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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School (BSMS), Mumbai) Prelim / Pre-Board 1

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School PRE-PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION - (2022-23) SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY Std: X (Paper -2) Marks: 80 Time:2Hr. Date: 02/12/2022 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 mimutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questionsfrom Section . lhe intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTIONI(40Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 Choose one correct answer to the questions from the ) The main components of brass are: (a) Copper and Zinc" (c) Copper and tin given options. [15 (b) Copper and lead (d) Copper and iron The drying agent used to dry NH3 is: (a) POs (c) CaClh (b) conc. HSO4 (d)Ca0' (i) The general formula of alkynes is: (a)CaH2n-2 (b) C.Ha-2 (c) CHza (iv) A polar covalent compoundis (a) Methane (v) (d) CaHa 20 (b)Ammonia (c) Nitrogen A strong electrolyte from the following is: (a) Acetic acid (c) Ammonium hydroxide (b) Oxalic acid d) Sodium hydroxide" Page 1 of 8 (d) Chlorine (vi) Electron affinity is maximum in: (a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals () Halogens (vii) (d) Inert gases The colour change observed when the solution of magnesium hydroxide is tested with the following indicators: (a) phenolphthalein turns colourless to pink (b) methyl orange remains orange (c) phenolphthalein remains colourless (d) blue litmus solution turns red (vi) The compound which is a non-electrolyte: (a) KCI (aq) (ix) (b) HSO4 (dil) Twice the vapour (c) Molecular mass The number of lone molecule: (a) One (d) CHCOOH (aq) density gives: (a) Actual vapour density (x) (c)CCL(L (b) Relative vapour density (d) Molar volume pair of electrons in the nitrogen atom in ammonia (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four xi) Elements with similar valence shell configuration in a Periodic Table are placed in: (a) different groups (b) same period (c) different period (d) same group (xii) The IUPAC name of Ethylene is: (a) Propane (b) Propyne (c) Ethene (d) Ethyne (Nin) During the electrolysis of acidified water which of the following takes place: (a) Oxygen is released at cathode. (6) Oxygen is released at anode (c) Hydrogen is released at anode. (d) Sulphur dioxide is released at anode. xiv) Carbon to carbon double bond is found in: (a) 2-butylene (b) Acetaldehyde (c) Acetic acid xv (d) Ethyl alcohol The gas liberated when sodium sulphite reacts with dilute sulphuric acid: (a) Carbon dioxide ()Hydrogen sulphide b) Hydrogen (d) Sulphur dioxide Question 2 (a) Draw the structural formula for each of the following: (b) (i) But-1-ene i) Propanoic acid (iv) Ethyne (v) 2-Methyl Pentane ii)Ethanol State any one observation for each of the following: () Dilute Hydrochloric acid is added to Silver Nitrate solution. (ii) Concentrated Nitric acid is added to carbon. ii) Mixture of Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide isheated () iv) Ammonium hydroxide solution is added in excess to copper sulphate solution. (v) NaOH solution is added to calcium nitratesolution Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following: ) Burning of ammonia in excess of oxygen. (i) Action of concentrated nitric acid on Sulphur. Page 3 of 8 (ii) (iv) sodium Action of concentrated Rewrite the (d) on Zinc oxide concentrated sulphuri. uric Dehydration of ethanol in the presence of acid at 170 C Action of dilute (v) hydroxide hydrochloric acid on iron. following by inserting appropriate word / words: Magnesium Nitride reacts with to liberate Ammonia. i) Lead bromide conducts electricity. (iii Starch iodide paper turns blue black in the presence of Chlorine. (e) (e Civ) Hydrogen chloride molecule contains a (v) Acid salts replacement of the ionisable hydrogen ions of the acid by a metallic ion or ammonium ion. ) Given: 2000 are bond. formed by 2C>Hs+702 of 4CO2+6H20 O2 was burnt with 400 cc of ethane. Calculate the volume of CO2 formed and unused O2 (ii) cc Calculate the vapour density of ethene [ C=12, H=1] 3] [2] SECTIONII (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 3 (a) Show the formation of H0* using the electron dot State the types of bonds present in it. (b) (c) diagram. Draw the structural isomers of CsHi2 Write balanced chemical ZnCO Zn(NOs)2 31 equations for the following conversions. -ZnSO (3 Zn(OH)2Na,ZnO 4] Question 4 (a) Identify the gas evolved in each of the following cases: i) 4 Concentrated nitric acid is added to copper. (ii) Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to Zinc sulphide. (iii) A colourless gas liberated on decomposition of nitric acid. (iv) Water is added to calcium carbide (b) Study the table and answer the following questions: Atom A Atom No. 11 B ) 6] 17 Compare the positions of A and B in the Periodic Table. (Group&Period) i) Which is more metallic? (ii) Write Civ) What equations for the formation of ions of A and B. type of bond is formed between A and B? Mention its physical state and solubility in water. Question5 (a) Copper sulphate solution is electrolysed using copper electrodes. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follows 6 volt DC poer suppy ) Which electrode to your left or right is known as the oxidising electrode and why? [2 ( i i ) Write the equation representing the reaction that occurs. Copper dectrodee i ) State two appropriate observations for the above electrolysis reaction. [2] Page 5 off8 (b) Element with electronic configuration Y(2,8,2) X(2,8,7) Very low solubility in water Dissolves in water and turns Nature of oxide |Dissolvesin blue litmus red oai a i t hydrochloric acid hnt Tendency for oxidising Tends to act as a reducing Tends to oxidise elements andreducingreactions agent Good electrical and thermal andcompounds Electrical and Thermal Very poor electrical and Conductivity conductor thermalconductor Tendency to form tendency to form alloys No tendency to form alloys alloys and amalgums Using the information above, complete the following: 1) Metal atoms tend to have a maximum of the outermost energy level. (ii) electrons in _ Non-metallic elements tend to form tend to form Oxides. oxides while metals (ii) Metals tend to _electrons and act as reactions with elements and compounds. Question6 (a) Give balanced equations for each of the (b) following: ) Reduction of hot Copper() oxide to (ii) Oxidation of sulphur with concentrated process: 2] copper using ammonia gas. sulphuric acid. Copy and complete the following table relating to Name of the process agents in their important industrial [31 Temperature Catalyst Equation for the catalysed reaction Haber's Process (c) What do you observe with sugar crystals. during dehydration of concentrated sulphuric acid [1 The following questions relate to the extraction of aluminium Dy (d) electrolysis: aluminium containing compound added Name the other G) 4 to a l u n a and state its significance. Give the (i) equation for the reaction that takes place at the cathode. (i) (l) Explain why is it necessary to renew the anode periodicalily [3] following substances which are underlined: the liquid state electricity in Anacidic gas which does not conduct in water. Question 7 Identify 'the (a) but conducts electricity when dissolved (i) A dilutemineral acid which forms a white treated with barium chloridesolution. (ii) The element which has the highest State the conditions (b) precipitate when ionization potential. required for the following reactions to take place: [5]| Catalytic hydrogenation of ethyne. )() i) dibromide. Preparation of ethyne from ethylene oxidation of (ii) Catalytic iv) (v) ammonia to nitric oxide. Any two conditions for the conversion of sulphur dioxide to Sulphur-trioxide. 21 (State the main components ofthe following alloys: Brass. ii) Bronze. Question 8 (a) Draw the structure of the stable positive ion formed when ammonia gas 2 dissolves in water. (6) is found to contain Acompound of carbon ,hydrogen and oxygenof oxygen. Calculate its 6.7% of hydrogen and 53.3% carbon, O empirical formula. Ifits V.D is 30, calculate its molecular formula. 14 [C=12, H=1, 0=16] Page 7 of 8 4 observations: (6) (b) from the following State the inference drawn P flame test with a salt (1) (i) the On carrying cation in salt P? obtained. What is the (i) A gas a brick red flame was out Q turns moist lead acetate paper silvery black. Identify the gas Q (ii) pH of liquid R. (iv) is 10. What kind of substance is R? Salt S is prepared by reacting dilute oxide. Identify S. sulphuric acid with copper

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