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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physics (Vasudev C. Wadhwa Arya Vidya Mandir (VCW AVM), Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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V.C.W. ARYA VIDYA MANDIR PRE-PRELIMINARY REVIEW - DECEMBER 2022 Std: X Date: 9/12/2022 SCIENCE PAPER 1- PHYSICS Marks: 80 Time: 2hr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers. -------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B All essential working should be clearly shown whenever needed on the same sheet. The omission of the essential working will result in the Joss of marks. Do the rough working at the bottom of the paper. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets []. This paper comprises Sprinted pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION A (All the questions are compulsory) Question 1 i) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: When a body vibrates under a periodic force, the vibrations of the body are: a. Natural vibrations b. Damped vibrations c. Forced vibrations d. Resonant vibrations ii) The energy conversion, when an oscillating pendulum moves from mean to extreme position is: a. Kinetic to potential b. Potential ro kinetic c. Potential to kinetic to potential d. Kinetic to potential to kinetic. iii) When a current carrying current is placed in a magnetic field, perpendicular to it then the direction of the force experienced can be found out using: a. Lenz's Law b. Fleming's left-hand rule c. Right hand thumb rule. d. Fleming's right-hand rule ... 2 [15] 2 - - . P lim Dec emb er 2022 Con t.. .Std X Science paper-1 (Phy sics) re-pre iv) A bod y is acte d upo n by two une qua l forc e es in _opp osit . directions, but not in the sam e line. The effe ~t 1s that . a. The bod y will only hav e rota tiona l mot ion_ b. The bod y will only hav e tran slati ona l mot ion . c. The bod y will neit her hav e rota tiona l nor tran slat iona l mot ion d. The bod y will hav e rota tiona l as well as tran slat iona l mot ion v) Whi ch of the follo wing is not a char acte risti c of a para llel com bina tion of resis tors ? a. If one resis tor is fused, the circu it doe s not bec ome open . b. The total resi stan ce R is give n by the form ula 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ..... . c. The tota l resis tanc e bec ome s less than the leas t resistor, pres ent in the com bina tion. d. The curr ent thro ugh each resis tor alwa ys rem ains the sam e. vi) 24 Whi ch part icle is emit ted whe n 13A28 chan ges to 118 ? a. a-pa rticle b. Deu tero n c. Prot on d. Neu tron vii) Whi ch a. b. c. d. viii) The cent re of grav ity of a hollo w cone of heig ht h is at dist anc e x from its vert ex whe re the valu e of x is: a. h/3 b . h/4 C. 2h13 d. 3h14 A ray of ligh t afte r refra ction thro ugh a lens eme rges para llel to the axis of the lens. The incid ent ray pas ses thro ugh : a. Its optical cent re b. Its first focu s c. Its seco nd focu s d. The cent re of curv atur e of the first surf ace ix) one of the follo wing stat eme nts is corr ect? Live wire has zero pote ntial . Fus e is conn ecte d in a neu tral wire . Pote ntial of live and eart h wire is alwa ys the sam e. Eart h wire is used to prev ent elec tric sho ck. ... 3 r -3Cont .. . Std X Science paper-1 (Physics) Pre-prelim December 2022 x) For which of the following substances, resistance decreases with the increase in temperature? a. copper b. aluminium c. carbon d. iron xi) Two bodies of equal masses are placed at heights h and 2h. What will be the ratio of their gravitational potential energies: a. 1:2 b. 2:1 C. 1:4 d. 1:1 xii) The characteristics of sound which enables to differentiate between two sounds of different intensity is: a. Quality b. Amplitude c. Pitch d. Loudness xiii) A radiation P is focused by a proper device on the bulb of a xiv) The mechanical advantage of an ideal single movable pulley is: a. 1 b. 2 c. Less than 1 d. Less than 2 xv) The phenomenon of light that causes the diamond to glitter is: a. refraction b. reflection c. Total internal reflection d. absorption thermometer. Mercury in the thermometer shows a rapid increase . The radiation P is: a. Infrared radiation b. Visible light c. Ultraviolet radiation d. X- rays .. .4 I 4 Cont ... Std X Science paper- - - . ) p e prelim December 202 2 1 (Physics r Question 2 i) Copy and c~ e! ~ the ray . t diagram o s ho w the formation of the image of u~ bj ec t AB . ) [3] I. h ~ - - - + -..__ 0 ii) L' Derive the relationship be tween mechanical advanta ge , velocity ratio and efficienc y of a machine. iii) State any two industrial use s of radioactivity . iv) A, B and C are the three for ces each of magnitude 4 N acting in the plane of paper as sho wn in the figure. The point O lies in the same plane . What is the resultant torque about the point 0 . [2] [2] [2] B l :0- 8 m ~ ~J,_mJ.Q / A~~~/7 v) vi) State the change of energ y conversion when in use : a. Photocell b. Dynamo [2] Ca lcu lat e the tot al resist ance be tw ee n the po int s A an d B in the giv en cir cu it dia gra m. [2] A Question 3 i) C sn B Give any two factors affec ting critical angle . [2] ... 5 -5- Pre-prelim December 2022 Cont. .. Std X Science paper-1 (Physics) (2] following: Observe the diagram and answer the ii) tl11ll I. _ _____, key is closed. a) Is it safe to handle the bulb when the . b) Give reason to support your answer 14 Hz. Find its The frequency of white light is 7.5 x10 1 8 10 ms ) x 3 t= ligh of ed spe e (Tak ter. ome wavelength in nan f21 r an echo. State any two conditions required to hea (2] iv) ying conductor is Fleming 's Left-hand rule of current carr w: represented by the figure given belo [2) v) iii) / a. What does 1 indicate? 3? b. What is the angle between 2 and B SECTION pt any fou r questions.) tem (At Question 4 i) ii) balanced at 40 cm A uniform metre rod of weight 50gf is at 5 cm mark. mark, a weight of 100 gf is suspended pended to balance Where must a weight of 80 gf be sus the metre rod? . q tabi e: Complete the f o11 ow1n Colour of insulation Typ e of Wire Red i) Neutral ii) Green iii) - - -- .. . 6 [31 [3) I -6Cont. .. Std X Science paper-1 (Physics) Pre-prelim December 2022 a) Define 'specific resistance' and state its S.I unit. b) A metallic wire is ct oubled on itself. How do its specific resistance change? iii) Question 5 i) -1 A body of mass 40 kg has a momentum of 2000 kgms . Calculate: a) b) ii) [4] [3] The kinetic energy of the body The velocity of the body Copy and complete the path of the ray AB till it emerges out of the prism of critical angle 42 . [3] p iii) . A nucIeus 82 194x emits an alpha particle. a) b) c) [4J What will be the atomic number of the daughter nucleus Y? What will be the number of neutrons in the daughter nucleus Y? Write a nuclear reaction showing the emission of this particle. Question 6 i) Copy and complete the figure given below. I s ii) 0 [3] l R Name the two rays parallel to each other? a) Name the factors on which the heat produced in a wire depends when a current is passed in it. b) Complete the following : 1 kWh= _ _ J [3] ... 7 -7Cont. .. Std X Science paper-1 (Physics) Pre-prelim December 2022 iii) Question 7 i) ii) iii) [41 A block and tackle has two pulleys in each block, with the tackle tied to the hook of the lower block and the effort being applied upwards. Draw a neat diagram to show this arrangement. a) Calculate its mechanical advantage. b) [3] If a part of lens is covered, what happens to the following: Focal length . a) Intensity of the image. b) Nature of the image . c) a) Define superconductor. b) Draw an 1-V graph for a linear resistor. What does its slope represent? standing between two vertical cliffs and 320 m away person A from the nearest cliff, produces sound. He hears the first echo after 4s and the second echo 1.5 s later. Calculate: The speed of the sound in the air. a) The distance between the cliffs. b) [31 [41 Question 8 i) A pendulum with bob of mass m is oscillating on either side from its resting position P between the extremes Q and R at a vertical height h above P. What is the kinetic energy Kand potential energy U when the pendulum is at position: a) P ii) iii) b) Q c) R a) State two laws of refraction. b) Compare the speeds of light wavelength 2000 A and 4000 A in vacuum . Observe the diagram and answer the following questions: R, = 4!"1 [31 (?) :> R2= 4.0 r 10 V a) b) c) What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit? What is the current flowing through the battery? If all resistors are connected in series then [ current flowing through the battery is? ... 8 - - - - - - - -- -- - - 41 -8- Cont. .. Std X Science paper-1 (Physics) Pre-prelim December 2022 Question 9 i) a) How will you differentiate between a corwex and a concave lens by looking at i) A distant object ii) A printed page . b) State the S.I unit of power of a lens. ii) a) Define damped vibration. b) Give reason why when a troop crosses a suspension bridge, the soldiers are asked to break their steps . iii) a) Draw a neat labelled diagram and mention the position of centre of gravity for the following: i) Rectangle ii) Circular disc b) It is easier to turn the steering wheel of a large diameter than that of a small diameter. Give reason . {3] [3] [4]

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