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How do u chemically prove that sulphuric acid contains sulphur? |
asked by Akash Ashok (akashskyash007) 8 years ago |
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Q.How is calamine concentrated?
Are there any eq where a sulphate reacts with an acid? |
asked by Tanisha Vats (catercousin10) 8 years ago |
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Amphoteric oxide which cannot be reduced by ammonia |
asked by Catlover (catlover) 8 years ago |
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What is done in the chemical method of step 1 process in metallurgy (conc of ore)? |
asked by Shivaanee sharma (shivaanee22) 8 years ago |
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balanced eqn for zinc hydroxide + hot conc KOH |
asked by (heisenberg69) 8 years ago |
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guys what is smelting the definition is nt in my text(2014) |
asked by Mohammed Malik Sharaf (mmks1234) 8 years ago |
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Jst wanted to confirm
Nickel steel is Fe+ Ni
Invar is Fe +Ni+ C
Correct me if i m wrong.. |
asked by Deblina Bora (booksboozer) 8 years ago |
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asked by Kanyedubaigma (uraniumpotato2000) 8 years ago |
Guys,why are you even requesting that guy "whoeven" to stop posting his *artworks*?Let him do so.
If you are feeling disturbed or sick by seeing his pics,then just imagine him to be a guy who has badly failed in his human anatomy drawing works and is thus,trying to gain popularity by posting his *artworks* here.That's it.I bet you won't feel that bad after thinking in this way...^_^
(P.S. i know this question is gonna get bombarded with his *artworks*,but it will be him who will make fun of himself by posting his pic in this post) |
asked by Individual (srija_saha) 8 years ago |