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ICSE Board Exam 2001 : History and Civics

6 pages, 49 questions, 33 questions with responses, 55 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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HISTORY, CIVICS AND GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 (History and Civics) - 2001 (Two Hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, one from Section A, one from Section B, one from Section C, and two other questions from any of the Section A, B, and C. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Part. Q uestion 1 (a) Give any four qualifications necessary for an individual seeking election to the Lok Sabha. [2] (b) M ention any two financial powers of the President of India. [2] (c) What does the term 'collective responsibility' of the Council of M inisters imply? [1] (d) Suppose a person who is not a member of the State Legislature becomes a M inister, what is the time limit given to him to become a member of the Legislature? [1] (e) Who appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? [1] (f) State any two advantages of the Local Self-Government. [2] (g) Who is the head of the M unicipal Corporation? [1] Modern Indian History Q uestion 2 (a) Where and when was the first session of the Indian National Congress held? [1] (b) Who was called 'The Grand Old M an of India'? [1] (c) What does the word 'Swadeshi' as used by Gandhiji imply? [1] (d) The Lucknow Pact is remembered for two main reasons. State the reasons. [2] (e) Why was the Dandi M arch undertaken? [1] (f) Who were the leaders of the Khilafat M ovement? [1] (g) Give two reasons for launching the Quit India M ovement. [2] (h) What is the Historical importance of 26th January, 1930? [1] The United Nations and the Regional Organizations Q uestion 3 (a) Give one of the functions of the General Assembly of the Untied Nations. [1] (b) 'Veto power' is enjoyed by the five permanent members of UN. What is this power? [2] (c) Give the full form of UNICEF. [2] (d) Which day is celebrated as the Human Rights Day? [1] (e) Where is the permanent seat of the International Court of Justice located? [1] (f) Where and when was the first summit of the Non-Aligned M ovement held? [1] (g) Name any four member countries of SAARC. [2] (h) Where is the Central Secretariat of ASEAN located? [1] PART II (50 Marks) A total of five questions are to be attempted from this Part. S ection - A Civics Question 4 The Speaker is elected as soon as the newly elected Legislative Assembly meets. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) How is the Speaker elected? [3] (b) What are the functions of the Speaker? [7] Question 5 With reference to the judiciary, write short notes on the following: (a) Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. [5] (b) The Supreme Court as a Court of Record. [5] Question 6 With reference to the Zila Parishad, answer the following questions: (a) State the composition of the Zila Parishad. [5] (b) M ention its main functions. [5] S ection - B Modern Indian History Question 7 The birth of the Indian National Congress was an event of great significance in Indian History. In this context answer the following questions: (a) What were the objectives of the Indian National Congress? [6] (b) How did the British react when the Indian National Congress was founded? Why did their attitude change later? [4] Question 8 Bal Gangadhar Tilak made a great contribution to the National M ovement. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) What were the political views of Bal Gangadhar Tilak? [3] (b) Enlist his contribution towards the rise of Nationalism.. [4] (c) Why is he known as the forerunner of M ahatma Gandhi? [3] Question 9 With reference to the Partition of Bengal in 1905, answer the following questions: (a) Why was Bengal partitioned. [5] (b) What was the reaction of the people to the partition? [5] Question 10 The Civil Disobedience M ovement was significant in the history of the National M ovement. With reference to this movement, write short notes on: (a) Circumstances leading to the Civil Disobedience M ovement. [5] (b) Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 1931. [5] Q uestion 11 With reference to the Indian National Army, answer the following questions: (a) M ention the circumstances which led to the formation of the Indian National Army. [5] (b) Summarize the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose to the National M ovement. [5] Question 12 The Cabinet M ission Plan evoked a mixed reaction from the leaders of both the Congress and the M uslim League. In this context, answer the following: (a) Give any six proposals of the Cabinet M ission Plan. [6] (b) What were the reactions of the Congress and the M uslim League to the Cabinet M ission Plan? [4] S ection - C The United] Nations and the Regional Organizations Question 13 With reference to the agencies of the United Nations, give the main functinos of the following: (a) World Health Organization. [5] (b) United Nations Development Programme. [5] Question 14 With the reference to the Non-Aligned M ovement, answer the following: (a) What is meant by the Non-Aligned M ovement? [2] (b) Give any six objectives of the Non-Aligned M ovement. [6] (c) M ention two steps taken by Jawaharlal Nehru to further the cause of the movement. [2] Q uestion 15 With reference to the Regional Associations, give the main objectives of the following: (a) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). [5] (b) South Asian Association for Regional C o-operation (SAARC). [5]

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Additional Info : Solved ICSE Board exam paper study guide - ICSE 2001 : HISTORY, CIVICS AND GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 (History and Civics) - I.C.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
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