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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Computer Applications (Atul Vidyalaya, Valsad)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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VIDY ATUL VIDYALAYA, ATUL, VALSA SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022-23) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS STD X MM 100 TIME 2 HRS DATE-11/01/2022 This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all qustions from Section A and any four questions from Sectia B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions1re given in brackets [[ SECTION A (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this sectin. ) QUESTION 1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option i) If we convert short data type to Short wrapper class object the rocess is called c) Coersion a) Typecasting b) Pointing d AutoBoxing ii) A single dimentional array contains N elements. What will be tle last subscript c) N+1 u a N-1 d) None b) N The function that finds the last occurrence of a character in elastlndexOf) a) Index() d) None of these. iii) a tring is called b) endlndexOf) statment. of the following is the alternate option of if... else a ) ternary operator c) Jump d) for b) while iv) Which v) The concept of having more a) Copy constructor b Constructor overloading vi) System.exit(0) aTrue than one constructor with differet c) Method overloading d) overloaded methods terminates the program from any point. b)False vii) What is the value ofm after evaluating m-9%++n + ++n/2; when int m=10, 4 b) 6 types of parameters: the following expressin: 7Y.7 n=6 t 8/2 c) 5 d) 7 Cont.on page 2 Atul Vidyalaya Page 1 Shaping The Future [20] STD-X SUBJECT: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS STD X vii) int x; for(x=1;x<=3;x++); System.out.print(x); a) 123 c) 1234 wb) 4 d) 1 ix) Write the return data type of the fllowing functions startsWith() & random() a) Double, Booleaan b) Double, True x) ASCIl code of B' is a)67 c )Boolean, Double d) Booelan,True L66 Va) 99 b) 98 xi) Give output of the following code Intf 10, m=9; String e (m%f==9)?"YES":"NO; System.out. println(e); a ) YES b) NO c) YESNO d) NOYES xii) The valuOf function converts: a) primitive type to string b) Character to String cString to primitive type d) None of these xiii) Name the package that contais wrapper class a) java.util bjava.lang c) d) java.wrap xiv) Analyze the following programsegment and determine how many times the loop will be executed. What wil be the output of the program segment? int k 1, 3 = 2; while(++i<6) k*=l; System.out.printin(k): a) 4 times 80 b) 2 times 40 xv) What determines both the within that scope a) Data hiding b) Garbage collector e 3 times 60 d) 1 time 10 visility and lifetime of the variable names defined c) Scope d ) Encapsulation Cont..on page 3 Atul Vidyalaya Page 2 Shaping The Future SUBJECT: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS STD-X xvi) The first value in the initializer list of an arry coresponds to index a )0 b) length 1 c) 1 d) length xvii) Which is the method that accepts a stringwithout space a) nextLine() b) nextFloat() e) next()) d) nextlnt( xvii) The access modifierthat gives most accesibility is a) private public d) protectd b) package xix) Write the output of the following program snippt: Char c='A'; intn= (int) c + 32; System.out.printin((char)n); a) 'B' b)a' c)C d) None ofhese xx) Write the prototype of a function search whch takes two arguments a string and a character and returns an integer vale. a) int search(String str,char ch) b) double search(String str,char ch) cnt search(string str,char ch)) d) it SEARCH(String string,char ch) Question 2 2 i)What will be the conversion type and outpt for the following,if inti = 67,k; char c='e',r, a) k= i+c; b) r= (char) i; ii) What will be the output if a value 7 is passd as parameter to the function? [21 int x=2; A a++a/x*a++/++X, System.out.printin(a); 20 [21 ii) Write the output for the following "ACHIEVEMENT".replace('E','A').toLowerCae(). CharAt(4); iv) a 2 [2 Rewrite the following expression usingif ise: String res = (x%12!=0) ? "Not divisible: "Diisible" Cont.on page 4 Atul Vidyalaya Page 3 Shaping The Future D SUBJECT: COMPUER APPLICATIONS STD X Ques L [21 v) Predict the output of the following a The output of the method "YAHOO".substring(3) is b) NADAL.compareTolgnoreCase("NADIR") vi) Consider the following array and answer the following questionsS String mob[] {"'REALME", "OPPO", "REDMI", "ONEPLUS"}; a) System.out.printlin(mob[2]); A b) System.out.println(mob[3]. length(); = a d hp r ( a r b ) 9 , ) vii) Write the differences between Constructor and method with 21 example viii) Define Inheritance and Abstraction ix) What are keywords? Give an x)Write the java expression for [21 6) example the [21 (at following: abs [21 M a l hs i y s t ah. x (a+5)8 atb| SECTIONNB (Answer any four questions from this Section.) The answers in this section should consist of the programs in either Blud environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using variable description i mnemonic:odes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted Flowcharts and algorithms are not required Question 3 Write a program to store 20 numbers in a Single Dimensional Array (SD). Now, display only those numbers that are perfect squares. n[0] n[1] n[2] n[3] n[4] n[5] 12 45 49 78 64 77 . I15] n[16 n[17] n[18] n[19] 81 99 45 33 Sample Output: 49, 64, 81 Question4 Write a program to input a sentence and display the word of the sentene that contains maximum number of vowels. Sample Input: HAPPY NEW YEAR Sample Output: The word with maximum number of vowels: YEAR Cont..a page 4 Atul Vidyalaya Page4 Shapin The Future 15] TIONS SUBJECT: COMPUTER APPLIATIONS ,D-X [15] Question 5 Design a class RailwayTicket with following description: Instance variables/data members String name- To store the name of the customer String coach T o store the type of coach customer wants long mobno-To store customer's mobile number to travel int amtTo store basic amount of ticket paid after updating the original int totalamt- To store the amount to be amount Member methods: and amount. accept()- To take input for name, coach, mobile number selected (extra amount update()- To update the amount as per the coach void Void to be added in the amount as follows) Amount Type of Coaches 700 First_AC 500 Second_AC 250 Third_ AC None Sleeper void display()- To display all details of a customer such as name, coach, total amant and mobile number. Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member metods. [15] Question 6: Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric book The International Standard book. The ISBN is based upon a 10-digit code. identifier which is printed on every The ISBN is legal if 1 x digit1 digit8+9 x +2 x +3 x digit3 + 4 * digit4 + 5 x 10 x digit10 is divisible by 11. digit2 digit9+ digit5 +6 x digit6+ 7 x digit7 + 8 x Example: ISBN 1401601499 Sum 1x 1+2 x4+3 x0 +4 x1 +5 which is divisible by 11. For an x 6+6 x 0 +7 x 1+8 x4+9 x9+ 10 x 9-23 Write a program to 1. Input the ISBN code as a 10-digit integer. 2. Ifthe ISBN is not a 10-digit integer, output the message "Illegal ISBN" and terminte the program. 3. Ifthe number is divisible by 11, output the message "Legal ISBN". If the sum is nd divisible by 11, output the message "Illegal ISBN" Cont.on page 5 Atul Vidyalaya Page 5 Shaping The Future SUIJECT : COMPUTER APPLICATIONS STD-X [15] Question 7 Design a classto overload function Joystring() as with follors one (use library sing argument and two character char ch1 char ch2) ch1 ith the character argument that replaces the character argument ()void Joystring arguments a functions) (String s, in the given string s and prints the new string. Example: Input value of s ch1 'A, = ch2 fplaLe "TECHNALAGY" ch2=0 Output: TECHNOLOGY (1) void Joystring (String s) with space and the last space of the Example: Input value of = "Cloud of string argument thatprints the position given string s. one computing means Internet baed the first Andep0} computing" Output: First index :5 (1) Lastindex 36 that combines the Joystring (String s1, String s2) with two string aruments resultant string. two string with a space between them and printshe Void CCeo Example Input value of s1 ="COMMON VWEALTH" Input value of s2 ="GAMES" Output: COMMON WEALTH GAMES [15] Question 8 Write a program to accept name and total marks of N number of students in two single subscript array name| and totalmarks| Calculate and print: students. 1. The average of the total marks obtained by N numbe of all the students)/N average =(sum of total marks of 2. Deviation of each studene's total marks with the avenge. [deviation = total marks of a student- average] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * k * * * * * * * Atul Vidyalaya Page 5 k****************************************** Shaping The Future (

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