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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Biology (Vibgyor High School, Goregaon West, Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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r VI BGYOR H I GH VIBGYOR HIGH First Preliminary Examination A Y 2022-2023 BIOLOGY Grade: X Max. Marks Date : 06/12/2022 : 80 Time Allowed: 2 hour INSTRUCTIONS: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [J SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the correct answer only): (i) Osmosis is: fa)- The movement of water molecules from their region of higher concentration to their region of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane. (b) The movement of water molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a semi penneable membrane. (c) The movement of Wate r molecules from a solution with lower solute concen tra t.,on to a solution of higher solute concentration through a semi permeable membrane. (d) All of the above. [15) - .iJ -s co ::= z, (ii) The chemical released by the platelets at the site of injury: (a) Fibrinogen (b) Thrombin (c) Prothrombin (d)- Thrombokinase After mitotic cell division, the female human body cell will have: {iii) (iv) (v) {vi} (vii} 44 + XX chromosome <ah {b) 44 + XY chromosome {c) 22 + X chromosome {d) 22 + Y chromosome The number of spinal nerves: (a) 31 (b) 33 (c)- 31 pairs (d)-, 33 pairs The duct that pours urine from many kidney tubules to the renal pelvis is: (a) Urethra {b) Ureter ( Collecting duct (d) Proximal convoluted tubule Implantation of blastocyst takes place in: (a} 280 days (b)- On 14th day (c) About 7 days (d) None of this The form in which glucose is stored in liver: (a} Glucagon (b Glycogen r (c) Galactose (d) Guanine 2 ;.L -e r VIBGYOR 'i HIGH ,,. (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Bulba-urethral glands: (a~ (b) ~ecretion serves as a lubricant Secretion serves as a medium of transportation (c) Secretion neutralizes the acid in female's vagina (d) Secretion helps in entry of sperm into the ovum The part of the ear responsible for dynamic equilibrium: (a) Cochlea (b) Organ of Corti (c)- Sensory cells in the ampulla of semicircular canals (d) Sensory cells in the utriculus and sacculus The contraceptive method that prevents the implantation of blastocyst is: (a}-- Copper T (b) Hormonal pills (c) Tubectomy (d) Vasectomy (a) Hyaluronidase (b) Hereditary material '--(C+(d) (xii) t The middle piece of the sperm provides: i 1 Energy Propulsion The condition which causes mature woman to have facial hair like beard and moustache. (a) Addison's disease (b) Cushing's syndrome (c) Acromegaly (d)- Adrenal virilism 3 g (xiii) (xiv) The outermost tough fibrous membrane protecting the brain. (a) Pia mater (b) Arachnoid (c)- Duramater (d) Cranium The plant hormone that stimulates cell. division, and causes dormant seeds ta sprout is: (xv) (a) Gibberellins (b) Abscisic acid (c)- Cytokinins (d) Auxins To test a leaf for starch it is first boiled in 'water: (a) For the removal of chlorophyll (b),,.- To destarch the leaf t (c) {d) To kill the cells f Both a and c - Question 2 (i) Name the following: (a) [5] The stimulus whidt1 is responsib!e for twining of tendrils in pea plant around the support. ~~wtv'h - ~ (b) The process of WBC's squeezing out through the walls of the blood capillaries. (c) The device used to measure th,e rate of water intake by a plant. po( (d) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion activates the sperms.~~ 1 (e) (ii) The main nitrogenous waste in urine. (.J'\.I,()\. Arrange and rewrite the items in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. (a) Water molecules, Photons, Oxygen, Hydrogen and hydroxyl ions (b) Oval window, Cochlea, Pinna, Ear ossicles "l, (c) "')i. V\ .... ' ,. -:,._ -.. Moru1a, Embryo, Zygote, Blastocyst 4 (SJ V I !B G Y O R (d) (e) (iii) HIGH 1 Posterior, vena cava, Renal artery, Kidney, Renal Vein \ l. "' ' ,._ . . Micturition, Tubular secretion, Ultrafiltration, Selective reabsorption te ones in Column 11 Match the items in Column I with the most appropna and rewrite the correct matching pairs. Column Column I ' (5] II (a) Soaked seeds burst their seed coat<o 1. Thigmotropism (b) Opening and closing of stomata~ 2. Iodine 131 (c) Clotting of bloodS 3. Ozone (d) Radioactive pollutant)- 4. UV rays (e) Natural sunscreen'\ 5. Calcium ion 6. Turgor pressure 7. Potassium ion {iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category [5J to which the others belong: I (a) Syringes, Discarded bandages, Sewage, Used needles (b) Olfactory nerve, Auditory nerve, Optic nerve, 1Facial nerve (c) OvaljY, Oviduct, Uterus, Urethra (d) ~xophthalmic Goitre, Simple Goitre, Cretinism, Myxoedema (e) Stomata, ~dathodes, Lenticels, Cuticle , r ' ( K ' I I I {v) ! ! State the exact location of the following structures: (a) Thyroid (b) Medulla oblongata (c) Kidney (d) Bicuspid valve (e) Aqueous chamber [5] Section B (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) I Question 3 (i) Define - Pollution. (ii) Differentiate between ' Photochemical phase and 5 Biosynthetic phase of [11 [21 HIGH photosynthesis based on products formed. (iii) In which phase of the cardiac cycle is the heart sound 'LUBB' heard? What [2] causes this sound? [2] (iv) State the Mendel's taw of Dominance. (v) The diagram given below is a representation of a Reflex action. Study th0 [31 diagram and answer the following questions: 2 -':':,~1:1 - - 4 - - ... I (a) Name the parts 1 and 2. (b) Which part of the neuron lies in part 3 and 4? Que~tion 4 l l , 1 .....~ L ..._, , (i) Expand the foll.owing biological abbreviation: IAA.1 [1J (ii) Explain now do the following factors affect photosynthesis: [21 (a) Temperature (b) Water content (iii) Give two reasons why adrenaline is called the emergency hormone. [2] (iv) Note the relationship between the first two words and su g gest the suitable [2] word/words for the fourth place. (v) (a) Cerebrum: Corpus callosum :: Cerebellum: (b) Knee jerk reflex: Inborn reflex:: Playing musical instrument:~ A complete ring of bark was removed from a tree. The tree continued to live but a swelling appeared on the bark above the ring while the bark below shrivelled up. Answer the questions given below : rtncedbark After a week p Q 6 [3] V I B G 'I O R HIGH rd (a) Name the vascular tissue which has been cut and removed by gi 'ing. (b) Why was the bark above the ring swollen? (c) What would happen to the leaves on the tree (0) after a week? Question 5 [1] (i) Define - Natality. (ii) Describe two ways to reduce the plastic pollution. (iii) A potted plant with variegated leaf was taken in order to prove a factor necessary for photosynthesis. The plant was kept in the dark for [21 [21 24 hours. The potted plant was then placed in sunlight for a few hours. The leaf of the plant was tested for starch. (a) State the aim of the experiment. (b) What will be the result of the starch test performed on a leaf of the above plant? (iv) Enumerate the various changes that occur in the nucleus of the cell during telophase. (v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of th~ Malpighian Capsule. Question 6 [21 [3] (i) Define - Excretion. (ii) Give one difference between Yellow spot and Blind spot. [11 [21 (iii) Mention two functions of the amniotic fluid. [21 (iv) Some plants show wilting of their leaves at noon even when the soil is well [2] watered. Why? (v) Given below is a Punnett Square for a monohybrid cross between two pea plants with heterozygous green colour pod. Answer the questions that follow. G g G GG (i) g Gg gg (a) What is the allele combination for (i) in the table? (b) What is the genotypic ratio of the above cross? (c) What is the phenotype of allele with combination 'gg'? \ 7 [3] ' 1 e HIGH Question 7 li) Exp\ain \he term - Systemic circulation. {1] (ii) Sa\ting of meat or addition of salt to pickles is a common method of food [2] preservation. (iii) Give one structural difference between Artery and Vein. [2] (iv) What is the difference between ACTH and TSH with respect to their function? [21 (v) With the help of a diagram show how the eye defect Myopia can be rectified [3] using a suitable lens. Question 8 (i) Define - Root pressure. [1] (ii) Give two reasons why ABA is also called as 'stress hormone'. [2] (iii) Give one difference between Mitosis in plant cell and Mitosis in animal cell with [2] reference to how cytokinesis takes place. (iv) List two barrier methods of contraception. (2] (v) The diagram below represents an experiment to demonstrate a certain phenomenon in a green plant: (3] 0 ft fr i} Transpiration 8 0 1j - 0 0 0. ,-, ........ ..... ~, uw:.w HIGH (a) What will you observe for the level of mercury in the glass tube after a (b) few hours? What will happen if the above experiment was performed at high altitude in dry conditions? (c) Explain one significance of transpiration to plants. *****

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