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ICSE Board Exam 2008 : Biology

8 pages, 109 questions, 109 questions with responses, 313 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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SCIENCE Paper 3 (Biology) - 2008 (One hour and a half) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. S ECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Name the following:- [5] (i) A membrane that disappears during late prophase. (ii) A fluid that occupies the larger cavity of the eyeball behind the lens. (iii) The ground substance present in a chloroplast'. (iv) A specific part of a chromosome that determines hereditary characteristics. (v) A neurotransmitter stored at the terminal end of the axon. Question 1 (b) The following paragraph is related to absorption of water from the soil. Copy and complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct word from those given in the box. You may use the term only once. Exosmosis, Hypertonic, Osmosis, Isotonic, Hypotonic, Cortical, Endosmosis Water enters the root hair from the soil by the process of (1) _______ . This is because the solution in the soil is (2) _______ whereas the cell [5] sap in the root hair cell is (3) _______. The water then passes through the (4) _______ cells by cell to cell (5) _______ and reaches the xylem of the root. (1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______ Question 1 (c) Given below are sets of 5 terms each. Without changing the first term, rearrange the remaining four, so as to be in logical sequence as per the directions given in brackets for each. One has been done for you as an example. Example: Pathogen, active immunity, produces antibodies, lymphocytes, antigen. (defence mechanism of the body) Answer: Pathogen antigen lymphocytes produces antibodies active immunity. [5] (i) Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leaf boiled in alcohol, placed in sunlight. (testing for presence of starch) (ii) Interphase , Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase, M etaphase (sequential stages in Karyokinesis) (iii) S eminiferous tubule , penis, urethra, epididymus, vas deferens (course of passage of sperms in man) (iv) Pinna, cochlea, tympanum, ear ossicles, auditory canal (route through which vibrations of sound enter the ear) (v) S oil water, xylem, cortex, endodermis, root hair (conduction of water) Question 1 (d) State whether the following statements are 'True ' or 'False '. If 'False ' rewrite t he correct form of the statement by only changing the l ast word of the statement. [5] (i) The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete insulin. (ii) Duplicated chromosomes remain attached at a point termed centrosome. (iii) The number of pairs of autosomes in man is 22. (iv) Penicillin obtained from a fungus is an example of an antibody. (v) Plants that manufacture their own food are termed heterotrophs. Question 1 (e) Given below is an example of a particular structure and its special functional activity. e.g., Glomerules and ultra filtration. On a similar pattern complete the following: (i) Corpus luteum and _______. (ii) Iris of the eye and _______. (iii) Seminal vesicle and _______. (iv) Phloem and _______. [5] (v) Eustachian tube and _______. Question 1 (f) Given below is an experimental set up to study a particular process: [5] (i) Name the process being studied. (ii) Explain the process named in (i) above. (iii) Why is the pot covered with a plastic sheet? (iv) M ention one way in which this process is beneficial to the plant. (v) Suggest a suitable control for this experiment. Question 1 (g) Given below are incomplete explanations of certain biological processes terms where a key word has been left out. Rewrite t he completed explanation by i nserting t he key word in the space indicated by '^'. [5] (i) Birth rate is the number of '^' births per thousand of the population per year. (ii) Photolysis is the splitting of water molecules into Hydrogen ions and Hydroxyl ions in the presence of '^' and light. (iii) Vaccine is a preparation consisting of '^' microbes which help to build immunity in the human body. (iv) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from its region of high concentration to its region of low concentration through a '^' membrane. (v) Antiseptics are chemical substances applied to the '^' to destroy or prevent the growth and multiplication of harmful microbes. Question 1 (h) Briefly explain the following terms: (i) Destarched plant. (ii) Phenotype. (iii) Death rate (iv) Power of accommodation of the eve. [5] (v) Natural immunity. S ECTION II (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. Question 2 (a) Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) Identify the organelle. (ii) Name the physiological process occurring in this organelle. (iii) M ention one way in which this process is beneficial to man. (iv)Name the phases of the process occurring in the part labelled 'l' and '2'. (v) A chemical substance 'NADP' plays an active part in one of the phases. Give the expanded form of NADP and state its role in the above Process. (vi) Represent the physiological process mentioned in(ii) above in the form of a chemical equation. Question 2 (b) Give the technical/biological term for the following: [5] (i) Onset of menstruation in a young girl around the age of l3years. (ii) Eye defect occurring in old people where by they are unable to see near objects. (iii) The mucous membrane lining the uterus. (iv) The process of conversion of ADP to ATP during the first phase of Photosynthesis. (v) The point of contact between two neurons. (vi) Protective membranes covering the human brain and spinal cord. (vii) Respiratory openings found on the stem of woody plants. (viiii) The process by which white blood cells engulf harmful microbes. (ix) The process of mixing of two different substances/molecules. (x) Exudation of sap from injured parts of a plant. Question 3 (a) Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the part which [5] suits the following functions/descriptions:(i) The layer which prevents reflection of light. (ii) The structure that alters the focal length of the lens. (iii) The region of distinct vision. (iv) The part which transmits the impulse to the brain. (v) The outermost transparent layer in front of the eye lens. (vi) The fluid present in the anterior part of the eye in front of the eye lens. Question 3 (b) Complete the following table by filling in the blanks 1 to l0 with the appropriate terms:GLAND SECRETION FUNCTION/EFFECT on BODY 1 Testosterone 2 Adrenal 3 4 5 6 Influences metabolism of cells. Lachrymal 7 8 9 Growth hormone [5] l0 1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______ 8 _______ 9 _______ 10 _______ Question 4 (a) Given below are diagrams showing different stages in the process of fertilization of an egg in the female reproductive tract: [5] (i) Use the alphabets given below each diagram to show order in the process of fertilisation. (ii) Where in the female reproductive system does this normally take place? (iii) What is the biological term for the product of fusion? (iv) What is the chromosome number of (l) the egg (2) the fused product? (v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a mature human sperm. Question 4 (b) Differentiate between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets: [5] (i) M yopia and Hypermetropia (Condition of eyeball) (ii) Rods and Cones (Pigment Present) (iii) Tonoplast and Plasma membrane (Location) (iv) Wall pressure and Turgor pressure (Explain briefly) (v) DPT and BCG (Expanded form of the vaccine) Question 5 (a) The diagram given below depicts the cross section of the spinal cord. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: [5] (i) Name the process that is being depicted. (ii) Name the parts labelled 2, 5 and 6. (iii) Name the cells in contact with the part labelled '1'. (iv) What is the function of the parts labelled 3, 4, and 7? What is the technical term given to the pathway represented by 3, 4 and 7? (v) How does the arrangement of cells in the spinal cord differ from that in the brain? Question 5 [5] (b)(i) M ention any three functions of the Red Cross. (ii) Name any two microbes that cause diseases in man. In each case give an example of a disease caused by them. (iii) M ention three reasons why the growth of population has not been appreciable checked in India. Q uestion 6 (a) Given below are diagrams of plant cells as seen under the microscope after having been placed in two different solutions: [5] (i) What is the technical term for the condition of: l. Cell A? (i) What is the technical term for the condition of: 2.Cell B? (ii) From the solutions given in brackets (water, strong sugar solution, 1% salt solution) name the solution into which: 1.Cell A 2. Cell B was placed before being viewed under the microscope. (iii) Under what conditions in the soil will the root hair cell resemble: 1.Cell A 2. Cell B? (iv) Name the pressure responsible for the movement of from the root hair cell to the xylem of the root. How is it set up? (v) Name the pressure that helps in the movement of water up the xylem of the root. Question 6 (b) (i) Explain the following terms: (l) M utation [1] (b) (2) Homologous chromosomes [1] (b) (3) Alleles [1] (ii) Give the dihybrid ratio. Name and state the law which explains the same. [1] (iii) M ention three main reasons for the sharp rise in 'Human Population' in the world. [1] Question 7 [5] (a) (i) Draw a diagram of the nucleus of a cell, having chrornosome number 6, as it would appear in the M etaphase stage of M itosis and label the following parts in the diagram; (l) Aster (2)Achromaticspindle (3)Chromatid (4)Centromere (ii) M ention the difference between M itosis and M eiosis with reference to: 1. No. of daughter cells formed at the end of the division. 2. The chromosome number of the daughter cells formed. Question 7 (b) Account for the following briefly: (i) The pituitary gland is known as the 'M aster gland'. (ii) Animals owe their existence to Chlorophyll. (iii) Twins may or may not be identical. (iv) Herbaceous plants growing in well watered soils are found to wilt on a hot day. (v) Throat infections can lead to ear infections. [5]

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