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ICSE Specimen 2012 : Listening Skills (English Language Paper - 1) Internal Assessment

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LISTENING SKILLS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENGLISH Paper 1 (Thirty minutes) Name : __________________________________________________________________ Class : __________________________Index No : _______________________________ Signature of the candidate _____________________________ A Note for the Candidate A passage will be read aloud by the examiner twice. During the readings you may make brief notes on the rough paper you have been given. At the end of the second reading you will answer the questions in ink on the question paper. The duration of the assessment is 30 minutes, which includes the time taken for the two readings and answering the questions on the paper. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. Choose the most appropriate answer and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle near each question. [10] [One mark is awarded for each correct answer.] 1. How did the tiger get out of the cage? (a) It forced the door of the cage open. (b) The lock of the cage was opened. (c) The lock of the cage had not been shut. 2. What did the writer expect the tiger to do when it came out of its cage? (a) Jump and roll about. (b) Behave in a dignified manner. (c) Struggle with its trainer. 3. What precaution had been taken to prevent the tiger from running away during filming? (a) Two assistants and a trainer were in charge of the tiger. (b) It was kept in a strong cage. (c) It was held with a wire tied to its collar. 1 1 11211111111111111111111111345615789AB8C1DE8F A C1 78 1 3C 8 C 1 FF8FFB8C 1 4. Born in a circus, which of the following was the tiger not used to: (a) (b) (c) 5. Once the tiger calmed down (a) (b) (c) 6. Its jumping and rolling about. Its refusal to obey its trainer. Its chewing leaves in the bamboo grove. Give one instance when the tiger actually did what it was told. (a) (b) (c) 10. unpredictable vicious tame What un-tiger-like behaviour did the writer try to film? (a) (b) (c) 9. became very angry. fell ill on account of strain. tried hard but was unsuccessful. Which of these words best describes the tiger: (a) (b) (c) 8. the director took all the shots he needed for the film. the trainer got it back into its cage. it began to play with the film crew. Mr. Thorat went blue in the face saying, Up! but the tiger ignored him completely. The expression, went blue in the face means that Mr. Thorat. (a) (b) (c) 7. The company of people. Freedom in natural surroundings. Control by his trainer. When it was called out of its cage. When it was made to stop jumping about. When it got back into its cage. What is this passage about? (a) (b) (c) The difficulty of filming a scene with a circus tiger. The danger of filming a wild animal. The behaviour of a tiger in the wild. 1 1 11 11111111111111111111111345615789AB8C1DE8F A C1 78 1 3C 8 C 1 FF8FFB8C 1 LISTENING SKILLS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENGLISH Paper 1 Guidelines for the Examiner Material 1. The examiner s copy comprising Guidelines for the Examiner and the Passage for Oral Reading. 2. The question paper comprising questions and answers in multiple choice. Instructions for the conduct of the assessment Candidates are seated as for a written examination. The recommended number of candidates at a sitting is 30. The question paper and a sheet of rough paper are distributed to candidates before the readings of the passage take place. At this stage they enter their names, class, roll no. on the question paper and read the note for candidates. The passage is read aloud clearly by the Examiner twice, the first time at normal speed (about 110 words a minute) and the second time at a slower speed. Between the two readings the Examiner may give a pause of about three minutes to allow the candidates to read the questions and answers. During the readings the candidates may make brief notes on the rough paper given to them. At the end of the second oral reading the examiner directs the candidates to answer the question paper. Candidates will enter their answers in ink. The duration of the assessment is 30 minutes, which includes the time taken for the two readings and answering the questions on the question paper. 1 1 1 11211111111111111111111111345615789AB8C1DE8F A C1 78 1 3C 8 C 1 FF8FFB8C 1 The Examiner reads : In this passage, Satyajit Ray, the renowned film maker, describes how he tried to shoot a scene for a film, using a circus tiger. The door of the cage was unfastened and Mr. Thorat, the trainer, called out to the tiger. It responded almost at once and sprang out of its cage. Instead of walking sedately in a dignified manner the tiger started prancing around with tremendous enthusiasm. It leapt, it jumped, it rolled about, dragging its poor trainer, who was desperately clutching the wire tied to the tiger s collar, in a futile attempt to bring it under control. The camera was still standing on its three legs, staring into the bamboo grove, but the tiger showed no sign of making its way there. After nearly five minutes of madness, the tiger calmed down. Mr. Thorat and his two assistants looked a sight. The trainer spoke through pale lips and explained that this particular tiger had never been in the wild. It was born in a circus and had seldom been released from its cage. A sudden taste of its natural habitat had probably gone to its head. Once the tiger had calmed down, we managed to take a few shots we needed. Now another problem arose. The door of the cage was standing wide open. A stool had been placed near the cage. The tiger was supposed to jump on to the stool, when its trainer said, Up! and then run into its cage. Mr. Thorat went blue in the face saying Up! but the tiger ignored him completely. Instead, it seemed far more interested in sitting in the bamboo grove and tasting the young leaves on a stem. The tiger s behaviour made us feel quite reassured, even bold. A tiger that chewed bamboo leaves could definitely not be a man-eater. I took the camera even closer to the tiger to capture its most un-tiger-like behaviour. Then, even as the camera was running, the tiger took a giant leap and got back into its cage. Adapted from Childhood Days, A Memoir, by Satyajit Ray. Translated by Bijoya Ray. 1 1 1 11 11111111111111111111111345615789AB8C1DE8F A C1 78 1 3C 8 C 1 FF8FFB8C 1

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