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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Economics (Walsingham House School, Mumbai)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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-. ~ ~ -WM..Sni<JHAM HOUSE SCHOOL PRELlMNARY BXAMINATION 18/01/23 '80 Marke : ' ~--) . . lo thi.t Paper mu.rt be wriltffl on the paper provid(!d separately. You will nol be allowed to write dtp,ing the fusl 15 minutes. 1"is time is to be spen1 in re~ding the question paper. The time gh,en al the head ofthis Paper is the time allowedfor writing the an,wers. . Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from &ction B. The maria intendedfor questions are given in brackets [ J. . ( \ J S,Ji:CTION A (Attempt all questions from t11is section) Question I Choose the correct answers to the ques,tions from the fiven options. (0/t copy the questions, -wTite the correct answers only.) [I 6] / .Money serves as _ __ and facilitates buying and seliliog of goods and services. A .Medium of exchange B . Measure of value C. Store of value D. Standard of deferred payment J R a ie o~ tax: decreases with increase in income_eftaxp nyer: A. Prooorti.onaJ C. Regressive .B. l>rogtessive D. Degressive ~Which is NOT a characteristic of capital? , A. Durable C. Ma~ made _ , . B. Inelastic supply D. SubJect to deprec ation v "JV. rLnere are no restriction on entry and , exit of new firms under market. A. Oligopoly B. Perfect competition C. Monopolistic D. Monopoly tax helps in reducing inequalities _of income and ~ealth. ~OST C. D1~ct . B. tax D. lmhn:cl ,. / Gift Contd. .2 ... I 2 ~ o n oflaw otauppty? of business C. No change in tax policy state oftechnology D. No change in price ofinputs bank acts as a _ _.and collects taxes and other paymentson bllbalfoflhe government A. Danker C. Custodi!ID ' B. ~ D. Fiscal agent .,;;/Salaried class lose during inflation because_ _ _., '-l'income increases faster th,mproportional increase in price B. Income increases in the same propo1tion with increase in price C. Income increases lesser than proportional increase in orice D. Income increases more than proporti.onal incl'ease in price ... . /_ _ _ debts are taken by the -go\'ernment for the purpose of .development and financing deficit budget A. Productive C. lnt<'mr.l B. Unproductive D Exte111111 ~ , ~cntify the standardisation mark given below. 0 - A. BIS B. ISi C. E<om"k D. Agm" k meth~d or credit c-0n1rol afi:e.:ts_ 1h~ lenders.a"~ mal'ket operation _C. Q:.ianhtat1vc n. Rank rate D. Qualitative .. I / _ __ t.%.'o~ A!ow does use ofHYV seeds, tillers, fertilizers impact on supply of commodity? A. Supply will fall C. Supply w~ll rise_ . B Supply wil] not change D. Supply will become zero ~hlic purchasing the goods~ the consumer should ask for.-=--~-:----'' A. Cash refund B. Free offer. . C. Git\ vouchers 0. Cash memo Contd....3 . . 18/01/lJ 3 uc:uw. bills are _ _ _.a..L... C. Productive edeemabte D. lm:deemable /. ~ ~ t e of interest on _ _ _....;deposit is nearly the same as tenn A. Saving B. Recurring C. Current D. Fixed xv/~e act of selling the same product at different prices to. different \.,Afuyers 1s known as A. P~ce monopoly C. Price differentiation B Pace fluctuation D. Price stabilitv . 1 A.. ,' Whic~ 'o-?c o_fthe following does not provide n ~e~fic~te of standardisation m India? A. BIS C. A1tmark B. Hallmurk O. COPRA any two objectives ofGST. ~ D~guish between redeemable debt and irredeemable debt. tute 8:}'0~w :Ss= I ~ t c any two chara.:teristics of capital. [2] ion nl ,mytwo functions of entr~pre,,ctu . w does inflation etfect on farmers? ~~ ~ny two factors intluenciog -price elasticity of demand. "d)Distinguish between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure. UC 1 [2) [2] [2] [:!] [~] 'l1] (:!l ~don IV t.0trf ~~H:..>n . t is mooopolistic~oonomy-7 State any one characteristic ofit. [2] [21 nguish between joint demand and cross demand. ~~ any two rights ofconsumer ~der the provision of COPRA. ~istinguish between physical capital and linancial capital. [2] [2) Contd. .....4 I 18/01/23 4 SlcnON B (40 Marks) Attempt any FOUR questions . t. OnstlopV : . a) Explain any five characteristics ofland as factor of produc~on. ISJ . b) What is demand pull inflation? Explain any four causes ol demand pull inflation. [5} uation VI I is law ofdemand1 xplain any four causes of increase in demand. .:xplain fi ve problems faced during barter system. [5] l5J on VU consumer exploitation? Explain any four causes of. coosumtr - ex~ tion. 15] ~~~ monetary policy? Explain the: following methods of ~redit is ~ ~ a tkct opcrJli<'ll J!,1-M<>rai suasion [51 Vlll hat is efficleacy oflabour? Explain nny four causes of low efficiency 1 .- ?F!~ur in Jndia. l5J pubii ~ revenue. -~ tinguish helwccn funded debt and unfunded debt. ~ ~talc: two d,~merits of direct ,axes. 15) ~ p e . I ' IX a . plain :my five determinants of supply of a conu11odity except its ownpricc. [SJ ~ l is Central bank? 1 stinguisb between SLR and CRR. ... llow d<> bm advance loa11 to public? Explnin. (Any two points) [SJ ucsf Oucstloa X a) Whal is public expenditure? Explain any three economic and two political tlllUSes ofincrcose in public expenditure. ' l5) b) Explain any five chamclerislics of monopoly 11mrke1. IS J , ....... &&&.&&& _........ . f !

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