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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Maneckji Cooper Education Trust School, Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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tlaneckii Ceoper Edutation TrustSthool JuhuTara Road, Numbal -400849 PRE-PRELIMINARY EXANINATION BIOLOGY DATE: 21/nu2022 TINE: 2 Nears MARKS: S8 STD: X Arswers o ohis Paper mast be wruinem on he pugpe previdled sepaaley Xoawillmot be alliowed to wrikecduringahest15mbutes This time is aa be spent in reading the auesthion Paper Te time gier atshe heudof bhis paper he timealirwe or wriingshe answers Sectiom 4is compulser dmemgt any oar questions fom Section The intemded marks j rquestions orpurs questions aregihemitbrackets SECTION-A (Attempt all questioms from this section) Questionl Selecr he cemectanswersnhe quesacns em e gvenaptions Dea tags the qostion 5 Write the comect ansuer oniy LAmScular wall S asent in Vein 2 Caplar )Anenoie Axona enciosed inambe sheah cale DendtS Nyellin sheath The mumber of chromoscemesna humum skin el Symaps ()2 1 b e movement ct e e l e s et a suhstance e m their e r aeen lower comcemtance wtien they are in direct comtact s (a) osmosiss n ae their actve t g t Contractioc ot utenus during childbirth is caused byc )ISH )orytoc vi Tbe statistical stuy ot human population is (a) vi~ Population dersity )Demogaphy ( ) Gewth rae Naaliy Light reaction takes place in the (@) gana ct he enloroplast )chonda ()soma of the chikenpast cytaplasm Page Subyect- in Std-X (c) Comea and Lens Vll. Aqucous humour is present between tnc 6) (a) Lens and Retina (d) Come Iris and Lens and Iris 1X. Transpiration takes place through: (a) Stomata (d) Root surface (c) Cuticle (b) Lenticels hephase which comes before the mitotic phase (a) GI phase X1. Cytokinins are phase (c) G2 (b) S phase predominantly present in tissues (b) Meristematic tissues The region where crossing over takes place 15(c) (a) Chiasmata (b) Cell plate rermanent XIl. xii. Gigantism (a) and Acromegaly are due to Hyposccretion of Thyroxine () Hyposccretion of Growth Hormone xIV. The nephron discharges (a) Urinary bladder Xv. urine at (d) M phase (a) Endodernmis (c) Spindle fibre Cortical region (d) Chromosome of Thyroxine (b) Hypersecretion (d) Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone the: (b) Urethra (d)Renalpyramid ()Renalpelvis The acronym SAN stands for: (a) Sinus Atrial Node (b) Sino Atrial node () Sympathetic Autonomic nerve (d) Sino Axial Nerves Question 2 i. Name the following. (a) Part of the brain responsible for the balance of the 15) body. (b) Homone secreted by the delta cells of the islets of (C) Middle layer of the eye. Langerhans. (d) Compound formed when haemoglobin combines with carbon dioxide in blood. (e) The knot like mass of blood capillaries found in the ii. Arrange and rewrite the terms in Bowman's Capsule. eacn group in the correct order so as to be in sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. (a) Intestine, Liver, Intestinal Hepatic vein, Hepatic (b) Spinal cord, Motor neuron,artery, Rcceptor, Effector, Sensor Portal vein. () Water molecules, Grana, Photons, Hydro and (d) Lens, Pupil, Conjunctiva, YelloW (e) Cormea. Hydroxyl ions, Oxygen Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase, Metaphase, Interph iii. Match the items in correct pairs. spot, Column I with the most rphase. appropriate ones in a is logical released Column II. Rewrite the Subject- Biology Std-X Colupn (alternate Column ) gene form of a (bCranium AUxins (c) Iris Gey Meiosis () LAA (ji) Brain ) Allele (ciametes ( Skin cells (Pericardium Hear etns and name the category to which the toitowg iv. Choose the odd one out from the 5 Arachnoid. others belong Dura (a) mater, Pia mater, Grey matter, Sneezing. Blushing, (6) Blinking, (C) (d) (e) Typing, Adrenal. Pituitary, Rhodopsin. Lacrimal, Thyroid, Adrennline, Iodopsin, Haemoglobin, Colour blindness Albinism, 5) Haemophilia, Typhoid, structures. location V. State the of the (a) Chordae tendinea convoluted (6) following exact tubule Proximal (C) Lenticels (d) Thyroid gland (e) Fovea centralis SECTION -B (Attempt any from this section) four questions [1] 2) Qy stion 3 i. ii. iii. iv. V. action Define- Reflex RBCs and WBCs d i t f e r e n c e between Give the and give o n e example. What is chemotropism Give reasons two suitable why Punnets square The following a marine shows a ther with respect to under the tap fish thrown shape. 2 21 water bursts representing two h u m a n s c r o s s between the [3] trait of haemophilia. X (a) What is the ratio of X X XY XoX XY haemophiliac children to carrier children (b) Identify the parent who is haemophiliac. () Name one more disorder that follows the above patterm in humans. Page 3 Subject- Biology Std-X guestion 4 iExpand the abbreviation- CSF Give two causes for nse in world population t. Mention two functions of cortical hormones. 2 ration. Give two N. Adetcct adaptations in plants to reduce excessive transput of the eye s shown below. Answer ai 3 gnet oei the questions (a) ldentify the eye defect. (b) How can it be rectified? (C) Tdentity the structure of the eye that helps to change the shape ot the lens. Question 5 1. Detine- Ultrafiltration State twO ways 11. Give two 1. by which insulin checks rise of sugar level in blood. signiticances of meiosis iv. State V.Draw 2 dilference between turgor pressure and wall pressure. neat labelled diagram one a 21 of a Malpighian capsule. Question 6 i. Define- Natality i. Differentiate between Metaphase and Anaphase with regards to their characteristie feagure 0od absorbed by the stomach and intestines is first brought to the liver. Give two reasons. iv. Name the part of the brain that carries the other and state its exact location. v. A impulses irom one hemisphere of the cerebellum particular physiological phenomenon seen in plants is to given below. Page4 Subije iooey std the phenomenon (a) Name the structure (b) Identify seen on abovVe which itif on through whigh occurs f through the lenf root pressure () What is Qdestion 7 i. Explain- Micturition reasons Give two ii. two Mention ii. iv. State one ndel why Mendel functions difference the in of Ethylene plants, and between Dark endocrine gland the gland (a) Identify (b) the garden garden pea selected the pea ffor selected his experiments Light Adaptation shoWn below and unswer the questions that follow shown above, of the hormone due to the hypcrsecretion disorder causcd ldentify the diet:' Explain. recommended in our iodised salt is released by it. (c)Use of Question 8 i. Define- Pulse i. Renal ii. cortex Differentiate and renal medulla is darker in appearance and between Atrial Systole that close. iv. Explain V. the Law of Independent Ventricular is striped. Give reason. Systole with regards to the valves 2 12 Assortment, below. division is shown A stage of cell (a) Tdentily the phase. shown haploid number of chromosomes (6) What is the (C) ldentity whether the above seen structure is a plant in tne igure. or animal cell. Give one reason for your answer. Pages

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