly lose all it's electrons from all it's shells from all it's atoms, and would glow too brightly. I hope that after doing so much hardwork, when the results come, you'll be shining as brightly as the metal I talked about above. Also, remember this:
Eng. Lit marks = mc^2
where, m is your memory, and c is the energy of hardwork you've put in. See, that is depends more upon your hardwork, and les upon your memory! So, put in all your energies, shine bright, and remember, Albert Einstein is with you! Make the atom bomb feel lazy in front of your energy!
Yours Relatively,
Albert Einstein |