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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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LA MARTINIERE FOR GIRLS REHEARSAL EXAMINATION-2022-23 BIOLOGY CLASS X Time : 2 Hours + 15 mins. reading time Full Marks-SO This paper consists of seven printed pages & 1 blank page. Section A is compulsory Attempt any 4 questions from Section B The intended marks for the questions or parts of the questions are written in brackets [ ] SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) 1. Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the correct answer only) : 1. The rate of transpiration is more wher. : (a) Atmosphere is dry (b) Temperature is high (c) Atmosphere is d1y and temperature is high (d) Humidity is high ' 2. An oxample of non-bioc.::::: ,2:~Jable waste is : (a) Vegetable peels (b) Sewage (c) Livestock waste (d) DDT . 3. Knot-like mass of blood capillaries inside the Bowman's capsule: (a) Afferent arteriole (b) Efferent arteriole (c) Pelvis (d) Glomerulus [Tum Over J X 810-1 (LMG) ' 4. The component ... Of the cell visible only during cell d1v1s1on: (a) Chloroplast (b) Mitochondria (c) Chromosome (d) Chromatin 5. Pigment present in u . nne: (a) Haemoglobin (b) Bilirubin (c) Urochrome ' (d) Rhodopsin 6 What is th e function of light energy in photosynthesis? {a) Reduce carbon dioxide {b) Split water molecule .,\ .. {c) Synthesize glucose (d) Activate chlorophyll , 7. The full form ofTSH is: (a) Tonsil stimulating hormone (b) Thymus stimulating hormone (c) Thyroid stimulating hormone i (d) Thyroid suppressing hormone 8. The hormone that regulates urine output: (a) Antidiuretic hormohe (b) Thyroxine (c) Testosterone (d) Glucagon . 9. The surgical technique used in human females to prevent pregnancy: (a) Vasectomy (b) Tubec.tomy {c) Contraceptive pills (d) Diaphragms X B10-2 (LMG) 10. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas? (a) Oxygen (b) Methane (c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Nitrogen 11. Which of the following is not a biomedical waste? (a) Used and discarded needles (b) Syringes (c) First aid box (d) Soiled dressings 12. A plant cell may burst when (a) Turgor pressure equalizes wall pressure (b): Turgor pressure exceeds waii ~, e::is,g~_. (c) Wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure (d) None of the above 13. A gland which secretes both hormone and enzyme is (a) Pituitary (b) Pancreas (c) Thyroid ~d) Adrenal 14. Mitotic of a cell with 8 chromosomes will result in two daughter cells wi1h (a) 16 chromosome each (b) 8 chromosome each (c) 4 chromosome each (d) 24 chromosome each 15. Group of hormone secreting cells of pancreas is called (a) Islets of Langerhans (b) Acinar cells (c) Sertoli cells (d) Leydig cells [Tum Over J X 810-3 (LMG) - -2. (I) Name the following : [5] (a) Tho complex cons ISiing . 0 f a DNA strand and a core of histones. (b) Squeezing out of VVscs from the capillaries into the surrounding tissues. (c) Fluid that surrounds the foetus. (d) The difference between birth rate and death rate. (e) The plant hormone Which helps in the ripening of fruits. k: (i) (ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms In each group In the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underliwd. [5] rti . (f:;i !) " (a) Aff~rent artenole, renafvein, ;apiilary etwork, Gl~me~ulus, effer arteriole (b) lmpla@afi6n, ovulation, part~tion, ge I fert1l~t1on. \. /,,-- . ? -~ . (c) 2 1 phase, Karyokmesis, S-Phase, Cytokmes1s, G;' phase 'J.i 'L I h j" (d) Pinna, auditory canal, ear ossicles, cochlea, tympanum (e) ~riies, Node of Ranvier, Axdn endings, Ax1an, Cell iody (iii) Match the items in Column I with more appropriate ones in Column rewrite the correct matching pairs : Column I Column II (~ine 131 / . Acid Rain (b{ Styrofoam 2. Death rate flNatality nand [5] Non-biodegradable waste ""ef) Smog 4. Iodine solution K y. sulphur dioxide Air pollutant Birth rate / .Nuclear radiation pollutant (iv) Choose the odd one out and name. the categories to which others belong: (51 \ (a) Oxytocin, Insulin, Prolactin, Somatotropin (b) Urea, Carbo~c acid, creatin~~. uric_ acid (c) Cerebrum Cerebellum Thalamus, Hypothalamus ' ' >. . (d) Activation of chlorophyll, formation of glucose, photolysis of water, release of oxygen X 810-4 (LMG) Ci) (e) Blinking of eyes, riding a bicycle, writing a note, driving a car [5] {v) State the exact location of the following structures : (a) loop of Henle (b) Spleen (c) Mitra! valve (d) Seminal vesicles (e) Pituitary SECTION B . (Attempt any four from this section) 3. (i) Define Demography. [11 (ii) Give one point of difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. [2] (iii) What is chemotropism? Give an example. [2] (iv) State Mendel's law of Independent Assortment. [2] (v) Study the following experimental set-up and answer the following questions : (a) Name the apparatus. (b) What is it used for ? (c) What is the role played by the air bubble in the experiment ? 4. (i) Expand the abbreviation-DNA (ii) What are the rungs of DNA ladder made of ? (iii) 'Blind spot is. considered as the area of no vision' -Explain (iv) What is blood pressure? Which instrument is used to measure it? ,.,vt1raw a neat labelled diagram to show the structure of a mammalian sperm. lY .., { Turn X B10-5 (LMG) Over} 5. [1] (i) Define Micturition W' Mention the role ,::..< 1 St . fl "d in the central nervous system. of cerebrosp1nal u1 [2] [21 ate any two f ; .< unctions of placenta. (yr, Which gland se . t effect on the blood sugar level? [21 . crates insulin? What is I s . . .. . (v) Given below is . . 8 stage during the m1tot1c cell d1v1s1on. a diagram representing Answer the follow ing questions: \-'1 J (a) Identify the stage. (b) Give a suitable reason for your answer in (a). (c) Name the stage that follows the one shown in the diagram. 6. (i) Define hormones. [1] (ii) Differentiate between the terms turgidity and flaccidity. (iii) 'Adrenaline is an emergency hormone'-Give reason. [21 [21 ) State the function of cerebellum '.Vith a suitable example. [2] (v) Study the diagram given below ar,1d answer the questions that follows : B -- + (i) Identify the phase of the heart beat shown in the figure . (ii) Label part C. (iii) Which part of the heart is contrac.ting_during this phase? x I \\l B10-6 (LMG) [3] 7. (i) What is apical dominance? [1l (ii) Differentiate between corpus callosum and corpus luteum. [2] 'Gargling with .saline solution helps to cure throat infections'-Why? (w) Mention two consequences of greenhouse effect. [2] [2] (v) A pure tall plant (TT) is crossed with pure dwarf plant(tt). Draw Punnett squares to show F1 and F2 generation. Give the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation. [3] 8. (i) Define-Osmosis. [1 l (ii) 'A convex lens is used for correcting hypermetropia.'-Explain. [2] (iii) 'Dwarfism and mental retardation in children are caused due to an endocrine disorder'-Give the biological term for the defect and the gland responsible for the (iv) How do the ear ossicles contribute in the mechanism of hearing? [2] !;I) Given below is a portion from the human body showing some important structures: [3] (a) Identify the structure X shown ,mthe figure. (b) Name the hormone produced by structure X. (c) Mention one function of the hormone produced by the s~ructure X. ;i,. i' X B10-7 (LMG)

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