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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : History and Civics (Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWTOWN SESSION 2022-2023 PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION CLASS:X FULL MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 HOURS SUBJECT: HISTORY & CIVICS (SET A) General Instructions: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this is paper the time allowed for the writing answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (COMPULSORY). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part 1, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of are questions given in brackets. [UThis Question paper consists of five printed pages. PART-I (30 MARKS) (Attempt all questions) Question1 [lx16-161 The Council of Ministers is a) Prime Minister b) Lok Sabha collectively responsible to the c) President d) Rajya Sabha ii. The president of India can be impeached on the ground of a) Violation of the constitution b) incompetence c) treason d) long absence from office ii. Lok Sabha: : Rajya Sabha: 250 a) 505 b) 552 c) 543 d) 550 iv. If the total strength of a House is 350 what will be its quorum? a) 30 members b) 15 members c)10members d) 35 members A/1 Whats Mr Vishal has been arrested but even after three days he has presented in front of a Magistrate. not been Which writ will the court pa5s in such a situation? a) Certiorari b) Habeas Corpus c) Quo Warranto d) Prohibition vi. Identily the Highest civil court in a District. a) Court of Distriet Judge b) Court of Sesions Judge c) Court of District and Session Judgge d) High Court NEWTOWN vii. which of the following is Sabha? NOAn electoral power of the members of Rajya a) Election of President b) Election of Vice-President c)Election of Prime Minister d) Election of Deputy Chairman NATION I O N C viii. The Congress adopted the of the of the Rajya Sabha Quit lndia Movement resolution after the arrival a) Simon Commission b) Cripps Mission c) Cabinet Mission d) None of these DE ix. The roots of the 1857 Uprising lay in_ a) Blatant discriminatory policies of the British b) Exploitative land revenue policy c)The greased cartridges d) All of the above Arrange the following events in correct sequence with reference to the Indian freedom struggle T M : C T : ii. v. Partition of Bengal of Muslim League Launch of Non-Co-Operation Passing of Rowlatt Act Foundation a) i, ii, iii, iv b) i, i, ii, iv c)ii, i, iv, iii d) i, ii, iv, ii xi. Day a) 24th October is celebrated as UN b) 24th November c) 20h January d) 19 November A/2 Day. What xii. is the UNICEF known as at United Nations b) United Nations International present?2 c) United International Children's Emergency Fund Fund Nations d) United Nations Children' s Fund a) Emergency Fund xiii. Identify the totalitarian regimes that came into existence Italy post First World War. in Germany and a) Communism and Socialism b) Nazism and Fascism c) Socialism and Fascism d) Communism and Nazism xiv. Who the first student revolutionary who the course of European history and the power equations in changed the world scenario? a) Kaiser Wilhem was b) Gavrilo Princep c) Adolf Hitler d) Francis Ferdinand XV Name the countries that were referred to as Axis Powers in Second World War. a) Britain , Russia, France b) France, USA, Russia c)Germany,Japan , Italy d) Germany, Austria-Hungary , Italy They are called the BIG FIVE now. a) U.S.A, Japan, China, France, Ukraine China b) Britain, U.S.A, France, Russia, U.S.A c) Britain USSR, France, China, d) Britain, India, China, France, Japan xvi. , (2x7-14] Question 2 of Lok Adalat. i. State any two advantages Court judge. needed to become a High qualifications 2 Write ii. the Quit India Mahatma Gandhi during was given by ii. What slogan iv. V. Movement start? When did the War. on the Cold Elaborate Why has been the Treaty Which countries NAM? architects of What is 'veto power'? vi. vii. Who were the of Versailles termed as 'Dictated have this power? Peace'? Movement? PART II (50 Marks) from this section1 [Answer any two questions Question3 'We The People of India Our Parliament is a true representation of the following questions: With reference to this, answer Discuss any four functions of the Speaker. 4 131 How are the members of the Rajya Sabha elected? ii. Under what conditions the Union Parliament makes laws in regard to the ii. matters included in the State List? 13 Question 4 With reference to the Executive of India, answer the following questions i . ii. Differentiate between Cabinet and Council of Ministers. What is the position of the Prime Minister in the Cabinet? Explain Individual and Collective Responsibility of the 4 executive 3 31 Question 5 India follows a single integrated judicial system. With reference to the Indian judiciary answer the following: Which is the highest court in a state? Enlist its composition State the cases over which the Court has exclusive Supreme How is the independence of Supreme Court ensured? i ii. ii. jurisdiction. [1+3] 31 13] (SECTION B) Answer any three questions from this section| Question 6 The 19th century India was a period of the birth to this, answer the following: With reference i. ii. ii. of nationalistic fervour. State the contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in bringing social reforms in India. Where were the first and second sessions held? Name the sessions. Presidents of these Make a comparative study of the methods used by Moderate [1+1+1] Nationalist. and Assertive 41 Question 7 The advent of Mah ahatma dramat change in the Which i. Gandhi into the Indian National National Movement. In this contextCongress in 1919 brought a explain: circumstances led to the call for the Gandhiji? Which was the first mass ii. Civil movement that Disobedience Movement by significance in the Indian political scenario. Gandhiji had started in India? ii. Why did the Indian National India? 131 State its Congress accept the proposal of the [1+2] partition of 41 Question 8 The Great War of 1914 was not due to any single cause, but due to the accumulation of explosive materiais for many years. With reference to the above statement answer the following: Explain any four causes that led to its outbreak. ii. ii. 41 131 How did the Peace Treaty signed after the end of the war ruin Germany? Name the two opposing groups that fought the war along with the major countries involved. [1+2] Question9 With reference to the rise of Nazism and Fascism, answer the following the questions: 3] Nazism and Fascism? the similarities in the aims of in Fascism and Nazism of rise were responsible for the Which economic factors What ii. ii. were Germany and Italy respectively? War. outbreak of the Second World Explain any 2 causes 41 for the Question 10 Study the picture carefully Identify the and answer organisation this organisation. Name its ili. judicial organ Write the functions the following that has it and as its questions emblem. objectives State any two composition. explain its UNESCO. agencies ofits AND like WHO A/5 of 13] (2+2]

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