Tips for computer exam:
I think time is now ripe to share these
Section I: (theory)
• Attempt all questions(too obvious, but important)
• Read all questions and their subparts properly and then answer them
• In definition questions, always write an answer enough for a 2 mark question, not more not less, History exam is already over.
• Always try to quote examples, even if not asked
• In output based questions, use ‘dry run’ method, it is by far the best method and gives accurate answers.(if u dont know, contact me)
• Learn important packages and what classes they contain
• Be very careful in increment/decrement questions. The slightest mistake can land u in trouble.
• Dont exclude inheritance, encapsulation and error handling chapters, they are in syllabus
Section II (Practical):
• There should be a clear cut logic in your programs, so that the examiner dosen't have to break his head to understand it.
• Use neat handwriting, distinguish between uppercase and lowercase.
• Use scanner or input through a fuction rather than using BufferedReader, it saves a huge lot of time.
• It is a sin to forget the variable description after a program, you immediately lose a chunk of marks, even if your program if fool-proof.
• Write the variable description just after the program, not at the end.
• Just do as directed in the first question, don’t use your own creativity, variables or functions.
• If you attempt the overloaded function question, be at your won risk, it takes most of your time. What can i say more, "Manage your time well".
• Practice sufficient problems on series and pattern
Hope this helps. If u find any difficulties, u can always contact me in chat. |