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ICSE Board Exam 2005 : Commercial Applications

4 pages, 35 questions, 32 questions with responses, 34 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS - 2005 (Two Hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. S ECTION - A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section. Question 1 Briefly explain the difference between: [10] 1. (a) Training and Development. 2. (b) Expired and Unexpired Costs. 3. (c) Central Bank and Commercial Bank . 4. (d) Recruitment and Selection. 5. (e) Advertising and Salesmanship. Question 2 [10] 6. (a) 'The capital provided by the owner is treated as a liability of the firm'. Explain the concept on which the above depends. 7. (b) Explain any two uses of the Income and Expenditure Account. 8. (c) In which stage of marketing is the consumer considered the King? Explain this stage briefly. 9. (d) List any two circumstances under which a Bank can refuse payment of a cheque. Question 3 10. (a) List any two features of a Balance Sheet. 11. (b) Name and explain the method that should be adopted to sell pulses. 12. (c) Why is marketing considered an integrated process? 13. (d) Explain Bank Rate Policy as a tool of Credit Control. [10] Q uestion 4 Justify for or against giving reasons for each: [10] 14. (a) Principle of Consistency is a M odifying Principle. 15. (b) Reference checks do not provide reliable information about the candidate. 16. (c) A crossed cheque is a safer mode of payment as compared to an open cheque. 17. (d) An appropriate marketing mix is necessary to enable an enterprise to meet its goals. 18. (e) Fixed assets should be valued at the market price. S ECTION - B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this section. Question 5 19. (a) AB Visions Ltd. wants to introduce a new variety of reading glasses where the vision can be adjusted according to the user's requirement. Explain the first two stages in the life cycle of this product. [5] 20. (b) What is Direct selling? Explain the methods of direct selling. [5] 21. [5] (c) Classify Markets on the basis of geographical area. Question 6 22. (a) All vacancies at various levels in an organization cannot be filled through Internal sources of recruitment. Explain any five other sources of Recruitment. [5] 23. (b) 'Real Investment in today's society is not in plants and machines; it is in people'. With reference to the above statement, explain the role of Human Resource M anagement in an organization. [5] 24. (c) 'Training is beneficial to both, employers and employees'. Explain. [5] Question 7 Write short notes on: 25. (a) Types of Advertising. [5] 26. (b) Accounting Cycle. [5] 27. (c) Guidelines for conducting effective interviews. [5] Question 8 28. (a) Classify Cost according to its nature. [5] 29. (b) Explain any five kinds of Endorsements. [5] 30. (c) Describe the procedure to be followed to open a Bank account. [5] Question 9 CASE STUDY "India's leading car maker M aruti Udyog Limited (M UL) will launch its modern hatchback, Swift, early in the next financial year. The Swift will be launched in India, China and Hungary simultaneously", M anaging Director, Jagdish Khattar said. The M aruti engineering team in India was involved with the design, research and development of the Swift, unveiled at the recent Paris M otor Show. M aruti's decision to launch the Swift is an indicator of the Japanese car maker's confidence in the new product, and the low price positioning it may have been able to achieve for the new vehicle. Sources said the car could be priced at around Rs. 5 lakh and pose a serious challenge to the recently launched Hyundai Getz. If M aruti produces the Swift in India, it will be the Indian company's first significant attempt at designing a new generation platform, sources said. (Economic Times : 6th December, 2004) 31. (a) Name and explain the pricing strategybeing used by M r. Jagdish Khattar. [5] 32. (b) As M anaging Director of M aruti, how will you react to competition faced from cheaper models in the market? [5] 33. (c) As M anaging Director of Hyundai, explain the steps you will take to retain Brand Loyalty. [5] Q uestion 10 CASE STUDY Ravi works as a Supervisor in Nerolac Paints, Kanpur. His workers respond well to his leadership and try to come up to his level of expectations. However, Ravi takes a tough stand when workers are unable to achieve their targets. Ravi punished two workers for not being able to achieve their targets and this lead to resentment. Workers feel that they should be consulted in determining work targets. Ravi reports to M r Banerjee, the Production M anager. Unhappy at the development, Ravi has requested M r Banerjee for a transfer to some other department. 34. (a) What steps should be taken by M r Banerjee to deal with the problem? Will you recommend the transfer to M r Ravi? Justify your answer with suitable reasons. 35. (b) Explain the four elements of Public Relations that Ravi should infuse in his employees in order to persuade them to achieve their targets. [5] [10]

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Additional Info : Solved ICSE Board exam paper study guide - ICSE 2005 : COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS - I.C.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
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