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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (The Bai Avabai Framji Petit Girls' High School, Bandra West, Mumbai) Prelim / Pre-Board 1

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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BAIAVABAI F. PETIT GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL FIRST PRELIMEXAMINATION (2022- 2023) BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER-3) STD: X Date: 0 612. 2022 MARKS:80 TIME: 2 Hrs. + 15 Mins. Reading Time. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B he intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given inthe brackets SECTION A (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions) Question 1: Name the following by choosing the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only). () A higher concentration of ethylene is found in: a) Green banana. by Ripe banana. c) Fresh potato tuber. d) Green apple. (i) The fusion of the sperm and ovum is termed as: a) Reproduction. b) Development. Fertilization. d) Embryo (ii) The dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of the: a)Motorneuron. bSensory neuron. c)Intermediate neuron. d) Association neuron. This paper consists of 8 printed sides. [15 iv) Vitreous humour is present between the: a Lens and Retina. b) Iris and Lens. c)Corneaand Iris. d) Cornea and Lens. (v) The nephrons discharge their urine at the: a) Urinary bladder. b) Urethra. Renal pelvis. d) Renal pyramid. (vi) Chiasma is the a) Point of crossing over between the sister chromatids of a homologous pai. )Point of crossing over between the non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair. )Point of contact between the two nerve cells. d) Pont of contact between the sister chromatids. (vii) A plant cell may burst when: a) urgor pressure equalises wall pressure. bTurgor pressure exceeds wall pressure. c)Wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure. d) None of the above. (vil) NADP is expanded as: a) Nicotinamide, adenosirie dinucleotide phosphate. bNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. c) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleous phosphate d) Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleous phosphate. (ix) Movement of molecules of a substance from their higher concentration to lower concentration when they are in direct contact. a Diffusion. b) Endosmosis. c)Imbibition. d) Active transport. 2 ()The complex molecule consisting of a DNA strand and a core of histones. a) Centrosome. b) Nucleotide. Nucleosome. d) Chromosome. (xi) Photolysis is: Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the presence of light in and oxygen in the presence of light in the grana. b) Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions stroma. (xii) into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absence of light d) Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absence of light in stoma Agranulocytes are: a) Eosinophils and monocytes. b) Lymphocytes and basophils. Lymphocytes and monocytes. d) Eosinophils and basophils. (xii) Ultrafiltration occurs in: Bowman's capsule. b) Proximal convoluted tubule. c)Henle's loop. d) Distal convoluted tubule. (xiv) in grana. c) Splitting of water molecules Which part of the ear equalizes the air pressure? a) Pinna. b) Malleus. c)Eardrum. Eustachian tube. (xv) Which one a) NAA 6 ABA c)IAA. d) GA. of the following is a natural growth inhibitor? Question 2: 15) Name the following: cell placed in hypotonic solution. (a) (b) Condition of (c) The duct which transports urine from (d) The structure which connects the (e) Apair of corresponding chromosomes of the a Openings on the stem through which transpiration occurs kidney to the urinary bladder. placenta and the foetus. same size and shape, one from each parent. (i) Match the items given in Column A with the most appropriate ones in Column B and 51 REWRITE the correct matching pairs: Column B Column A (a) Glomerulus 1. Carries impulses away from the brain and spinal cord. (b). Fovea centralis 2. Site for aerobic respiration. (c) The stroma 3. 22+ X Or y chromosomes. (d) The grana 4. Helps in ultrafiltration. (e) Ovum 5. Site for dark reaction of photosynthesis. 6.Site for light reaction of photosynthesis. 7.22+ x chromosomes. 8.Is the exact center of the posterior portion of the retina (i) Given below are sets of five terms each. In each case rewrite the terms in the correct order so as to be in logicasequence. (a) (b) (c) Metaphase, telophase, prophase, anaphase, interphase. (d) (e) Sperm duct, penis, testis, Implantation, ovulation, childbirth, gestation, fertilization. Cochlea. tympanum, pinna, auditory canal, ear ossicles. sperms, semen. Clot, thrombin, fibrinogen, prothrombin, fibrin. 5 (iv) 5) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the others belong: (a) Cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus. (b) Ovary, ureter, fallopian tube, uterus. (c) Malleus, pinna, incus, stapes. d) Haemophilia, colour blindness, albinism, night blindness. (e) Auxin, oxytocin, cytokinins, ethylene. (v) 5 State the exact location of the following structures: (a) Hydathodes. (b) Chloroplast. (c) Incus. (d) Tricuspid valve. (e) Adrenal gland SECTION B (40 Marks) Section. Attempt any four questions from this Question 3: (1 Define pulse. (i)Differentiate between turgor pressure and wall pressure (definition). [21 (ii)State the functions of aqueous humor. (iv)Name the hormone [21 responsible for the following functions: [2 4a Converting Glycogen to Glucose. (b) Increased blood supply to muscles. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a human sperm. Question 4: i ) Explain accommodation Plants of the eye. growing in fertilized soil watered. Give reason. are often found to wilt if the soil is not adequately 12 (l) State any two functions of iv Define (V Given is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye. Study the same and then Cytokinin. implantation. State any 1 function answer the 21 of placenta. (21 [3 questions that follow e) Name the defect. YGive any 1 possible reason for this eye defect. CDrawa neat diagram to show how the above-mentioned defect is rectified. Question5: Define micturition. ) [1 Name the disease caused due to: [21 a y Under secretion of thyroxine in children. (b) Over secretion of growth hormone in adults. in Differentiate between menarche and menopause (definition). div) State the exact location and function of corpus callosun. Draw a neat diagram of a Malpighian capsule and label any two parts (21 12 3 Question 6: Expand the abbreviation- IAA. ) The cortex of the kidney shows dotted appearance. Give reason. 121 Give appropriate biologicall technical terms for the following: 21 Ta) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion neutralizes the acid in the vagina. b) A non-dividing phase of the cell cycle where more DNA is synthesized. iv) Define transpiration. Mention any 1 way in which this process is beneficial to plants. 6 12] The diagram given below shows a type of tropism. Answer the questions that follow: (v [3 Roots bend towards gravity (a) Name the type of t pis m. ( Define the above-mentioned tropism. (c) Give an example of a plant which shows Thigmotropism. Question 7: () Define serum. [11 State the exact location and function of organ of corti. [21 Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in 121 the brackets: Ma) Osmosis and Active Transport (Substances undergoing movement) byMetaphase and Anaphase (Position of chromosomes). Mention two functions of Amniotic fluid. Draw a neat (2 diagram of the stomatal apparatus found in the epidermis of leaves any two parts. and label [3] Question 8: Explain reflex arc. Gametes have [1] a haploid number of chromosomes. Give Differentiate between sperm duct and fallopian tube iv) Name the pigment present in photosensitive cells: (a) Rods (b) Cones reason. (function). (2 21 (2 ( contains The diagram below shows two test-tubes A and B. Test-tube A plant. Test-tube B contains both a green water plant and a Bubbles of oxygen Green water plant Snail B (a) Name the physiological process that releases the bubbles of oxygen. (bYExplain the physiological process as mentioned above in (a). (c)Why does test-tube 'B' have more bubbles of oxygen 8 green water snail. Both test-tubes in sunlight. Answer the questions that follow: 0 a are kept 3

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