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Someone please give the accurate definition of bytecode. AASAP!!!!!!! |
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 7 years ago |
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+ 2 more questions by aayushjoshi
Well, many of us are aspiring to get 100. Well, don't forget, my best wishes are always with you. Don't get overexcited on seeing the paper. Otherwise, you can make logical errors in your answers, which will be tough to find, even at compile-time(while you're checking it).I know many of us will get what they desire. Anyways, god bless and ATB!! May our answer-writing be directed by the almighty. |
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 7 years ago |
3 |
Return type of Math.max() and Math.min() functions???????????? AASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 7 years ago |
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R java pgms compiled or I interpreted?? |
asked by Ashvita p (hermiioone_granger) 7 years ago |
1 | + 2 more questions by hermiioone_granger
Diff between primitive and composite data types |
asked by Ashvita p (hermiioone_granger) 7 years ago |
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Watch do I hv to know from basic input output(scanner and printer class) chapter?? |
asked by Ashvita p (hermiioone_granger) 7 years ago |
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While taking input, can we
void main(int n)
or do we have to input by Scanner Class? |
asked by Siddhant Joshi (siddhant94) 7 years ago |
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Is void main() enogh or do we needto write public static void main (String args[])? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
2 | + 3 more questions by ashutosh_dash
are the levels of inheritance included in the syllabus? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
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what kind of comments should we write in a program? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
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while writing a program. should comments even be provided with lines involving declaration and initialization or should it be only based on the program logic? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 7 years ago |
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java keyword which is
----- used to finish the execution of a method
------is used to implement the concept of inheritance |
asked by Someone (manvimertia) 7 years ago |
2 |
Math.pow(10,2)= 100.0
Math.pow(5,2)= 25.0
Math.pow(25,0.5)= 5.0
Math.sqrt(9)= 3.0
Math.sqrt(25)= 5.0
Math.sqrt(-25)= NaN
Math.round(5.4)= 5
Math.round(5.5)= 6
Math.round(5.0)= 5
Math.round(5.6)= 6
Math.round(-5.6)= -6
Math.round(-5.4)= -5
Math.round(-5.5)= -5
Math.rint(3.3)= 3.0
Math.rint(3.9)= 4.0
Math.rint(2.5)= 2.0
Math.rint(-4.6)= -5.0
Math.rint(-4.5)= -4.0
Math.rint(-4.4)= -4.0 |
asked by Atharva45 (arya9591) 7 years ago |
2 | + 1 more questions by arya9591
Guys what is friendly? |
asked by Atharva45 (arya9591) 7 years ago |
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Can anyone provide a simple code for binary equivalent. |
asked by Anushka K (anonymoususer) 7 years ago |
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Please give the exact definition of -
APC book preferred. |
asked by Harsh Nawal (harsh104) 7 years ago |
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All the Best guys! I know most of you like this subject and want to score a century but please don't be overconfident. Make your presentation in the paper as good as possible and I sincerely hope you guys reach your personal goals.
- Rahul Bhardwaj, your ResMitr |
asked by RaBh (rahulbhardwaj2002) 7 years ago |
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Definition of access modifiers and access specifiers |
asked by Light yagami (rak_1234) 7 years ago |
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