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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Activity High School, Mumbai)

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ACTIVITY HIGH SCHOOL STD.X PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION MARKS: 80 GEOGRAPHY DATE: 21-12-2023 TIME: 2Hrs. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answels. Attempt eight questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. Atotal of five questions are to be attempted from Part I. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [] PART I(30 MARKS) (ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS PART) (10) Q-1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet and answer the following questions: (a Give the six figure grid reference of the following: A1401 at Kue Ka Pahar (0) (b) Causeway near Anadra Identify the following symbols: PWD in grid square 6424 () (C (d) (e) .1425 in grid square 6925 ldentify the drainage patterns in the following grids: 6219 6623 (1) Find the length of the National Highway in the North Western part of the Map. What is the difference in the slope in grid square 6726 and 67252 Give a reason for your answer. () What is the purpose of the embankment in grid square 6323 extending into grid square 6424? (9) ldentify any two features on the Map extract which indicate that Mt. Abu is of tourist importance. h) ldentify any two symbols in Anadra which indicate government facilities in the town. i) What does falls 15 min grid square 6718 indicate? How has it been fomed? Page 1 of 7 STD. XIGEOG/CONTD....21 State the necessity of the fire line in grid square 6827 and 6927 Q-2 On the outline Map of India (a) provided mark and label the following: (10) Tropic of Cancer b ) Largest oil reserve A densely populated State below the tropics Karakoram pass e River Indus Aravalli Range Winds giving orographic rain to the middle Bengaluru Northern Circars Area Q-3 of Red Ganga plains Soil above the Tropics Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options: (a) (10) Which among the following islare the major factor/factors responsible for the monsoon type of climate in India A Location Upper Air Circulation (0) (0) (b) A B A BC (ii) (iv) Inter Tropical BCD Convergence Zone A BCD Which of the following factors are responsible for the production is South India as compared to North India. rapid growth of sugar Higher per acre yield of sugarcane Higher sucrose content of sugarcane C Lower Labour cost D Longer crushing period A () Thermal Contrast D B A, C, D (0) (iv) A B, C, D A BD Page 2 of 7 STD.X/GEOGRAPHYICONTD..3/ c) () Using an old saree to make cushion covers is an example of Recycle of waste (0) Refuse of waste (iv) Reuse of waste Reclaim of waste Laterite soil lacks humus because 0) Heavy rainfall leaches the humus Laterite is acidic in nature therefore destroys the humuS. (i) (IV) Humus content in the soil is removed by bacteria. therefore lack of humus Lack of vegetation in areas of laterite soil Which of the following pairs of trees are xerophytes. (0) acacia; babool Babool, palas () (u) (iv) (iv) palas; amur acacia, amur rainwater harvesting. Which of the following is an objective of Meeting the demand for water them clean. channelizing it into drains to flush Reducing surface run off and underground water table. Raising the mineral content of the monsoons. requirement of water during the Supplement the domestic deposits of tertiary coal. Which of the following states has Jharkhand Tamil Nadu Maharashtra (iv) () Telangana h) Fine plucking is so as not to cause damage. Plucking each tea leaf with great care, (0) sunrise. Plucking the tea leaves before and a bud Plucking two tender tea leaves (t) (iv) (0 (0) the base of the tea plant. Plucking the mature tea leaves from the longest. Which of the National Highways is NH8 (0) NH 1 (0) NH7 because. Black soil does not get leached (iv) NH 14 It is clayey soil () It shrinks when dry Potash It is rich in Iron Magnesium (iv It does not have organic matter Page 3 of STD.X/GEOGRAPHYICONTD.. 4/ PART II Q4 (50 MARKS) ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS FROM THIS PART a) Tne death toll due to torrential rains caused by Michaung cyclone in Chennai and three neighbouring districts rose to 7 on December 5th, 2O23 ) Explain the above weather condition. () Mention b) the reason for its How do the temperature monsoons? (ii c) (0) Month Station occurrence conditions of the Northern plains affect the onset oT the What is Bardoli Chheerha? Mention any one benefit Give reasons for the (1) (1) of it. following: Jaisalmer in Rajasthan receives very low (3) rainfal. Siachan glacier are battered by severe cold. Chennai experiences rainfall in winter while Mumbai is dry. Study the climate data and answer the following Soldiers (ii) d) (1 (1) Jan A(sea level) Temperature 24.4 in Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 3ZI22 (3) Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 25.4 26.7 29.3 30.0| 29.9 29.8 27.8 26.9 26.3 25.1 24.8 Rainfall (cm) 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.6 3.8 26.6 29.630.5 26.5 11.91.1 0.2 Station B (800m above sea level) Temperature 8.1 Rainfall (cm) 0.4 (C) () (ii) 89 15.6| 20.1| 25.2 24.3 24.1 22.7 20.6 18.4| 14.196 0.3 10.3 5.8 0.7 0.40.3 Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station A. Suggest a reason why the range is a small one. Which of the two Stations has the lower temperature? Why? On which coast is StationA situated? Give a reason for your answer. Page 4 of 7 STD:X/GEOGRAPHY/ CONTD.. 5/ ldentify the tree and mention the type Q-5 a of natural vegetation it belong to: Moderately hard and durable wood used for making good (D) ship building. The bark and the roots have diabetes. (2) quality furniture and medicinal properties effective for treatment of b) Give another name for littoral forests, Mention any one area where it is found. (2) Mention any one adaptation of the trees of the littoral forests to survive in C 0 (D) waterlogged conditions. Give reasons for the following: (3) Beyond the snowline vegetation is absent. Forests are moderators of climate. Use of non-conventional sources of energy resources help to save forest and the environment. d (0 Distinguish between Social Forestry and Agro Forestry. What is Farm Forestry? (2) (1) Q-6 a) Irrigation is necessary in India although we have areas receiving the highest rainfall in the world. Justify the statement giving two reasons. 2019 (2) b} Why are surface wells a blessing to small and marginal farmers? (2) Give reasons for the following: (3) The terrain of the Deccan plateau is for the conducive of tanks. ( ). development Drip irrigation is used in areas with low rainfall. Man is responsible for the water crisis in India. Read the passage and answer the following questions: Ground water in twelve Indian States found to be contaminated with Uranium. Twelve Indian States have uranium levels water. This report was published by the beyond permissible limits in the ground Central Ground VWater Board. Neary 29% or 3 in every 10 wells tested in Punjab is contaminated with Uranium. the worst affected State with Punjab is wells found to have uranium The safe levels 532ppb. prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards concentration and World Health Organisation is 30ppb. Page 5 of 7 STD.X/GEOGRAPHYICONTD..6/ (0 Q-7 (1) (2) VWhen is ground water said to be unsafe for use How can we improve the quality of ground water (1) (1) (a) () Name the ore of aluminum. (b) (c) Why is it used in the electrical equipment industry? Coal. Coal and Tertiary Gondwana between Mention two points of difference Give reasons for the following: construction to be useful in order in Raw iron needs to be alloyedi (ii) (3) and automobile industry. Oil refineries are located close to oilfields or near ports. factor in industrial development. The location of coalfields is an important (d) Why is hydroelectric power sustainable in nature? Q-8 (2) (3) How can land owners benefit by installing wind turbines on their land? (i) (i1) Why does harvesting of Solar Energy not require much maintenance ? (a) Why is wheat not cultivated in Kerala? (2) (b Mention two advantages of the transplanting method of growing rice. (2) Give reasons for the following: Millets are known as dry crops. (3) () (ii) The government of India is encouraging the growing of puises. Cultivation of sugarcane requires cheap labour. (3) (d) Name two states in India that are leading producers of groundnut. Q-9 (ii) What is ratooning? What is clonal planting? (a) UP lags behind Maharashtra in Sugar production although it has 40% more cultivation area under sugarcane as per 2022 reports (2) What is the reason for the fall in production? (b) What help can the government provide to boost the sugar production? Mention the importance of the Electronic industry for transport and communication. (2 Page 6 o STD.X/GEOGRAPHYI CONTD.. 7|following Give reasons ((C) for the (3) 1T industry has come up in (0) Silk industry has come up inBangalore Mini Steel Plant cause less Karnataka. pollution than Integrated Steel Plant. (d) () WNith reference to the Steel Vishakhapatnam (AY (B) Where does it get its iron ore from? Plant State: (2) From which country does it import coal? Where does it export its products to? (CY (D) In which state is the plant located?. Why are petro chemical industries situated near oil refineries? Q-10fa) Mention the importance of rural roads in the development of India. Name the following. Abj (1) (2) (2) The end points of the world's highest road. The Highway that joins Srinagar to Kanya Kumar. A tidal port and a free trade zone. (C) Give reasons for the following C Movement on roads is slower as compared to railways. Broad Gauge railway helps in industrial development. Railways lack flexibility of routes. (3) d) Mention two advantages of waterways in comparison to airways. (2) Airways are indispensable during a natural calamity. Explain with the help of an example. Q-11 4a) (1) Mention two impacts of waste accumulation on landscape. (2) (b) Explain the term Bio magnification with the help of a suitable example. (2) (C With reference to sanitary landfills answer the following: Mention two advantages of a sanitary landfil. (1) Mention any two characteristics of the types of plant that can be planted on sanitary landfills (2 () Composting helps to deal with household organic waste. With reference to the given statement answer the following: (3) Describe the method. Mention one advantage of composting. (i1) When we do composting at home which of the 3Rs are we referring to? Page 7 of7 - Question (a) 2.0 19 Pcpa (i) Name the Indian soilwhich is formed dueto the weathering of basic i8 rocks. R9d So?| (1) Name fwo states of India where this type of soil is found. - T l NoSy (b) Name the following: ) An important Iransported soil of India. Alwfol (ii) Soil that is rich in iron oxide. Rgd. (c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (i) Terrace farming is an ideal soil conservation method for hilly regions. (i) Dryfarming is preferred in areas with red soil. (ii) Wind is a common agent of soil erosion in arid regions. (d) Briefly answer the following: ) Mention one way in which man is responsible for soil erosion. (i) How can deepening of the river bed help in preventing soil erosion? (i i) Mention a physical characteristic of Laterite soil.

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