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Merchant of Venice Questions

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Hrishikesh Eshwar
R. N. S. Vidyaniketan, Bangalore
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The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare Masterprose Study Questions ACT I 1. What important background information is established in the first scene? 2. Does Shakespeare intend the audience to view Bassanio as a spendthrift and a "gold digger"? 3. Why, in Scene II, is Portia in such a melancholy mood? 4. Why does Shakespeare use the word "choose" so often in the second scene? 5. How is Portia characterized in Scene II? 6. In Scene II, why do Portia and Nerissa review the suitors who have come to court Portia? 7. How do Shylock's first words in Scene III help to characterize him? 8. What is the point of Shylock's comments about Antonio's 1/ 97148/74815 1 ships? 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan, Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare 9. Why does Shylock refuse to eat with Antonio? 10. What is the purpose of Shylock's "aside" as Antonio approaches in Scene III? 11. What is ironic about Shylock's reference in Scene III to feeding his grudge toward Antonio, and then greeting Antonio by saying that he was the last man in their mouths? 12. How does Shylock defend his practice of charging interest on loans? 13. Apart from the matter of usury, why does Shylock bear such hatred for Ailtoilio? 14. How does Antonio react to Shylock's expression of his resentment? 15. Can the audience believe Shylock when he says he would offer the hand of friendship to Antonio? 16. \Alhy does p.;J1tonic agree to the. terms of the "merry bond~'-that is, to forfeit one pcu."nd of fle r~ if he fails to repay the borrowed mOf.!.ey OIl time? 17. What does Bassanio's reluctance to allow Antonio to agree to Shylock's bond reveal about him? II 97148/74815 2 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan. Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare 18. As far as plot development is concerned, what is the importance of Antonio's agreeing to Shylock's bond? ACT II 19. How does the scene between Portia and the Prince of Morocco further Portia's characterization? 20. Why does Shakespeare split the episode of the Prince of Morocco's choice into two scenes? 21. What is the function of Launcelot Gobbo in Scene II? 22. What new element of plot is added to the play in Scene III? 23. What is Launcelot's function in this subplot? 24. How does Jessica's letter to Lorenzo in Scene IV set up further exposition? 25. Why is Shylock reluctant to sup with Bassanio? 26. What is ironic about Shylock's leaving his keys with his daughter? It 97148174815 3 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan. Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare 27. What does Shylock's attitude toward music reveal about him? 28. Why is Shylock glad to see Launcelot leave his household to go to work for Bassanio? 29. Should Jessica be regarded as a thief for taking money with her when she elopes with Lorenzo? 30. As Scene VI doses, why does Antonio announce that there will be no masque that night? 31; What is the dramatic function of Scene VII? 32. Why does the Prince of Morocco choose the gold casket over the others? 33. What is the lesson the prince discovers inside the gold box? 34. \Vhat is the dramatic purpose or the conversation between Salerio and Salania in Scene VIII? 35. Why didn't Shakespeare stage Shylock's reaction to his daughter's elopement rather than having Solania report it? # 97148/74815 4 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan, Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare 36. How does Shakespeare take the opportunity the scene with the Prince of Arragon? 37. What does the servant's announcement the audience to expect? to satirize Spain, England's rival, in of the next suitor at the end of Act II lead ACT III 38. How do Solanio and Salerio prove dramatically useful again in Scene I? 39. What is the effect of Shylock's long "I am a Jew" speech in the first scene? 40. How does Shakespeare keep from making Shylock into too sympathetic a character in Scene I? 41. What is the prevailing mood as the scene ends? 42. What is the dramatic importance of Scene II? 43. Compare the mood of Scene II with Scene I. 44. What is the theme of Bassanio's long speech before he makes his choice of the caskets? # 97]48/74815 5 )994 Perfection Learning, Logan. Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare 45. How does Scene II help to develop Bassanio's character? 46. How is our understanding of Portia increased in Scene II? 47. What is the dramatic function of Scene III? 48. \Vhy can the Duke do nothing to prevent Shylock's claiming his bond? 49. How does Scene IV help to "humanize" Portia? 50. How does Portia explain her departure from Belmont to Lorenzo? C' .! \1.!h3.t is tl'lt draInatie pur~~ose Df Scene V? ACT IV 52. What appeal does the Duke of Venice make to Shylock as the trial opens? 53. How does Shylock respond to this appeal? # 97148/74815 6 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan, Iowa 51546. The Merchant of Venice Name William Shakespeare 54. How does Antonio behave in the face of the fate which seems about to befall hi m.? 55. Is money the most important thing in the world to Shylock? 56. What is the effect of Shakespeare's delaying Portia's entrance into the trial scene? 57. Describe the unfolding of Portia's argument in the trial. 58. When Shylock relents and says he will take the money instead of the pound of flesh, why is he denied? 59. How does Shakespeare bring the trial scene full circle? 60. What kind of mercy does the court show Shylock? 61. How would the audience of Shakespeare's day have regarded Shylock's forced conversion? 62. Why doesn't Shakespeare end Act IV with Shylock's exit from the court in defeat? # 97148/74815 7 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan, Iowa 51546. _ The Merchant of Venice Name _ William Shakespeare ACT V 63. 'llhat is the mood as Act V opens? 64. In what other scene in the play does music playas important a role? 65. How is the ring plot in Act V enhanced by dramatic irony? 66. How is the intrigue of the rings finally resolved? II 97148/74815 8 1994 Perfection Learning, Logan, Iowa 51546.

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