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All the best guys for ur chem exam .......Do not get diverted, concentrate and do well. Thank u. |
asked by Evan Jason (evanjasonhenry) 8 years ago |
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Mass of 10^22 molecules of oxygen...pls answer |
asked by Xyz (san_ika) 8 years ago |
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guys can any1 tell m did ans........what happens when conc.h2so4 reacts with active metals like k and na |
asked by Nikitha Maramraj (nikithanikki) 8 years ago |
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Recently i was going through the q & a and noticed random indecent comments from random users. Its affecting the decency of this site.
If you guys can , post down the names of all those fake accounts in this thread. I will bruteforce them down as soon as possible. |
asked by Ray (ray18) 8 years ago |
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In vd tb on pg 138 in definition of roasting it says : Roasting is the process of heating the conc ore in the presence of excess air to a high temperature before it is reduced to a METAL. I think writing metallic oxide instead of metal would be appropriate. Do u think so? But going against book can also cause a problem. |
asked by Shivaanee sharma (shivaanee22) 8 years ago |
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Yellowish green solid Q turns reddish brown on heating. Its aq. soln gives white ppt with BaCl2 soln. This precipitate is insoluble in all mineral acid. Name Q |
asked by Nishant Shah (nishantshahroxx) 8 years ago |
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Q.How is calamine concentrated?
Are there any eq where a sulphate reacts with an acid? |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 8 years ago |
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Amphoteric oxide which cannot be reduced by ammonia |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 8 years ago |
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