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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWTOWN SESSION: 2022-23 PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION CLASS: X FULL MARKS: 80 sUBJECT: CHEMISTRY (SET A] General Instructions: TIME: 2 HOURS The paper consists of six printed pages. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. Answers should be to the point. Question numbers shoeld be copied carefully while answering the questions. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this section) Question 1 Choose one correct answer to the questions from the given options: ) A weak electrolyte is: A. Acetic acid B. Carbon tetrachloride Molten sodium chloride C. ) D. Sugar syrup Ionisation potential is maximum for the element is: A. Noble gases B. C. Alkaline earth metals . (ii) iv) Alkali metal The main component of brass is: A. Nickel B. Copper C. Chromium . Aluminium The A (v) Halogens polar covalent compound Methane B. Water C. D. Nitrogen Chlorine An acid which has A. B. C. is: one replaceable hydrogen ions: Formic acid Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid - D. Phosphorus acid (vi) The metal whose hydroxide is soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide is: A. Lead B. C. Magnesium Copper D. Calcium A/1 15 h e vapeur density of benzene is 39, it's molecular masS A. 18.5 78 C. 93 D. 80 a s which turns moist lead acetate paper silvery black 1S A. Ammonia B. Hydrogen sulphide Sulphur dioxide Hydrogen chloride C. D. e arying agent which forms an addition compound with ammonia gas is A. Caleium chloride B. Calcium oxide C. D. Phosphorus pentoxide Concentrated sulphuric acid T h e pH of the solution which will liberate sulphur dioxide from sodium bisuipnitc A. 3 B. C. D. 8 14 12 (X1) The gas released when copper turnings reacts with concentrated nitric acid is: A. Nitric oxide B. Nitrogen dioxide Sulphur dioxide Sulphur trioxide C. D. (i) The compound which ean be used to obta n ethene from bromocthane is : A. Alcoholie potassium hydroxide B. Calcium oxide C. Phosphorus pentoxide D. Aluminium oxide (xii) The UPAC name of iso butane is: A. 2,2-dimethylpropane B. C. 2-methylpropane 2-methylbutane 3-methylbutane D. (xiv) The ion which will get discharged at the cathode during the eletrolysis of a solution containg the following ion is: A. Copper B. Silver C. Sodium D. Potassium (xv) An alkaline earth metal found . Caleium B. Magnesium C. Strontium D. Barium period 4 A/2 Question 2 G) The lollowing reactions are carried out: Nitrogen + Metal Compound X B: Compound X + warm water Ammonia 5 A: - C: Ammonia + Sulphurie compound Name another metal whieh (e) Write Compund Y ncidAmmonium sulphate One metal that can be used for reaction A is (a) Write the formula of the 0 + ean magnesium. X. be used instead of magnesium in reaction balanced chemical equation for reaction B. (d) How is the ammonia gas collected? (c)Which property of ammonia is demonstrated by reaction C? (i) Match a the following Column A 5 A with Column B: Column A Column B (a) Zinc oxide 1. Nitrogen (b) Copper hydroxide 2. Yellow when hot and white when cold (c) Lead hydroxide 3. Pale blue (d) Silver plating 4. Chalky white (e) Triple covalent bond 5. Sodium argentocyanide Gii) Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the brackets I neutral/ acidie] (a) Aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide gas is in soluble water/ organic solvents] (b) lonic compounds are (c) The sulphide ore of lead is I Cinnabar/ galena] heating leaves a liquid residue ammonium/ (d) The nitrate which (e) [ammonium chloride/ Basic gas gives dense white fumes of ammonium hydroxide] with hydrogen chloride. on 5 mercury] 5 (iv) Identify the following: (a) The gas produced when concentrated nitrie acid reacts with sulphur. (b) Hydrocarbons having carbon-carbon double or triple covalent bonds. article. (c) The eurrent needed for (d) (e) The type of electrolyte which contains ions as well as molecules. A mixture which boils at a fixed temperature without any change concentration or composition. (v) (a) electroplating an Draw the structural formula of the (1) 2-methylbutanoic acid in following: (2) 2,2,2-trichloroethanal (3) Propyne (b) Write the IUPAC name of the following: (1) The second member of alkene family second carbon. (2) Chloroform A/3 with a bromine atom attached to the SECTION B (Affempt any four questions from this section) Question 3 tdentify the anions present in each of the following 21 t e sulphuric acid is added to compoundCo Ba colourless gas witn a odour is rcleased which Cating turns acidified potassium dichromae solution from orange to clear green. aition of aqueous silver nitrate solution to solution of compoud Da curdy white precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess of hydroxide solution. ammo m (i7) Write the products and balance the (a) Cu following equations: 121 +cone H2S04 a (b) C+conc HNO3 (11) Arrange the per the instruction (a) Na, Cl, Si,following S given in the brackets: (increasing order of (b) C,B, N, O oxidizing property) (c) Br, F, IL, CI (decreasing order of non-metallic character) as (increasing order of electron affinity) (iv) Fill in the blanks selecting the appropriate word from (a) Pair of valence electrons which do (bond pair/lone pair) not take part in 13 the given choice: bond formation (b) A molecule which has a double covalent bond (c) lonic compounds conduct oxygen/ water) electricity in their molten state because they consist of free ions/ molecules) Question 4 () For each of the Aluminium. substances given below, what is the role played in the extraction of (a) Gas carbon 2 (b) Cryolite (ii) Calculate: (a) Give the empirical formula of NaH4 (b) 13 A gas eylinder holds 5 of g hydrogen gas under eertain conditions of temperature and pressure. If an identical cylinder with the same capacity can hold 85 g of gas P' under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, calculate the vapour density and molecular mass of gas P'. (ii) The following questions are pertaining to the laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride gas: 131 (a) Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction taking place? (b) Why is the gas not collected by downward displacement of water? (c) How is the gas collected? (iv) Explain the following: (a) Freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution is used for brown ring test. (b) Sulphurie acid cannot be obtained by dissolving suiphur trioxide in water. 2 Question 5 ) (a) State the property of ammonia gas demonstrated in fountain experiment. (b) A solution of hydrogen chloride gas in toluene is neutral. Why? A/4 121 () ldentify the cation present in the a ) when ammonium hydroxide following compouds bascd solution is added on the observations: solution of compound A no Precipitate is formed whereas when sodium hydroxide solution is added to the to a solution of compound Xx, a milky white precipitate is formed. (b) A dull white precipitate is obtained when sodium hydroxide is added to an aqueous solution of 'Y". (iii) Give balanced chemical equation (a) Sodium propionate [21 [3] for the following: is heated with soda lime. (b) Ethyne is bubbled through bromine in carbon tetrachloride. (C) Bromoethane is heated with hot concentrated alcoholic potassium hydroxide. 13 (iv) State one relevant observation for each of the following reactions: (a) Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper oxide. (b) Molten lead bromide is electrolysed using graphite anode. () Sodium hydroxide solution is added to aqueous zine sulphate solution in small quantities. Question 6 2 G) Define: (a) Ore (b) Matrix 12 (ii) Solve: to form 200 c c of ethene is burnt in just sufficient air (containing 20% oxygen) carbon dioxide gas and steam according to the equation given: 2C2H (g) +30 2cO2 (g) +2H20 () (g) air needed. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide formed and 13 (iii) Give reason for the following: (a) Electrolysis is an example of redox reaction. is a n example of a catalytic reaction.. (b) Electrolysis of'acidified w a t e r of methane from sodium a c e t a t e (c) Soda lime is used for the preparation instead of sodium hydroxide. (iv) the Write balanced chemical equation for (a) (b) (c) Dilute hydrochlorie acid Concentrated sulphuric Ammmonia gas as a as a acid typical as a 13 following: acid. dehydrating agent. reducing agent. i Question 7 (i) 3.5g of nitrogen combines D e t e r m i n e the (ii) empirical with 2 g of oxygen to form formula of this oxide. the Identify the gas released in each of reacted with is dioxide Manganese [ foilowing an N=14 oxide of colourless, odourless gas O (a) Identify MA. (b) (c) Give one concentrated hydrochioric acid. and leaves behind a 21 brown gas black residue P. chemical test for gas N. Write balanced chemical equation for action of heat A/5 3 cases: (a) cold dilute nitric acid. (b) Magnesium is reacted with o n M solid heating produces a reddish A blue crystalline (iii) a nitrogen. O=16] on M. N, 31 (iv) What would you observe when: (a) The ethane is burnt in excess of oxygen. 0) Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to crystals of blue vitrio. 12 Question 8 9 Draw the electron dot and cross structure of the following molecules: (a) Methane 2 (b) Hydrogen chloride (i) Distinguish between the following pair of compounds: 121 (a) Sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide solution using copper nitrate solution. (b) Ethane and ethyne using bromine water. (ii) With respect to electrorefining of copper answer the following: (a) What ehange would you notice at the anode? (b) Write equation for the reaction taking place at the cathode (c) Write equation for the anode reaction. (iv) Identify the functional (a) CaH,CO0H (b) CH,OH (c) CH,COCH3 group in the following organic compound: 13

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