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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physical Education (R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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B K |RBK School SCHOO1 PRELIM EXAMINATION 2 0 2 2 - 2 3 Subject: Grade: 10 Physical Education Max. Dur. Date: 20/01/23 Number of printed pages: 5 Section A Question1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option Growth is defined as: Change in size and length of the body b) Organisation of all the body parts ,c) A continuous process d) mprovement in functioning and behaviour What a) is a shin splint injury? It is a traumatic injury to the brain that alters mental status b)Jt is a partial or complete break in the continuity of the bone Y Pain in lower region of leg between knee and ankle d) lt is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament What is Psychological Development? l o develop neuromuscular coordination through participation in physical activities. b) To develop the ability to plan, implement and evaluate decisions c) To develop the ability to respect the attitudes and values of others. d) To develop the ability to control various emotions. Which of the following is a health-related component of physical fitness? (IV) a) Power bSpeed c) Co-ordination d) Stamina ( Age span for early adulthood is a) 12-19 b) 40-65 19-40 d) 65-75 (vi Which of the a following is a type of Fracture? Anterior fracture bOblique fracture c) Posterior fracture d) None of the above RBK School ICSE Grade 1-10& ISC Grade 11-12 years (V ch following of the stiffness of the elbow a) Morning ain occurs when Heavy bleeding a) symptom of is not a at lifting or holding the injury Site EJbOW object Soreness of the Forearm needs which game out of the followi , an Tennis coordination? a) Power lifting b) Shot put c) Long iump Juggling aStrength type examples of people with ectomorph body athletes and sumo- wrestiers are Basketbal players and Elite marathon runners C) Sprinters and tennis players d) Weight lifters and skaters o n e of the following is not a factor affecting the physical fitness of an individual? a) Heredity bY Agility c) Self-motivation d) Age and gender (xi) ne ability to called perform a task or move from one point to other in the shortest period or time is aPower Speed c) Balance (Xi d) Agility Theobjective of social development in physical education is: ) o develop the ability to respect the attitudes and values of others. D) To develop the ability to control various emotions like fear, pleasure, hope, anger C)oguide a person to make his body strong, well-shaped and good looking d) To develop positive thoughts, ideas, behaviour, attitude, conduct and responses (xil Overstretching of ligament causes a) Contusion b) Concussion Sprain (xiv) d) Dislocation Which one among the Carbohydrates following is not considered b) Proteins c) Fats d) Minerals (xvY Which test is used to assess muscle a) Cooper run b) Harvard step up test Push up test d) Zig zag test RBK School ICSE Grade 1-10 & ISC Grade 11-12 www.rbk strength? as a macronutrient in our diet? - (xVI)** - - - - - - - - - - . IS the ability of the muscles to perform continuously without fatigue. Strength b) Flexibility c) Poweer d) Stamina (XV must continually ahieles workouts This is called: a) Principle of Recovery b)Principle of Specificity Al their bodies work harder to improve, as adjust to eXisting Principle of Overload d) Principle of Frequency (xvi Which of the following statements is correct? of Girls tend to I focus more on issues caring and helping others in boys b) Skills like catching. jumping, throwing are slower Girls don't grow taller "d) Gender does not influence growth and development c) )Vhich among the following is the importance of physical fitness? a) Improves energy level and sleep b) Develops motor coordination c) mproves work efficiency A l l of the above h e prenatal environment is the environment of --a) The child from 0 to 5 years b) The child during birth c) The child after birth The foetus in the womb Question 2 () State any four typical traits of a mesomorph body. (ii) Explain the cognitive developmental changes taking place during adolescence. (ii) What is plantar fascitis injury? State any two causes of the injury. (iv) State any 3 causes of malnutrition in an individual. Question 3 Write down the physical development characteristics of childhood stage State any 2 symptoms of concussion. (i) (ii) Explain the three types of muscular strength as a component of physical fitness (iv) List down any 3 the social development objectives of physical education. (2) (2) (3) (3) (2) (2) (3) (3) Question 4 () What are the minimum educational in the following categories? a) Elementary school qualifications required for a physical education teacher (2) b) Junior college- (i)) (ii) Name any 2 institutes that provides training tor physical education teachers in India. (2) (2) What is meal planning? Write down the calorie requirement of an individual for the following physical activitiesa. Cycling (15km/hr) RBK School ICSE Grade 1-10 &ISC intogrbkschool org Grade 11-12 (3) b Volleyball Define periodization (iv) Name and explain any 2 periodization phases (3) Section B 1 question from Football) from Cricket and any (Attempt any 1 question Cricket (8) Question 5 a Briefly explain the following terms An LBWV A Hit- Wicket A Run-out A Stump out (9) b. Answer the followingEnumerate any three duties of a leg umpire I. C. State any three variations of pace bOwling What is meant by the term Bad Light? Explain the following terms in cricket- Hitting (8) the ball twice A Runner The Toss IV. The Danger Area Question 6 a. Briefly explain the following termsA wide ball 1. A duck An appeal iv. A no-ball b. Answer the followingState the difference between Dot ball and Dead i. What is the importance of the thirty-yard circle? (9) ball Explain the term bump-bait brll C. Answer the following- four 1. List any protective Mention any four elding positions on the onside of the field State the full form of ICC and V. Explain the term sweep shot. i. equipment used in the game of cricket (8) BCCI Football Question 7 a. Explain the following terms An expulsion 1. V. b. in football (8) A warning Injury timne A throw in Answer the following What is the procedure of kick-off? When is a direct free kick awarded? (9) Write three duties of a physiotherapist. 4 RBK School www.rbkschool ICSE org - Grade 10& ISC intogrbkschool org Grade 11-12 Write the c. following- (8) Length and breadth of the field. Duration of the match and duration of extra time. Breadth and height of the Goal post. Radius of Centre circle and Corner arc V. Question8 a. Write the . (8) following. Weight and circumference of the ball. Minimum and maximum number of players to . State the full form of FIFA IV. b. begin the matcn. 1.he distance of the Penalty point from the Goal line 2.The Height of the Corner flags (9) Answer the following- three situations is a player not considered off-side? a position of the following during the execution of penalty Onder what 1. tate the kick in a football1. The ball 2. The defending goal-keeper 3. The players State any three duties of an Assistant referee. il. C. Explain the following i. A Goal scored i. A Tie-breaker ii. Sudden death Any four fundamental skills of football iV. ***** RBK School ICSE ****************************************r Grade 1-10 & ISC Grade 11-12 *********************** game or

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