Hello, guys!! I thought of posting something here.How are you all doing?? I know that for many of you guys the post board enjoyment as intended, couldn't get executed,right?? At one point in the holidays, I was so much bored that I was thinking that school's better than this. duhh... So, finally the day is gonna come when we'll be able to have a look at the outcome of our hardwork. I know you all will kill it!! If anyone of you guys is too anxious about the results,you don't need to be anymore!! You know why?? This was just a lil' freakin' battle of your life, winning or losing which won't make you king/queen of the whole empire. 10th mark sheets are mainly used for just verifying the individual's date of birth, marks don't matter that much. But if you've won this battle, don't get overconfident, the bigger battle's awaiting(12th and life ahead). Even if you've lost it, remember the bigger battle's awaiting(12th and life ahead). But don't let go of this opportunity of class 12th, it matters much more than class 10th marks. Start toiling from today, prepare for the battle, practice sword-fighting, defending yourself(from silly mistakes), assemble an army of skilled soldiers(army of good words for good score in English),make provisions for water and food before the actual battle starts(assemble
pens,pencil,eraser,etc in your pencil box for the exams but not right now!!) So guys, this huge spherical ball where you reside, is filled with kingdoms to be conquered, just your performance at the battlefield will matter. If you start early, you will master the art of battling and you'll be standing tall one day, as the king/queen of a huge empire. Decide which kingdom you're most familiar with, which you can easily enter into and conquer(which career option is your stronghold, which you can opt and make a good career in). If you won't prepare for any battle, your ancestors'(or parents) wealth will gradually get exhausted and you'll be left with nothing and by that time, you'll get too old for winning any battle easily and you'll cry over split milk. This is the age of struggle, which when wasted, is gone forever. You all are young warriors, in the best form and shape for fighting even the toughest battle!! So, my motive behind this post was to encourage tensed people here and to make all my resmates realize the importance of this (1/frequency,its easy), life will lay several opportunities in front of you but remember, whatever happens, happens for good, even if you fail, there are tonnes of kingdoms(may be bigger and better) in front of you, waiting to be conquered by someone like you(YES, you,the one reading this!!)Failure is not the opposite of but a part of success.So, I'll stop this philosophical drama, now, I'm sure you guys will rock!!That's all. I won't write ATB(except here), coz what has happened is history now and I've seen too many ATB's(sorry, one more time) here already. Ba-bye!! |