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If anyone has solved the toposheet question of 2009(Question 3 of total geography),
what is the six figure reference of "A temple south of Dhavli"?(Northings 01 to 11, Eastings 10 to 19) |
asked by Gargie D'souza (gar_d02) 6 years ago |
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can anyone provide me with the list of colours to be used in maps? |
asked by Ashutosh Dash (ashutosh_dash) 6 years ago |
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is maps necessary for geo is it ok if leave it |
asked by - (arhanv) 6 years ago |
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Should we use colour pencils in the map? |
asked by Momo (zenab13) 6 years ago |
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What is the difference between a highway and an expressway?
Are national highways maintained and constructed by CPWD or the Indian government? |
asked by Pavan K Srinivasan (throwaway) 6 years ago |
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Can anyone please send me the links of 2015 and 2016 specimen papers via drive as I am unable to open it in the app or on the website. |
asked by Strawberrian (strawberrian) 6 years ago |
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Hey everyone. In sdfg's map, the Chota Nagpur plateau has been drawn in a really weird shape. Do we have to make it in that way? And is it that big? |
asked by Yashaswini Joshi (yashaswini72) 6 years ago |
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What is the difference between Col, Saddle and Pass ? |
asked by Siddhant Joshi (siddhant94) 6 years ago |
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proper definition of RF? |
asked by Niraj Gupta (solution86) 6 years ago |
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Why are groundwater sources depleting ? |
asked by Sidhaanth Maitra (sidhaanth2) 6 years ago |
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