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ICSE Class X Board Specimen 2015 : Geography

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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GEOGRAPHY H.C.G. Paper 2 (Two hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. To be supplied with this Paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/7 and 20 cm of twine. Note: (i) In all Map Work, by a wise use of arrows to indicate positions of countries, cities and other insertions that you make, you will be able to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. (ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. 45D/7 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on the completion of the Paper. (iii) The Map given at the end of this question paper must be fastened with your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of each question must be answered in the correct order. (v) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet as the rest of the answer. 49 ICSE Specimen Question Paper PART I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Part Question 1 Study the extract of the survey of India Map Sheet No. 45 D/7 (Eastings 91 to 01 and Northings 73 to 83) and answer the following questions: (a) Give a six figure grid reference of: (i) Spot height . 542. (ii) Temple at Juvol. (c) [1] (i) What is meant by the term R F? [1] (ii) What is the total area of the given map extract in kilometres? (b) [1] [1] Calculate the distance in kilometres along the cart track linking Juvol in grid square 9282 to Arniwada in grid square 9481. (e) (i) What is the direction of the main river given in the map extract? [1] (ii) On which bank of the main river is the village Chekhla situated? (d) [2] [1] (i) What is the main form of irrigation in the South East area of the map extract? [1] (ii) Give a reason why the streams in grid square 9478 do not join a river. (g) (i) Identify the land form shown by the contours in grid square 9473. [1] (ii) What does 4r written against the blue dot in grid square 9973 represent? (f) [1] [1] (i) In what way is the pattern of settlement in grid square 9576 different from that in grid square 9774? [1] (ii) What difference do you notice in the pattern of drainage in grid square 9574 and the drainage pattern in grid square 9382? (h) (i) What is the compass direction of Antroli from Sangla ? [1] [1] (ii) Which is the most important settlement shown on the map extract? Give a reason for your answer. (i) [1] [1] (ii) Identify the feature given in black curved lines in grid square 9679. (j) (i) Name one manmade and one natural feature in grid square 9473. [1] (i) Name any two modes of transport used in the given map extract. [1] 50 Specimen 2011 (ii) What inference can be drawn about the general occupation of the people living in the South East area of the map extract? Give a reason for your answer. [1] Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (a) Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats. [1] (b) River Chenab. [1] (c) Mark with arrow, the direction of the Bay of Bengal branch of South West Monsoon. [1] (d) Shade and name an area where red soil is found extensively. [1] (e) The Longitude 82 E. [1] (f) Coromandel Coast. [1] (g) Nathu-La-pass. [1] (h) Mark and label the leading states for coal and iron ore. [1] (i) Shade and name the state with highest density of population. [1] (j) Mark with a red dot and name Allahabad. [1] PART II (50 Marks) Attempt any five questions from this Part. Question 3 (a) Name the different seasons in India stating the months when they are experienced. (b) [2] (i) Why is the annual range of temperature more at Agra than at Mumbai? (ii) Name a region in India which receives rainfall both in summer and winter. (c) (i) [2] Explain in what way are retreating monsoon winds different from North East Monsoon winds. (ii) Give two reasons why Arabian Sea branch of the South West Monsoon does not shed any moisture in Western Rajasthan. 51 [3] ICSE Specimen Question Paper (d) Study the climatic data of two cities of India provided below and answer the questions that follow: Month Station A Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Temperature ( C) 24.5 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 32.5 30.7 30.0 29.7 28.0 26.0 24.6 Rainfall (cm) Station B 2.8 0.7 0.7 1.5 4.5 5.1 9.5 11.3 12.4 28.1 34.5 13.6 Temperature ( C) 24.4 24.4 26.7 28.3 30.0 28.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 28.3 27.2 25.0 Rainfall (cm) 0.25 0.25 ----- 1.75 50.2 61.0 37.0 27.0 4.75 1.00 ----- ----- (i) Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station A. (ii) What is the total rainfall experienced by Station B? (iii) On which coast is Station A situated? Name the rains that bring rainfall to this region. [3] Question 4 (a) Name one cash crop for which black soil is most suited. (i) Name the transported soil most widely found in India. (ii) (c) How is black soil formed? (ii) (b) (i) How is this soil formed? (i) Name the soil found on the summits of Eastern Ghats. [2] [2] (ii) How is this soil formed? (iii) Why is this soil not suitable for cultivation? (d) (i) What is meant by soil erosion? (ii) [3] How is it caused? (iii) Give two methods adopted by the government to conserve soil. [3] Question 5 (a) (i) What is the name given to the natural vegetation found on the coastal strip of the Ganges Delta? Name the typical tree found in this region. (ii) What is the most commercially important vegetation belt in India? In what rainfall range is it located? 52 Specimen 2011 [2] (b) Distinguish between agro forestry and social forestry. (c) (i) [2] Why are the forests grown around the cities having the Iron and Steel industries ? (ii) State the characteristic feature of Tropical Evergreen forests. (iii) Name an important tree of Tropical Evergreen forest and state its use. (d) (i) State two characteristic features of vegetation found in tropical deserts. (ii) Give an example of the desert vegetation and state its uses. [3] [3] Question 6 (a) State any two favourable conditions necessary for digging wells. (i) Why are perennial canals more useful than inundation canals? (ii) (c) State two reasons why irrigation is important in India. (ii) (b) (i) Name one state where canal irrigation is popular. (i) State one advantage of tank irrigation. Where is it commonly used in [2] [2] India? (ii) What is a tube-well? Why is it useful during drought conditions? (iii) How is the new method like drip irrigation useful for the farmers? (d) (i) Why is rain water harvesting important in India? Give two reasons. (ii) Name two states which practice rain water harvesting in India. [3] [3] Question 7 (a) (i) Why is manganese an important raw material for iron and steel industry? (ii) Name the best quality of iron ore which has magnetic property. Name an important coal field located in West Bengal. (i) State any one important use of bauxite as a raw material. (ii) (c) (i) (ii) (b) Name one iron-ore field in Orissa. [2] Name one state where bauxite is found. (iii) Name an industry which uses limestone as raw material. (d) (i) Name one new and one old oilfield in India. [3] Mention two main uses of petroleum. (ii) [2] 53 [3] ICSE Specimen Question Paper Question 8 (a) Differentiate between subsistence farming and commercial farming. [2] (b) Name two non-edible oilseeds grown in India. State one use of each. [2] (c) (i) What are the two main crop seasons of India? Explain giving one example of each. (ii) (i) Which state in India is the largest producer of coffee? (ii) (d) State the method of cultivation of growing wheat. State the climatic conditions that favour the cultivation of coffee. (iii) Mention one problem faced by the sugarcane cultivators in India. [3] [3] Question 9 (a) Why is the jute industry concentrated in and around West Bengal? Give two reasons. (b) [2] Give two reasons why Ahmedabad in Gujarat is famous for cotton-textile industry. (c) [2] Explain the term Sericulture. (ii) (d) (i) Why is Karnataka famous for silk industry? Give two reasons. (i) Name two industries using animal fibre. Mention one important centre [3] of production for each. (ii) Give two problems faced by the woollen textile industry in India. [3] Question 10 (a) (i) What is the most important requirement for Heavy Engineering industry in India? (ii) Name one important centre for each of the following: (1) Ship Building (2) Aircraft (b) (i) [2] Name the foreign collaborations for the following iron and steel plants. (1) Rourkela (2) Durgapur (iii) From where do they obtain their supply of coal and iron-ore? 54 Specimen 2011 [2] (c) (i) Name the raw materials required by the petrochemical industry. (ii) Mention two products of this industry. (iii) Give a reason why the petrochemical products are gaining importance. (d) (i) Name the two most important centres of electronic industry in India. (ii) [3] Name the largest and the oldest integrated iron and steel plant in private sector in India. (iii) What is meant by a mini steel plant? State its advantage. [3] Question 11 (a) State two reasons why waste management is important. (b) (i) Why is rail transport more comfortable and popular in India? (ii) State any two problems faced by the railways. [2] [3] (c) What is the importance of Roadways in India? Give two reasons. (d) List some important initiatives of the Indian Government to improve the management of solid wastes. [2] [3] 55 ICSE Specimen Question Paper Name ..Index No. . (This map, if used, must be fastened with all other answers) Map of India for Question 2. 56 Specimen 2011

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Additional Info : ICSE Board Specimen / Sample / Model / Mock Question Paper 2015 Geography (H.C.G. Paper 2)
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