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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Computer Applications (Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata)

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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Delhi Publhc SchoolMegacity, Kolkata Pre-Board Examinatlons 2022-2023 Subject: Computer Applications Class: X Full Marks: 100 Time: 2 hrs. Section A (Attempt all) Question 1 Choose the correct ) JVM is [1x20-20]J answer and a/an. write the correct option. a) compiler b) interpreter c) assembler d) keyword (i) void is a/an 0. tb a) Operator b) Literal. i nolibnoo doo c) Keyword. d) Identifier. (ii) Which return type ofa method does not return any value? wob ol botesn (b a) int b) float c)void d) double (iv) 6dofwe The following example Xfint a, float b) of constructor of class X is known as - a) Default Constructor b) Parameterized Constructor c) Non-Parameterized Constructor d) Copy Constructor (v) Identify the keyword following list from the a) has b) then c) true M d) next (vi) Find out the invalid statement a) Class is a data type. b) Class is an object factory. c) d) (vii) Class is a blueprint. Class is an instance of an Separate copies of from the following eX nlcnob 0.8 object. are created for each object. ib s t a) Static Variable b) Class Variable c) Instance Variable d) Local Variable Page 1 of 5 vii Which statement willbe used to find out the stnng second last character fromn the strin variable st. a) char ch=st.charAt(st.length|-2 b) char ch= charAt(st.length0-1); c) char ch= st.charAt(st.length(-3); d char ch= st.charAt[length0-2); ix) cannot deal with fractional values. a) if- else b) array c) switch case d nested if else (x) bgo Joerio Find out the value of d. igmo int cl-15,2,4,7,94,22, 15,6; double a))6 d-c[1*5] % Math.pow(c|1],3); b) 7.0 c) 2.0 d) 6.0 (xi) In a) for nsle elbiov loop condition is mentioned after the loop body. Risbl aoid b) while c) do while ulev s oriun oneob bodrem d) nested for (xii) What will be the value of y after execution of switch int x-3,y4; val statement:o aldteb switch(x+3) case 6: y=0; case 7: y=1; worl al Xeesb 1o 1odpunte i default :y+=1; a) 0 b) 1 2 volle adt aot biowreol ndi inbl d) 5 (xii) Find out the value of X: double X=Math.sqrt{Math.abs(Math.ceil(20.8 30.6); a) 3.0 b) 3.16 c) 2.0 d) 2.8 (xiv) An a) overloaded method consists of, The same method name with different parameter list. b) The different method name with different number of parameters c) The same method name and same number and same type of parameters in same order of d) parameters The different method name with different types of parameters Page 2 of 5 xv) Identify the type of 4-1x2x3x4-24). class Factorial public static void int a-0; error to find O to factorial find out the of n (if n-4 then Factorial of main(int n) forfint i1; ie=n; it+) a-ai; System.out.printfa); a) Syntax Error b) Logical Error c) Runtime Error d) Exception xvi) Wrapping up of data and method a) Data Hiding together in a single unit is called. b) Data Abstraction c) Encapsulation d) Polymorphism (xvii) Find out the output of the following coding: int all-{5,6,2,1,7,8,3; int i-2; it=++a[3]+a[4+1]++%(5-a[2]); System.out.printi); a) 6 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10 "?:" xviii) In Java programming or is also ternary operator known as? a) Shorthand operator b) Relational operator Conditional Assignment operator c) d) Iterative operator (xix) parselnt) function belongs t o rond class. a) Integer b) Stringg c) ooto Character d) Long modifier which is accessible only within the same class the a c c e s s (xox) Identify declared. where it is a) class b) private c) protected d) public Page 3 of 5 X-Com Abp Question 2 [2x10-20 Evaluate the following expression and finout thne value of A.(Show working int A-50,x=20; A/=x++ %9-++x/(7+3) +x iDefine infinite loop and give example using while loop. Write the java expressions for a) | A2+ 3B3 L iv) pildug a''s=Va b of the following statement. (Show Wite down the working) int x-8, y=50; output intz= x*10>y+30? x*10+y: x<=y/5? *y: Y/x; What is the value of x if int n[l-2,5,7,8,9,11,3) (Show working) int x=Math.min(n|4],n[6|) n[n.length-2]* 10; , + Name the following: a A keyword used to make a variable as b) A class variable. keyword used to call a package in a program Write the java statements for the following: a) Check if the second character of a variable 'str is in b) Find the position of last p' from thestring uppercase. word "Applications". (vii Analyze the given program segment and answer the for(int i=3; i<=4; it +){ following questions boo wollo odh forint j-2; j<i; j++) System.out.print(" "; System.out.println("WIN");} (1) How many times does the inner loop execute? (i) Write the output of the program segment. Differentiate between constructor and function. (2 points) Write the output for the String s= "Today is Test";following System.out.println(s.indexOf(T); System.out.println(s.substring(0, 6) +*"+ "Holiday); bertisod2 SectionB this section should (Attempt Any Four) consist of programs in either BlueJ program any environment with java as the base. Each program should be written The answer of [15 x 4-60] environment or logic of the program is clearly using variable description/mnemonic codes so that the depicted. Flowchart and algorithms are Question3 not required. 1) Write a Java Overloading. Program to print the following using the i)void show) - Display a horizontal line of 50 " i) void show(int n) Display concept of Function - 1 3 void 6 10 the following series 15.... n terms iii) show(char with character 'ch'. ch,int n) - for 'n' number of terms. Display the following pattern for 'n' $$$$ $$$ number of lines $$ when ch $'and n =4] Write the main() function to create an = object of tne class and call the functions, Page 4 of 5 Queatiop4 Wrie a menu driven following operations. program t o to accept accept 1. Check and display if it is a from the an an integer " user and perform 4, 100 etc) (E.g. 16, 36, s u m digits 2. Check and display if it is aPerfect Tect Square not [Neon Number: if the Neon Number umber or not O2 81, of square of the number is 8+19] equal to the number. (B number or not. the of or Question 5 Write a Java program to accept a it into u p p e r c a s e . word,Convert number of pairs of consecutive alphabets present in tne For example:If the word isSTUDENT, then it will display ST, TU and DE Question 6 Write a program to store n ' numbers in Count display the the pa irs. and display Number of pairs -3 double array (Assume tnat u the array the number in Search search. to nia a Accept Storeain ascending order). suitabie display otherwise its position using Binary Search Technique. If forIndienlav message. Question 7 in an of integers (both positive and negative) count Write a Java program to accept n'number AIso followed by the positive numbers. array. Display all the negative numbers first and display the number of negative numbers. Questlon 8 Define a class ElectricBill with the following specifications: Class Name ElectricBill Instance variables /data member: String n - to store the name of the customer int units - to store the number of units consumed double bill - to store the amount to be paid Member methods default initialize data members with their consumed by a customer. ( ) Default constructor to number of unit void accept() To accept name and ElectricBill - - values. the following tariff: void calculate) to calculate the bill as per Rate per unit Number of Units Rs. 2.00/unit First 100 units Rs. 3.50/unit Next 200 units - Above 300 units void print0 To print Rs. 5.00/unit the details in the following format: Name of the customer:, consumed:. Number ofunits Bill amount: . Write a main() method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods. * * * * * *k******************* X-Com AMP. Page 5 of 5

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