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ICSE Board Exam 2010 : Environmental Applications

3 pages, 34 questions, 16 questions with responses, 19 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (Two hours) , A1lswers to tTlis Paper must be writtel-' Oil the paper provided separately. You will "ot be allowed to write during the first 15 millutes. This time is to be speILt ill reading tile question paper. The time given at tile Treadof this Paper is tlte time allol(Jedfor writillg the allswers. Sectioll .A is compulsonj. Attempt allY four questiolls from Section B. Tlie intended marks for questiolls or parts of questions are givell ill brackets [ ]. SECTION - A (40 M'ARKS) (Attempt all Questions) Question 1. (a) Define bubble theory. [2] (b) State any two advantages of Mahatma Gandhi's idea of decentralized governance like Panchayati Raj. [2] (c) What is an effluent ?- [2] (d) Name any two wastes that can be used to generate biogas. [2] (e) State' any two human activities that destroy natural resources. . [2] if) State any three limitations of conventional energy sources. [3] (g) What are alternate fuels? Give any two examples. [3] (11) Mention any tllree advantages of community forestry. [3] (i) State any three ways of keeping soil healthy. [3] (i) What is incineration incineration. ? State anyone advantage and any O1ledisadvantage (k) Suggest three measures to reduce pollution around the Taj Mahal. of [3] [3] (1) What is natural resource accounting? State any two uses of this type of accounting. [3] (Ill) Mention any three advantages of recycling water. [3] (Il) State any three advantages of indigenous technology. [3] (0) Mention any three health hazards associated with uncleared garbage. [3] SECTION - B (60 MARKS (Attempt FOUR Questions) Question 2. (a) Rainwater harvesting is no longer an old concept. We can apply modern scientific thought to this type of harvesting. Explain roof top rainwater harvesting. [5] (b) What are the various initiatives you can take to help in increasing h'ee cover in . " [5] ypur locality ? (c) Explain any five salient features of Joint Forest Management GFM). [5] Question 3. (a) There are many technical methods of controlling air pollution. Describe the working of an electrostatic precipitator. [5] (b) Soil erosion causes damage. Explain any five conseqliences of soil erosion. [5] (c) Child welfare is essential for the future of any country. Explain any five ways of ensuring welfare of children. [5] Question 4. (a) If you were the mayor of a city" how would you tackle traffic problems in the ~? ~ (b) What are wetlands? Explainany threereasons for conserving wetlands. [5] (c) Suggest any five ways of reusing wastes. [5] Question 5. (a) Sustainable development is essentialfor the welfare of thefutllre generation. Mentioll allY five ways of achieving sustainability. [5] (b) Write an essay on North-South divide. .15] (c) Describe any five ways of conserving water bodies. [5] Question 6. (a) Describe any two advantages and three disadvantages of large darns. [5] (b) What are the various problems associated with power generation in India? Explain ~~ (c) What is globalization? developing economies. ~ Explain any three positive impacts of globalization in [5] Question 7. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow : (a) Name any two polluting gases that could by released by this automobile. [2] (b) State any two impacts of the gas mentioned by you in part (a). [2] (c) How can emission standards control such pollution? Name two emission standards relating to vehicular pollution. [5] (d) Examine the role ~f law in controlling such pollution. [6]

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Additional Info : Solved ICSE Board exam paper study guide - ICSE 2010 : ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS - I.C.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
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