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Well Guys, final day of 10th grade, Final day of this chapter in our life, I wish Ya'll Good luck and a happy journey,may we all succeed i whatever we do. Hope we stay connected because people here are truly amazing! |
asked by Nishant Shah (nishantshahroxx) 7 years ago |
7 |
Do we hv the plotting of infinite Numbers on the number line? |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 7 years ago |
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This is for people who are leaving res:
After the declaration of results, come back and post your results so that everyone will know how you have fared . |
asked by Downey (n7gooi) 7 years ago |
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Barca won! DAB on them haters ...
*Dabs and kills them* |
asked by Officer Tenpenny (anurag45) 7 years ago |
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+ 1 more questions by anurag45
ll जय श्री राम ll
गणित परीक्षा के लिए कुछ मूलपरक टिप्स :-
पन्ने के दाई ओर रफ़ वर्क का कॉलम खीच ले
आंसर पन्ने के अंतिम में ट्रिगोनोमेटेरी के मानक मूल्यों को लिख ले और अंत में काट दे
औजाइव के अंक को भूखंड करने के बाद उससे हलके हाथो से पहले स्केल से जोड़े ताकि एक्सामिनेर को ना दिखे और फिर उससे फ्रीहैण्ड कर्वे बनायिए
ढाई घंटे के इस I.C.S.E की आखरी परीक्षा को यादगार बनाने के लिए पेपर कुछ इस तरह लिखे :-
पेपर मिलते ही सेक्शन बी में पांच प्रश्न्विभागो को चुन लिजिए जिन्हें आप अच्छी तरह से कर पाएँगे
सेक्शन ए की तरफ बाद में देखे (चूकी उसमे सबकी उत्तर देना अनिवार्य हैं आप उसमे समय बर्बाद ना करे)
15 मिनट में 10 अंक का प्रश्न हो जाना चाहिए
ऐसे करके आपका पेपर मात्र 2 घंटो (8 प्रश्न x 15 मिनट) में पूरा हो जायेगा
15 मिनट में चेकिंग कर ले
अंत के 15 मिनट में एक अतिरिक्त प्रश्न करे l |
asked by Officer Tenpenny (anurag45) 7 years ago |
6 |
So friends this is it .The day for which we were so eagerly waiting for :D .Tomorrow at 13:30pm we regain our freedom and the right to associate with other men ......(source - The Bet) ....So we end our ICSE journey here which we had once started together :) .Though thus might sound like the end this is actually the dawn of a new beginning . A chapter of our life will unfold after tomorrow various new adventures , so much more to learn ! Wish u all the best for tomorrow and for your results :D ....We will part away in different directions and to different destinies(may be). But remember this : "The journey of a tthousand miles , begins with a single step" and so does ours .
Respaper is a landmark in my life with so many new people and so much to learn ! And the best thing is that I know no one not a single one of you physically and yet we help each other and clear each other's doubts ! Such a great journey we all had together ......Hope u progress and shine in your life and remember all who were present here !
Adieu "these foolish drops drown my manly spirit"
Whoever read this remember we are the "Pillars of Creation" More... |
asked by Richeek Das (hamba) 7 years ago |
18 |
while answering graph qns such as if it is given to reflect 2 points and the co-ordinates are asked in the next sub question then what should we mention at that line(as it is given
'on the graph' in qn banks) |
asked by vinuthnr 7 years ago |
0 |
Construct triangle ABC ... BC = 7 cm AB- AC = 1 cm and angle B = 45 .. how to do when diff is given ?
Selina pg 308 |
asked by Stuti Jhobalia (january17) 7 years ago |
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Once again it happened. Whichever team i am supporting is losing the match @SRH and @KXIP
Now i am going to support those teams which i do not want to win the match. |
asked by Anuraj (don751) 7 years ago |
5 |
I remember being taught a formula for finding the co-ordinate of a point under conditions such as x=1, x=-2, etc..
but I have forgotten.. can anyone please tell me the formula ? |
asked by Debarghya Sarkar (learner05) 7 years ago |
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Will they give the square root pages which are similar to the pages given at the back of selina or shud we learn to take the square root of the number? |
asked by Mythili Podapati (sashimaithili) 7 years ago |
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