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ICSE Board Exam 1997 : History and Civics

7 pages, 58 questions, 32 questions with responses, 45 total responses,    0    0
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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HISTORY, CIVICS AND GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 (History and Civics) - 1997 (Two Hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, one from Section A, one from Section B, one from Section C, and D one other question from any of the Section A, B, C and D. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I Attempt all questions from this Part. Civics Question 1 (a) Name two States which have retained a bicameral legislature. [2] (b) What is the age qualification for a person to be elected to: (i) The State Legislative Assembly 1 (ii) The State Legislative Council. [2] (c) How is the Chief M inister of a State appointed? [2] (d) What is the responsibility of the Governor if there is a severe unrest leading to a breakdown of the constitutional machinery in a State? [1] (e) What is meant by the term "Appellate Jurisdiction" of a High Court? [1] (f) How is the Chief Justice of a High Court appointed? [1] (g) Name the organisation which co-ordinates the working of the various Panchayat Samitis in a district. [1] India's S truggle for Freedom and the National Movement Question 2 (a) Who was the first Viceroy of India? [1] (b) Where was the first session of The Indian National Congress held? [1] (c) What action, taken by the Viceroy, sparked of the Swadeshi M ovement in 1905? [1] (d) Name two leaders of the Khilafat M ovement. [1] (e) Why is the Congress session, held at Lahore, in 1929, significant in the history of India's freedom movement? [1] (f) State the names of the following: (i) The political party started by Subhash Chandra Bose after he resigned as President of the Congress. 1 (ii) The organization of which he became Supreme Commander in 1943. [2] (g) State one reason for sending the Cripps M ission to India in 1942. [1] (h) What is said about the Princely States in the M ountbatten Plan? [1] (i) How were the borders of the two new Dominions to be demarcated according to the Indian Independence Act of I 947? [1] World Development S ince 1945 Q uestion 3 (a) What is meant by the term "Truman Doctrine"? [1] (b) State any two important military consequences of the Cold War. [2] (c) Where is the Central Secretariat of ASEAN located? [1] (d) How did the Treaty of 1963, seek to limit the testing of nuclear weapons? [1] (e) State one way in which nuclear energy can be used for peaceful purposes. [1] (f) What is the main condition required to be fulfilled by a country in order to qualify for membership of the Commonwealth? [1] (g) Give one example of action taken by the Commonwealth to combat racism. [1] (h) How did the South West African People's Organization finally prove successful in achieving its objectives? [1] (i) What common fear caused the countries of South East Asia to unite in ASEAN? [1] PART II A total of five questions are to be attempted from this Part. S ection - A Civics Question 4 Compare the powers of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council with reference to: (a) Financial Powers: [3] (b) Control over the Executive: [5] (c) Ordinary Bills: [2] Q uestion 5 The Governor is the Constitutional Head in a State. In this context state briefly: (a) His Executive Powers. [3] (b) His Judicial Powers. [7] Question 6 A M unicipal Corporation is set-up in cities which have a very large urban population. In this context, describe the following: (a) The election and composition of the General Council. [3] (b) The obligatory functions of the M unicipal Corporation. [7] S ection-B India's S truggle for Freedom Question 7 Although the Revolt of 1857 failed, it had important consequences for India. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) How did the Revolt give rise to nationalism in India? [3] (b) How did the end of the East India Company's rule bring in great economic perils in India? [3] (c) How did the British Government try to pacify the feelings of Indians with regard to (1) their Religious practices and (2) the Princely States? [4] Question 8 In the latter part of the 19th century middle class nationalism begun to grow and founded an organization of its own, the Indian National Congress. State briefly, how each of the followings assisted this process: (a) Development of means of transport and communication. [3] (b) The Ilbert Bill controversy. [4] (c) A.O. Hume. [3] Question 9 Growth of communalism in India was encouraged by the British authorities as well as certain trends in Indian society. In the light of this observation, explain: (a) The Divide and Rule Policy of the British. [4] (b) The writings and speeches of the M ilitant Nationalists. [6] Question 10 Under the leadership of M ahatma Gandhi, the Congress launched the Non-Cooperation M ovement in 1920. Briefly describe the following: (a) The Programme of the M ovement. [5] (b) The Chauri-Chaura incident and its consequences. [5] Question 11 In regard to the provision for Provincial Autonomy in the Government of India Act of 1935, which gave the first taste of power and responsibility to the Indian nationalists, answer the following questions: (a) Explain the term "Provincial Autonomy." [3] (b) Describe the achievements of the Congress M inistries. [5] (c) State any two of the consequences of Provincial Autonomy. [2] Question 12 Prime M inister Attlee's Announcement on February 20, 1947, was attempted to end the deadlock in India and marked the last few months of British rule. In this context write short notes on: (a) Any three salient features of the Announcement. [3] (b) The M ountbatten Plan for the transfer of power. [7] S ection - C World Development S ince 1945 Question 13 With reference to the policy of Non-Alignment adopted by several Afro-Asian nations, answer the following questions: (a) Explain, what is meant by Non-Alignment? [2] (b) State the principles of the Panch Sheel. [5] (c) State two actions taken by Jawaharlal Nehru to further the cause of Non-Alignment. [3] Question 14 The European Economic Community (EEC) has developed as a great economic force in the decades after World War II. Briefly explain the following: (a) Any five objectives of the EEC. [5] (b) The composition and functions of the EEC Commission and the Council of M inisters. [5] Question 15 The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) unites the countries which control a large part of the world's oil reserves. In this context, answer the following questions: (a) What were the main reasons for the setting-up of OPEC? [3] (b) What is the main condition for membership of OPEC? Where are its headquarters? [2] (c) Give the main objectives of OPEC. [5]

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Additional Info : Solved ICSE Board exam paper study guide - ICSE 1997 : HISTORY, CIVICS AND GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 (History and Civics) - I.C.S.E. Free Online Question Paper
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