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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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DELHI PUBLIC SCH00L NEWToWN SESSION2022-2023 PREBOARD EXAMINATION FULL MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 HOURS CLASS: X SUBJECT: BIOLOGY .SET A written o n the puper rovu wrilr during n e j i to i s puper must oe Ansnn You will not be allowed to paper. This time is to be spent in reading e ne tume of gven at the head this paper is the time allowed Jor writnng e answEn. Section B. Sechon ne enaed A questions Jrom compulsory. Atempt any Jour Bven is marks Jor questions s or parts of questfions ure oJ consists question paper in brackets 1 J- oprintrd pages. SECTION A40 Marks)section) (Attempt all questions from this Question 1 Select the correct answers to question. Write tlhe correct i The a. i. ii. 8h-yh day, Which oniy) used identily to the Pyrogallic Acid, place c. options. (Do presence of not copy the 15 starch: Soda Lime, d. Methylated spirit. b. Conjunctiva, The number of Fly ash a. on: 13h -14h day, part of the eyeis grafted a. Natallty, vi, from the given answer lodine, b. Alkaline Ovulation takes a. V. questions Guttation takes place through: b. Lenticels, c. Epidermisd. Hydathodes. a. Stomach, a. iv. solu tion which is the b. Cornea, deaths in und metalilic ush are a -20h day, Ciliary population c. Popiulation, eumples b. Blomedical d. A a donated eye? muscle. per year: d. Population density. of: waste, c. waste. 27th day. 26th needy patient from Choroid, d. per 1000 of Mortalty, Domestie waste, e. 19 ce. Agricultural waste, d. Iudustrial ill Plutuns, , .Deatros, The pgment p r r thudupsn, uton. (an, . gulin, .d.Nune one . *. ludupsi, , uDg the sea deteril Autsmes .Aosomes, quan whlch .Nrshrmosome L i g h l y coked, ( i a e n o u r ot of RAnis) hem. thiem, are nls0 knuwn a pilteliu, ute entromere, d. Chromemere. T e pigmenl prsrnt io uriue: a. A GlaceUe, b, le, .tr .Tote udden chang n one ur n 0r ne uumber or strutlure ol Mutation, , Karyotype, Karyokinesis, d. Cytukinesis s . The uatrument wlich s usvd 1 ncasure tie rate of transpiration: .Manoeter, . Welghing machine, BellJar, P'otomeler e nber onater noleculesqulred in the chenilcal reactions to produce ne molecule of glueus dus ing phutosyntiesis ls: . 5 b . 12. e. 6, d.7 deficency of The. ADH ses Dlabetes meltitus, D. 1Daltes insipidus, e. Dwartin, d. Acromegaly Qwestion 2 (0) IS1 Nutne the folluw lig a.The hormone produced from adrenal unedulla. b. A condition in whieh sune people by birth cannot discriminate between ertain colours as red and green. e. () The growth wvement f plant parts in response to touch stimulus. to measure blood presure. O d. An nstrunent uscd e The ehemleul substance whieh Initiates the process of clotting of bleod. Choose the odd one out and write the correct category to which the others belong: Eunple-Large Intestinc. Stomach, Month, Brain. Odd one- rain, Category- Organs of Digestive Sy stem Carbon Dionlde, Dirty dressingS, Sulphur Dlexlde, Carbau Moauxide. b. Condoms, Dinphragms, Pils, Sperm ki ling ngents, C. d. C. (ii) Embryo, Morula, Foetus, Umbilical Cord. Mineralocorticoids, Insulin, Glucocorticoids, Sex corticoids. Semi-circular canal, Utriculus, Sacculus, Eustachian tube. in the correct order the terms in each group Arrange and rewrite with the term that is underlined. in a logical sequence beginning Canal. Pinna, Oval Window, Cochlea, Auditory Afferent Arteriole, Glomerulus, Proximal Tubule, so as Bowman's to be 51 Capsule. DNA, Chromatin Fibre, Chromosome, Nucleosomes. d. e. Prophase, Telophase, Anaphase, Agueous Chamber, Retina, Match the correct (iv) answers Metaphase. Vitreous Chamber, Lens. rewrite the of Column I with Column II. Please correct pairs: 51 Column II a. Histone and DNA Column II a. Lymphocyte b. Antibodies b. Nucleosome Medulla Oblongata d. Leydig Cells c. c Fruits without fertilization d. Phytohormone e. Progesterone f. Testosterone e. Parthenocarpy g. Breathing (V)State the exact location of the following: 15 a. Incus b. Ciliary body (he Te c. Prostate gland d. Atrio-ventricular node e. Seminal vesicles SECTION B(40 Marks) (Attempt anyfour questions from this section) Question3 ) Define Phytohormones. () Mention the site of fertilization in a female human body. Mention the function [2] of vas deferens. i Mention the changes observed in human eye during the light adaptation. (iv) Identify the reflexes for the following: a. Coughing when the food swallowed enters the wind pipe [21 121 b. (v) Applying brakes in your vehicle Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the correction of Myopia. A/3 13 Jurlfa#4 d) Pasmalysts frnlt ty the understand pou tinth ( ter Whnt dn Ima mparhant Mania perme sida merotr an Metspka haraelerha leatarn arartee it **teli well lalbellsd diegm f Anpli )Praw rsmnses. h*vina westlon Wlte ) ) s Die laleiled lalanted he 2 themie ntae: nl rgstu phliny the dlgrnm givn bsow and efine prcess"A i s oy tie nd 1dentily protee Menlion fhe surgleal m h o d done in males for the contrsl of pogaiatien. fare O e te diagr an gven . b elow and soswer tlie faliownz y* Meulinn the aim of he enperinent What dn yuu vhrvr In a f "A"at he rnd uf the eaperiaent when teated with lodine solution7 A/4 uestion6 e n t l o n the phenotypie ratlo of h (1) geseration la a 4ihyira t Mention two factors responsille tor pup S t a t e the Law of Independent Asortment. the plant used by Mendel in his posion l ntis 1* Menton 1he enpverlnent. crosed with a A p u r e plant with green pod (GG) a Fnd E out the iada seiesfife name y pura pia Phenotypik ratin and (enotype ralm "P: Eeneration. () Name the three bones present in the rar. Question 77 N a i n e the paper used as an indicator of meristare in i e e P transpiration. Detine Oogenesis. Name the wbich female hormone uterine wall in a feanale body and is relea Qn) (iv) e ketps d matsia ere k (definition asd*ereE Dilferentiate between Mitosis and Meinis belyw asd lalbet e para ODserve the diagram of Human eye given as "A" and "P". Draw a neat, labelied diagratn of a sperm. Qurslion8 0) of IAA. Mention the full form (i) Menlion any two functians of Cibereia in lhiily reigwas () why do peupse of Gv) to entkn 1he two functions take iodiae ia Aqoa finat thir diz (V shown in the diagram Observe the female reproductive system label 'A', 'B' and 'C'. given below and 131 B

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