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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai)

8 pages, 104 questions, 10 questions with responses, 11 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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C.N.M.&N.D.PAREKH Prellkece in Faducatie Shri Vilc Parle Kelavani Mandal's C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh STD Pre-Primary School TIME PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION DATE 2022-23 X 80 2 hours GEOGRAPHY 10/01/2023 MAX MARKS Number of printed page/s - 8+ 1 Outline map of India Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I is compulsory. All questions from PartI are to be attempted. A total offive questions are to be attempted from Part I1. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [] To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 Note: () In all i) The extract of Survey of India Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. hall. It must be handed (i ) The over to Map Sheet No. G43S7 the must not be taken out of the examination Supervising Examiner on completion of the paper. Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, and after marking must be fastened to your answer booklet. iv) All sub-sections of the (v) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer answer questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. sheet which is used to the rest of the paper. Std. X-Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 1 of s PARTI (30 Marks) Attempt all questions tronm this Part) Question1 Study the oextract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. (G43S7 and answer the following questions; a) Give the four What figune grid referenee of spot 2 height 317 does the black horizontal line in the centre indicate (a) How does the drainage pattem in grid square 3887 difler fronm 4388? (b) Give reason for ii) (a) What is ) Mention () the above the direction 121 drainage pattern. of the tlow of the type of rainfall Balaram Nadi? Give evidence. experienced in the southern part of the 12 region. Give evidence. Explain the following terms: 2 (a) Broken grounds (b) 9r in grid square 3789 (i) (a) Calculate the area enclosed from eastings 39 to 43 and northings 91to 94. (c) Name a settlement that lies on 121 the left bank of the Balaram Nadi. Question 2 On the outline map of India ) provided: Shade and label Nathula Pass. ii) Mark and name leading producer of iron-ore. 11 (ii) Mark and label sparsely populated area in the North-West. (iv) Mark and name Lake Wular. (v) Shade an area of black soil in peninsular India. (vi) Draw and label Indian Standard Time. (vii) Shade and label the Malabar Coastal Plains. (vii) Mark with a red dot and name the capital of West Bengal. (ix) Shade and label the tributary of River Yamuna. (Any one) (x) Shade and label Vindhyas. Std. X-Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 2 of 8 Question 3 10 Choose the correct option: ()Anthracite coal is only found state of India. in (a) Jharia (b) West Bengal (c) Jammu & Kashmir (d) Kerala season. (ii) Groundnut is grown in (a) Rabi season (b) Kharif season (c) Zaid season (d) ii) The Rabi and Kharif season South West (a) SE monsoon winds blow in summer from to NW b) NE to Ssw (c) NW to SW (d) SW to NE (iv) Bagasse is associated with (a) Jute industry (b) Cotton industry (c) Silk industry (d) Sugar industry (v) This city is called 'Silicon Valley of India. (a) Bengaluru (b) Mumbai (c) Pune (d) Hyderabad (vi) Hirakud Dam is constructed across the river (a) Jhelum b) Chenab (c) Sutiej (d) Mahanadi Std. X - Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 3 of S for dry faming. (vii) This soil is ideal (a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Laterite soil (d) Red soil West found in the deltas of (vii) Name the vegetation Bengal. (a) Mangrove forest (6) Tropical evergreen (c) forest Thorn and Serub forest (d) Mountain forest is (ix)_ a traditional rainwater harvesting mechanism in Easterm Ghats. (a) Johads (b) Surangam (C) Korambu d) Baolis of animals simultaneously (x) Cultivation of crops and raising is called (a) Commercial Farming (b) Intensive Farming (c) Subsistence Farming (d) Mixed Farming PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part) Question 4 to Give two i) Give the economic importance of the reasons 12 justify that Himalayas act as a perfect climatic divide. (i) 2 following: aBardoli Chheerha (b) Mango Showers (iii) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: lower annual range of temperature than Delhi. (a) Chennai has (b) Central Maharashtra receives less rainfall then Westem Maharashtra. a 13 c) Punjab has three sources of rain. Std. X- Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 4 of8 13 (iv)Study the climatic data and answer the following questions: Jan Feb Temp C 24.5 25.7 Rain in 4.3 1.6 March April May 27.7 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 28.4 1.7 2.42.8 JuneJuly 4.6 Aug 8.6 Sept Oct Nov 29.8 28.0 11.4 11.8 30.6 Dec 25.9 24.7 35.0 13.9 cms the (a) Calculate the total annual rainfall experienced by (6) What is the annual range of temperature? (c) On which coast does the station lie? Give a reason station. for your answer. Question 5 (i) Differentiate between Khadar Soil and 21 Bhangar Soil. 21 (i) Explain the following terms: (a) Soil (b) Exsitu (ii) Give geographical reasons for the unsuitable for 13 following: agriculture. (a) Laterite soils (b) Man is (c) rains. Black soil needs to be tilled after the first are largely responsible for soil erosion. (iv) State the causes of soil erosion in the following 131 areas: (a) Hilly areas of South. regions of India. (b) Arid (c) Shiwaliks or the Outer Himalayas. Question 6 i) State the climatic conditions required for the growth of Tropical 21 Desert Forest. (21 (i) Answer the following: (a) Give any two uses of Neem. (b) Why is Teak used for (ii) With reference to construction purposes? 'Moist Deciduous Forest' answer (a) these forest. State the rainfall experienced in (b) leaves from six to The trees in these forest shed their eight weeks. Justify by giving two iv) Name the following: prevent soil erosion in A (b) The leaves of this tree is used for (c) been Name the movement, thousands of trees have to Std. X - Geography reasons. 131 Rajasthan and Kutch areas. (a) measure 31 the following: rearing shellac worms. planted along roads, railway Preliminary Examination-2022-23 lines and hillslopes. Page 5 of8 Question 7 i) Give any two 121 advantages of Rooftop rainwater harvesting has limited giving compared to drip irrigation. Justify by use as two [2 reasons. irrigation (i) Study the picture given below and answer the following: (11) Furrow 131 (a) Give two conditions required for Canal Irigation. . b) Name the States where the following Canals are located: Western Yamuna Canal Kosi Kosi Canal (c) Inundation Canals have limited use. Justify iv) State any three ideal conditions for the drilling of tube wells. Question 8 ) Differentiate between: 121 (a) Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy. (b) Magnetite and Haematite i) Answer the following: [21 (a) Explain how will land owners benefit from windmill? (Give one reason) (b) Where is uranium found in India? (ii) Give geographical reasons: (a) In India solar energy can 3 be tapped in large quantities. (b) Petroleum is called the fossil fuel. (c) Coal is a versatile mineral. (iv) Name the following (a) The reservoir where the Bhakra Dam is built. (b) The gas which is used as an 31 alternative for petrol and diesel. (c) Full form of MNES Std. X-Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 6 of 8 Question 9 (i) State any two fcatures of mixed (ii) iive the climatic farming requircments for growing tea. 121 2 ii) With rcfcrence to oilsceds cultivation answer the following: (a) Any two uses of groundnut. (b) Why is mustard grown mainly in the Sutlej-Ganga Plains? (iv) Explain the following terms: 31 (a) Relting (b) Transplanting (c) Dibbling Question 10 (i) Explain any two problems (ii) Differentiate between: of silk industry 12 21 Sugar Industry -North India and Sugar Industry -South India. (Any 2 Points) (iii) Answer the following: 13 (a) Why are pctrochemical products gaining popularity? (b) Name any two leading centres of software industries in India. (c) Give the full form of SAIL. (iv) With refercnce to cotton textile industry answer the following: 13 (a) From wherc does Mumbai and Ahmedabad get its supply of raw matcrials. (b) Handloom industry has boosted women empowernent. Justify (c) Many cotton sick units have bcen taken over by the govermment. (Give one reason) Question 11 (i) Give the benefits of Golden Quadrilateral. [21 . (ii) Why are Roadways called thc harbingers of cconomic developmcnt? 12 (iii) Give reasons: 13 (a) Water transport is not popular as road transport in India. (b) Air transport is indispensable for economic developmcnt (c) Railways are hot popular in the Sikkim. (iv) Name the following: 131 a) Man-made commercial places built along the coastlinc. (b) Full form of NHA. (A riverine port lbcated on the bank ofthe river Hooghly. Std. X- Geography Preliminary Examination-2022-23 Page 7 of8 Question 12 2 2 )Fxplain any two causes of soil pollution. (ii) Explain the following terms: (a) Landfills (b) Dumping 13 ii) Answer the following: (a) What service is indirectly donc by the rag-pickers for the disposal of the v (b) Waste degradation is important'. Justify. (c) What does Biomagnification' mean? (iv) State any three advantages of composting. 3 .

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