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Where 17th session of NAM was held or is going to held in bulgaria or in venezuelan |
asked by Piyush Sharma (yoperry) 9 years ago |
1 |
my friends told me we must write 8 points for 4 mark question in history......... is it true |
asked by Angel k saji (angelksaji) 9 years ago |
5 |
Give the equation of reaction:
Sulphurous acid reacts with bromine(Br2). |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
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+ 7 more questions by alldbesthappy
Are agro forestry and social forestry parts of our syllabus |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
4 |
Can we give one word answer in Qno 1 of history civics in board examination? |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
2 |
Are we allowed to use color pencil in map work? Geography. |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
3 |
Give one quality of limonite. |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
3 |
Where is the plugging of gullies and ravine possible? |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
1 |
Why deciduous forests are found in central india.? |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
2 |
Name the river port which is 128 km from the coast. |
asked by Rinki Lata (alldbesthappy) 9 years ago |
2 |
when we dissolve same quantity of nacl crystals and powder in 2 glass containing equal amount of water respectively then which glass will have a higher temperature after the salt has dissoved completely |
asked by Biparnak Roy (roybiparnak) 9 years ago |
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Guys, I need help in ICSE blue j.... Programs.... Plz. Help ..... I have 90% doubt in programs.... Now what will I do..... Plz help me |
asked by Sailesh Behera (sailesh99) 9 years ago |
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How to download question papers |
asked by Pavan Suresh (pavan73) 9 years ago |
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The 25m essay in eng 1 is not predictable at all and I am not accustomed to write long passages in my own words on a random topic. I would rate my literature average but while writing I don't write down most things because I feel its irrelevant and end up writing very short essays for which getting 15m is a great achievement. Please help me with this. |
asked by Urav Maniar (urav) 9 years ago |
3 |
how to score in commercial applications paper in class 10 |
asked by RISHABH PANESAR (rsp2609) 9 years ago |
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How to score in English Language ?? |
asked by Ankit Fadia (tanmay_dani) 9 years ago |
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