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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Geography (Atul Vidyalaya, Valsad)

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ULV VIDY ATUL VIDYALAYA, ATUL, VALSAD SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2022-23) 16 H.C.G-Paper 2 GEOGRAPHY MM-80 STD -X DATE-06/01/2023 TIME HFS of this paper is the time allowed for writing the Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. Part I A total of five questions are to be attempted from The marks intended for questions are given in brackets[] The time given at the head answers. To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S10 and 20 cm of t vin Note: make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. out of the India Map Sheet No. G43S10 must not be taken of the on Examiner completion examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising In all (i) Map Work, The extract ofSurvey paper. (iv) and after marking, nus: be The Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, fastened to your answer booklet. be answered in the correct s e r al All sub-sections of the questions attempted must (v) All working including rough work should be done (i) order. on the same answer sheet which is us ed answer the rest of the paper. PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part) Question1 extract of the Study the Survey of India Map questions: Give the four-figure grid reference sheet No.G43S10 and answer the foll wi ng of the highest point on the given map5 [2 [21 extract. (ii) from Rampurakhera. Give the compass direction of Sibhrakhera Measure the direct distance in kilometres, from the chhatri in the grid (ii) square 4915 to the temple in the grid [21 square 4717. What is an 'Open jungle'? What does it show about the rainfall in the re ion (iv) (v) [211 on the given map extract? shown in In what respect does the settlement 4713? the settlement in grid square grid square 5512 differ fro n 21 Cont..on pag2 Atul Vidyalaya Page 1 Shaping the Fut ure SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY STD X Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (i) Mark and label Vindhyas. (i) (in) Shade and label River Mahanadi. Mark and name the Konkan plains. 11 [1 (iv) Mark and label Andaman Sea. I1 (v) (vi) Mark and label the Nathu La Pass. 1 Mark with a dot and name Prayagraj. Mark and label South West Monsoon. Mark and name Jharia. Shade and name a densely populated State in North India. (vii) (vi) (ix) (x)Draw, name Question 3 Choose the correct and number the .[1] [11 [11 Tropic of Cancer [10] option: (i) The Deccan Plateau gets less rainfall than the Western Ghats because? (a) It lies in the way of the south west monsoon winds. (b) It lies in the rainshadow area of the Himalayas. (c) It lies in the rainshadow area of the Western Ghats. (d) It is triangular in shape. (i) Which of the following constituents add fertility to the soil? (a) Silica (b) Humus (c) Clay (d) Sand (ii) Plants of a particular region or period, listed as species and considered as a group is called (a)Flora (b) Vegetation (c) Forest (d) All of the above (iv) Which of the following is not a secondary source of water? (a) Rivers (b) Groundwater. (c) Lakes and ponds. (d) Rain is the oldest oil-producing state in India. (v) (a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu -(c) Assam (d) Maharashtra Cont...on page 3 Atul Vidyalava Pape 2 Shaping the Future sUBJECT: GEOGIRAI'HY STD -X (vi) Agriculture plays an important role in the Indian economy because (a) It feeds millions of people and ever increasing population. (b) It also helps in raising livesto (c) It helps in creating job opportunities for millions of people. (d) All of the above. (vii) Which of the folowing factors are not necessary to set up an iron and st :el plant? (a) Proximity to iron-ore mines (b) Availability of coking coal (c) Good resources of limestone and manganese wastes (d) Nearness to a water body to discharge (vi) Which stations are joined by the North-South corridor? (a) Srinagar - Kanniyakumari (b) Delhi-- Chennai (c) Jaipur (d) Patna (ix) - - Salem Kochi What is the length of the broad gauge railway? (a) 1.5 metres (b) 1.6 metres (c) 1.7 metres (d) 1.8 metres (x) is mostly done by a ragpicker. (a) Recycling (b) Composting (c) Incineration (d) Segregation PART II (50 Marks) this Part) (Attempt any five questions from Question 4 (i) With reference to the summer s e a s o n in India, answer the followirg (2 question: the Summer Season in india. (a) Mention the duration of condition during Summer Season (b) What is the atmospheric pressure India? over the Central part of (ii) (ii) [21 South-west Monsoons. Mention two characteristics of the [3 Disturbances. (a) Define Western (b) How is the Winter different fron rainfall of the Northwest part of India Southeast part of India? the Winter rainfall of the Cont...on pag2 4 Page 3 Atul Vidyalaya Shaping the Fu ure SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY ST -X and rainfall for Station X the data of temperature and Study iv answer the 31 following. JUN JULAUG Moth JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 13.7 Tenp. 16.621.6 SEP OCT 25.5 25.5 33.2 33.5 30.8 29 8 29.2 0.9 1.5 7.5 17.8 185 12.5 NOV DEC 19.6 15.2 C Ra nfall 1.5 2.5 0.2 1.5 c of temperature? (a) Calculate the annual range (b) What is the total rainfall experienced by (c) Which is the driest month? Station X. Question 5 (i) (ii) (i) (iv) [21 between Red soil and Laterite soil. Mention the two similarities Soil Erosion? How is it caused? meant by What is Differentiate between Transported suitable example for each. soil and In Situ sol, quoting [21 a [3] 13] Name the soil which: of the Eastern Ghats. (a) Covers the summits of the River Ganga. (b) Makes up the delta cracks when dry. (c) Is sticky when wet and Cuestion 6 (i) (a) (b) (ii) (iii) as The stilt roots are underwater Mention two benefits of forests. features of vegetation found in State three characteristic Deserts. (iv) [2 given below: ( ship building. during high tide. characteristics per its and suitable for hard The wood is Name the tree (a) Give two Forests (b) are reasons 21 Tropical 3] explain as to why the Tropical Evergreen exploit for commercial purpose. to difficult to Name any two trees found in [3] Tropical Evergreen Forests. Cuestion 7 (i) of Tube well Mention two factors that favour the Development in Punjab. (ii) Name two Modern methods of Irrigation. State their growing popuBetien. popularity one important Irrigation reason [21 for (21 Cont...on page 5 tul Vidyalaya Page 4 Shaping the Future SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY STD X (ii) (a) (iv) (b) Briefly explain of Irigation in the named states. Conservation of Water Give three reasons for the [31 Resources. Question8 (i) [21 Mention any two uses of Manganese? Which is the most Give (ii) (iv) [3] are widely used. Name two states where Perennial Canals form Canals being a popular two reasons for Perennial a reason widespread for your Non-conventional s o u r c e answer. Plant Thermal Power Differentiate between a Project. (a) Name two industries that important area Jharkhand and West Bengal. (bName one use a of power? (21 Project and a Hydel Power [3] Coal. high quantity of that has large the States of coal deposits in [3) Question 9 (i) (ii) taken Mention any two steps Production in India. Mention the Climate and the Soil Rice (ii) Study the picture given Name one by the Government to boost Agricultural conditions needed below and answer 12] for the Cultivation [2]1 [3] the questions that follow well. .ovs state where this crop grows to harvest it? w o m e n employed (a) (b) Why are mostly conditions geographical (c) Mention two of this suitable for the cultivation [31 crop (iv) of of Indian Agriculture. Write any three problems M ) Question 10 (i) one a Public Sector and the difference between What is the difference in each of Give an example of an industry Sector? which is the Private the two sectors. (i) Give two Mumbai. o(ii) Explain why the cotton textile industry [2] Iron concentration of why there is a large Plants in the Chota Nagpur Region times? Electronics Industry in recent significance of the three and Steel (iv) reasons (21 has developed in reasons as to [3 [31 What is the Cont..0n page 6 Shaping the Future Page 5 SUBJECT GEOGRAP 4Y STD X Question 11 (i) (ii) (ii) (iv) Give two reasons for the "Means of Transport" being called the Lifelines of a Nation's Economy. more useful than Rail transport? Why is Road transport considered State two reasons in support of your answer. of Waterways. Mention two advantages and one disadvantage a popular means Give three r e a s o n s as to why Airways are becoming of transport in Modern India. Question 12 (i) What is Acid Rain? Mention two of its effects. (ii) (ii) Give What is the meaning of the 3 'Rs' in Waste Management? Give two reasons as to why there is a need for Safe Waste Disposal example for (iv) an each of the 3 'Rs'. What do you mean of by segregation of waste? Why is segregation waste essential before its disposal? [21 13] 13] Shaping the Fulure Page 6 Atul Vidyalaya VIDY ATUL VIDYALAYA, ATUL, VALSAD SECOND PRILIMNARY EXAMINATION (2022-23) (H.C.G. Paper -1) HISTORY & CIVICSS MM-80 TIME 2HRS STD X DATE-05/01/2023 Attempt all questions from PartI (compulsory) A total of five questions are to be attempt from Part ll, two out of three from section A and three out of five from section B The intended marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets[ ] | PARTI (Attempt all the questions from this part) Question1 Choose the correct option. [16] (i) Who exercises all authority vested in the President? (a) Prime Minister (b) Speaker (c) Vice President (d) Which among the (a) Cabinet (ii) following is not a What is the total number of category of Ministry Judge in the (b) 33 (c) 34 (d) 40 Supreme Court cannot be order of President on the ground of A Judge of (a) Violating the Constitution (c) Contempt of Cout o(v) To (b) Supreme Court? removed from office except (c) Quo- warranto by an Breach of contract (d) Proved mishbehaviour or incapacity which.among the following writs does the word, We (a) Habeas Corpus per rank? (d) Deputy Minister (a) 30 (iv) as Minister of States (b) (c) Ministry of welfare (iii) Chief Justice of India Order is more suitable? (b) Mandamus (d) Writ of Certiorari of Lok Adalats. (vi) Which among the following is not the advantages (a) It runs fast track courts of criminal cases. minor cases. (b) It settles family feuds, disputes between neighbors and (c) It delivers fast and inexpensive justice (d) It reduces the workload of the other court. Cont....on page 2 Atul Vidyalaya Page 1 Shaping the Future SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS STD X (vii) Which among the following is not a clause for Rowlatt Act? (a) Arrest of a person without warrant. (b) Restriction on the movement of Individual. (c) In camera trial. (d) Suspension of writ of Mandamus. (viii) A large and peaceful crowd gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh in , on April 13, 1919. (a) Lahore (b) Chandigarh (c) Amritsar (d) Rudki (ix) Non - Cooperation Movement: standstill, Civil Disobedience Movement: (a) Attack (c) Rebel (b) Reject (d) Paralysed x) There was a deadlock in the Second Round table Conference with an issue of separate electorates not only Muslims but other classes also, which among the following is not the other class? (a) Indian Christians (b) Depressed Classes (d) Sikhs (c) Anglo- indian (xi) Which among the following was not consented by the Congress in the Gandhi- Irwin Pact. (a) To suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement. (b) To participate in the Second Round Table Conference. (c) Not to start any new Movement until 1942. (d) Not to press for investigation into police excesses. (xii) Mahatma Gandhi described the Cripps Mission Plan as a (b) Post-dated cheque (d) Account- payee cheque (a) Anti -dated cheque (c) Bearer cheque (xii) Under INA the women's regiment called Rani Jhansi regiment was led by (b) Sorojini Naidu (a) Dr. Laxmi Swaminathan (d) Annie Besant (c) Indira Gandhi (xiv) Which among the following is not the objective of United Nations? (a) To maintain international peace. (b) To develop friendly relations among nations. (c) To achieve international cooperation to solve international problems. (d) To bring about the concept of vasudevakutubhkam. (xv) When is the World Health (a) 24th October (c) 15th April Day celebrated? (b) 14th July (d) 7th April (xiv) Who among the following is the architects of NAM. (b) President Nasser (a) President Joseph Broze Titto (d) President Roosevelt Nehru Minister (c) Prime Cont...on page 3 Atul Vidya laya Page 2 Shaping the Future SUBJECT: HISTORY &CIVICCS STD X Question 2 (i) Why is the Supreme court called the court of Record ? [21 2 (ii) What is the Individual Responsibility of the Council of Ministers? with (ii) What made Mahatma Gandhi merge the Khilafat Movement [2] Non- Cooperation Movement? [211 State any two objectives of the Forward Bloc. (V) How was Simon Commission greeted? Why? (vi) Explain the term Non Alignment Movement. (vii) List any two objectives of Muslim League. (iv) [2] [21 [2] PART II Attempt any two SECTION A questions from this section. Question3 With regard to the Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Courts. (i) Transfer of Cases from Lower Court, explain the following: [3] [311.5 (i) Interpretation of Constitution. (ii) Centre State or Inter State Disputes. [41 - - Question 4 Functions of the Cabinet, explain the With Regard to the Powers and Powers. (i) Any three administrative following: [3 [3] 41 (ii) Any three Legislative Powers (iii) and the Cabinet. Distinction between Council of Ministers Question 5 of the Lok Sabha and Functions With reference to the Powers and the and its control over the executive, explain Rajya Sabha following: [3] [31 [41 (i) Interpellation. (ii) Exclusive Powers of the Rajya Sabha. Sabha. (ii) Exclusive Powers of THE Lok SECTIONB Attempt any three questions Question6 Subhash Chandra Bose played a from this section. vital role in the independence struggle, in this context explain. (i) Three [3]1.5 objectives of Forward Bloc. [3 (ii) Contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose. [4]2 (iii) Four Objectives of INA. s Cont.....on page 4 Atul Vidyalaya Page 3 Shaping the Future SUBJECT: HISTORY& CIVICs STD X Question 7 Quit India Movement was the final cry for Independence with this regard explain (i) Failure of the Crnpps Mission (i) Japanese Threat (ii) Quit India Resolution (3 (41 Question 8 With regard to United Nation and its organs answer the following (i) Composition of General Assembly (3] (ii) Veto Power of Security Council ( ) Any four functions of the International Court of Justice (31.5 [4] Question9 With regard to Indian Independent Act. explain the following (i) Any tthree Clause of Mount Batten Plan (ii) Any three reasons for acceptance of Mount Batten Plan. (in) Any four clauses of Indian Independent Act 1947 (3 (3 141 Question 10 Study the following picture and answer the questions that follows: (0) ldentify the event in the picture, Mention the date and palce of the event (ii) Describe the Event, briefly (ii) Why was the Movement suspended by Mahatma Gandhi? Atul Vidy alaya Page 4 Shaping tne Future [3] [3]1 415

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