How was the paper peeps? |
asked by Heisenberg (heisenberg_11) 7 years ago | |
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All the Best!!! |
asked by Tanay Kamath (tanayk) 7 years ago | |
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If we are asked to name the third member of aldehyde series, then do we write the iupac name or the trivial name? |
asked by Snoop Dogg (sarthakkanyal) 7 years ago | |
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Which group of periodic table is known as what and what is the reason to be called like that |
asked by Vismay (basshulk) 7 years ago | |
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all the very best guys!!! |
asked by Omnious RebelTuber (ortfunky2016) 7 years ago | |
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All the best guys!!!!! |
asked by Ronit Shah (ronit3) 7 years ago | |
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asked by Mohammed Malik Sharaf (mmks1234) 7 years ago | |
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copper is a brown metal or a brownish pink metal? Also wherever a gas is evolved do we have to draw the upward arrow or "[g]" ? |
asked by आन्टी गोर्मिन्ट की जय! (abhipai) 7 years ago | |
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Guys solve this one: (5):Shud be all of them r8? (25) |
asked by Akash Ashok (akashskyash007) 7 years ago | |
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Why do anions(-vely charged) donate electrons to anode? (A doubt) |
asked by Shivaanee sharma (shivaanee22) 7 years ago | |
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