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ICSE − Q & A

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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While changing the speech of the sentence, if the sentence in active speech is an interrogative sentence, when to use 'if' and when to use 'whether'?
asked by Aayush Joshi (aayushjoshi) 6 years ago

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What is the difference between steam turbines and gas turbines?
asked by Yogesh (yogesh) 144 days ago

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I've got an endsem exam in an hour but all I am doing is reading old threads on res. 🥲
asked by Nisarg Bhavsar (nisarg71) 158 days ago
Hlooo..itzz been longgg...ICSE 2018 batch anybody??
asked by Snigdha (silver2002) 208 days ago
tips and tricks to answer dialogue in french
asked by french123 319 days ago
physics icse prelim
asked by Bananachips (bananachips) 1 year ago
who was daughter of shylock
asked by Ansh Anand (teleansh) 1 year ago
what is Lenz law
asked by Nidhi Mohunta (samairamohunta) 1 year ago
A body of mass 0.2 kg falls from a height of 10 m to a height of 6 m above the ground. Find the loss in potential energy taking place in the body. Let g = 10 m/s².
asked by ICSE (icse) 1 year ago

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Icse 2018 french(second language) board paper
asked by Arvind (usersnames) 1 year ago

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