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ICSE Board Exam 2015 : Board Model Answers : Computer Applications

16 pages, 26 questions, 26 questions with responses, 73 total responses,    1    0
Hirthick Kumaran
Lakshmi School, Veerapanchan, Madurai
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Total Number of students who took the examination 94,250 Highest Marks Obtained 100 Lowest Marks Obtained 8 Mean Marks Obtained 83.97 Percentage of Candidates according to marks obtained Mark Range Details Number of Candidates Percentage of Candidates Cumulative Number Cumulative Percentage 0-20 3 0.00 3 0.00 21-40 54 0.06 57 0.06 41-60 7,469 7.92 7,526 7.99 61-80 27,146 28.80 34,672 36.79 81-100 59,578 63.21 94,250 100.00 Range of Marks Obtained 63.21 Percentage of Candidates 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 28.80 30.00 20.00 7.92 10.00 0.00 0.00 0-20 0.06 21-40 41-60 Marks Obtained 227 61-80 81-100 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE Question 1 (a) What are the default values of primitive data type int and float? [2] (b) Name any two OOP s principles. [2] (c) What are identifiers? [2] (d) Identify the literals listed below: (i) 0.5 (ii) 'A' (iii) false (iv) "a". [2] (e) Name the wrapper classes of char type and boolean type. [2] Examiners Comments (a) Most candidates answered correctly. Suggestions for teachers However a few were not clear about the Primitive data types should be taught default value of float. with its default values. (b) Most candidates answered correctly. However Principles and features of OOP s some candidates got confused with the should be explained clearly. principles of OOP s. Correct definitions of terms used (c) Most candidates answered correctly. A few frequently should be explained candidates however wrote the rules for thoroughly. declaring an identifier. Explain the different types of literals (d) Though most candidates answered correctly, with examples. there were some who misunderstood the question and wrote vague and incorrect Teach all the wrapper classes with the answers. correct syntax. (e) Most candidates wrote the first character of wrapper classes in lower case letters instead of uppercase character. MARKING SCHEME Question 1 (a) The default value of int is 0 and that of float is 0.0f (b) Data Abstraction/Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Message passing, Data encapsulation/Encapsulation (c) An identifier is a sequence of characters used to name variables , methods, classes, packages and interfaces OR They represent names of different components of a Java program. (d) (i) floating point literal (ii) character literal.. (iii) boolean literal. (iv) String literal (e) Character and Boolean 228 Question 2 (a) Evaluate the value of n if value of p=5,q=19 int n = (q-p)>(p-q)?(q-p) : (p-q); [2] (b) Arrange the following primitive data types in an ascending order of their size: (i) char (ii) byte (iii) double (iv) int [2] (c) What is the value stored in variable res given below : double res = Math.pow("345".indexOf('5'),3); [2] (d) Name the two types of constructors. [2] (e) What are the values of a and b after the following function is executed , if the values passed are 30 and 50: void paws(int a ,int b) { a=a+b; b=a-b; a=a-b; System .out.println(a+","+b); } [2] Examiners Comments: (a) Most candidates answered correctly, however some candidates wrote the expression (q-p) instead of its final value. (b) Candidates got confused between the size of int and char. Some candidates wrote the answer in descending order instead of an ascending order. (c) Most candidates wrote the answer as 8 instead 8.0. A few candidates were unable to find the index of the given argument. (d) Most candidates answered correctly. A few candidates were not clear about the types of constructor. (e) Most candidates answered correctly. Some however were unable to interchange the value correctly. 229 Suggestions for teachers Practice exercise on ternary operator. Order of all data types with its size should be taught thoroughly. Stress on using important keywords. Practice exercises on evaluation of the multiple and single mathematical functions on the computer. Constructor should be taught in detail along with its types. Explain the difference between transfer of value and interchange of value. MARKING SCHEME Question - 2 (a) n=14 (b) (i) byte (ii) char (iii) int (iv) double. (c) 8.0 (d) (i) Non-Parameterized constructor and Parameterized constructor. [OR] (ii) Default constructor and Parameterized constructor. [OR] (iii) Constructor without parameters and Constructor with parameters. (e) 50,30 Question 3 (a) State the data type and value of y after the following is executed : char x='7'; y= Character.isLetter(x); [2] (b) What is the function of catch block in exception handling ? Where does it appear in a program? [2] (c) State the output when the following program segment is executed : String a="Smartphone", b="Graphic Art"; String h=a.substring(2,5); String k= b.substring(8).toUpperCase(); System.out.println(h); System.out.println(k.equalsIgnoreCase(h)) ; [2] (d) The access specifier that gives the most accessibility is____________________ and the least accessibility is __________________. [2] (e) (i) Name the mathematical function which is used to find sine of an angle given in radians. (ii) Name a string function which removes the blank spaces provided in the prefix and suffix of a string . [2] (f) (i) What will this code print ? int arr[] =new int[5]; System.out.println(arr); (i) 0 (ii) value stored in arr[0] (iii) 0000 (iv) garbage value (ii) Name the keyword which is used to resolve the conflict between method parameter and instance variables/fields. (g) State the package that contains the class : (i) BufferedReader (ii) Scanner [2] [2] 230 (h) Write the output of the following program code : char ch; int x=97; do { ch=(char)x; System.out.print(ch+" "); if(x%10==0) break; ++x; } while(x<=100); [2] (i) Write the Java expression for: a2 + b2 2ab [2] (j) If int y=10 then find int z=(++y*(y++ +5)); [2] Examiners Comments (a) Many candidates did not write the data type with only the value being written. Some candidates were unfamiliar with Character functions. (b) Most candidates showed a lack of knowledge of this topic. However a few candidates wrote the answer correctly. (c) Many candidates answered this question correctly. However some candidates incorrectly wrote (Art) instead of art. (d) Most candidates answered correctly. However, there were few candidates who interchanged the answer. Some candidates wrote protected, friendly and default as the answer instead of private. (e) Most candidates answered this question correctly. A few however committed errors in the syntax and wrote the answer as sine () instead of sin (). (f) Most candidates were unable to understand both parts of the question and wrote incorrect answers. (g) Many candidates answered this question correctly. A few candidates were not familiar with the package that contains Scanner and Buffered class. (h) A number of candidates wrote the answer correctly, but a few candidates failed to take the last iteration. Some candidates wrote the integer value instead of character value. 231 Suggestions for teachers All the character functions given in the Syllabus should be taught comprehensively. Teach all the String functions mentioned in the syllabus thoroughly. Access specifiers should be taught with examples. Emphasize on all mathematical and String Functions. Attach more importance to the fundamentals of array. Introduce the concept of packages and the classes contained in them. Practice output questions involving loops and stress on doing dry run and writing the steps of calculation. Explain the hierarchy of operators and also how to evaluate the Java expressions. Prefix and postfix of increment and decrement operator is a common topic and sufficient practice must be done in class. (i) Most candidates answered correctly. A few however lost marks due to missing asterisk(multiplication) symbols and wrong division signs. (j) Some candidates were not familiar in solving expressions involving pre increment and post increment operators within a multiple parenthesis. MARKING SCHEME Question - 3 (a) Data type is boolean and y=false (b) A Catch block is a group of Java statements that are used to handle a raised exception. The catch block should be placed after try block. (c) art true (d) (i) public (ii) private. (e) (i)sin() (ii) trim() (f) (i) garbage value (ii) this keyword. (g) io and util package (h) a b c d (i) (Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b,2))/(2*a*b) [OR] (a*a+b*b)/(2*a*b) (j) int z=(++y*(y++ +5)); (11*(11+5)); 176 Question 4 Define a class called Parking Lot with the following description : Instance variables/data members : int vno - To store the vehicle number int hours - To store the number of hours the vehicle is parked in the parking lot double bill - To store the bill amount Member methods : void input() - To input and store the vno and hours. void calculate() - To compute the parking charge at the rate of 3 for the first hour or part thereof, and 1.50 for each additional hour or part thereof. void display() - To display the detail Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above methods. [15] 232 Examiners Comments (i) Function names and variables names written by most candidates were different from what was asked in the question. (ii) The entire program was done using only one method. (iii) The value for parking charge, which is to be calculated was accepted from the user. (iv) There were mistakes in calculations of parking charge. (v) Variables were declared inside the input() method . (vi) Object creation was not done. (vii) Variable description /mnemonic codes were not found in most answers. Suggestions for teachers Instruct students to use the class name, variable name and method name as given in the question. Teach the concept of classes/object/Data members with the help of real Life examples. Teach writing programs in which multiple methods are involved. Explain that the parking charge/bill that needs to be calculated should not be accepted from the user. MARKING SCHEME Question - 4 import java.util.*; class ParkingLot { int vno; int hours; double bill; Scanner sc=new Scanner(; void input() { System.out.println("Enter the vehicle number and number of hours"); vno=sc.nextInt(); hours=sc.nextInt(); } void calculate() { if(hours<=1) bill= 3; else bill=3+(hours-1)*1.50; } void display() { System.out.println("Vechicle Number:"+vno); System.out.println("Hours:"+hours); System.out.println("Bill:"+bill); } public static void main(String args[]) { ParkingLot pl=new ParkingLot(); 233 pl.input(); pl.calculate(); pl.display(); } } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics Question 5 Write two separate programs to generate the following patterns using iteration(loop) statements: * (b) 54321 *# 5432 *#* 543 *#*# 54 *#*#* 5 Examiners Comments: (i) Some candidates wrote the program for only one type of triangle instead of both. (ii) A few candidates were confused with the pattern using two characters. (iii) In part (b) reverse loop was not formed correctly (iv) A few candidates answered this question by writing 5 print statements. (v) Improper output, println() statement instead of print() statement for printing each character. (vi) Blank println() statement was missing. MARKING SCHEME Question - 5 (a) import*; class Quest_5a { void patteren1() { for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=i;j++) { if(j%2!=0) System.out.print("*"+" "); else System.out.print("#"+" "); } 234 15] Suggestions for teachers Emphasize the difference between print() and println() method. Students should be made to practice and execute programs to print patterns on the computer. Assign program segments to students to find the output so that they will be able to perform the manual calculation and understand how the loop works. Instruct students to dry run the program } System.out.println(); } } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics (b) import java.util.*; class Quest_5b { void patteren() { for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=5;j>=i;j--) { System.out.print(j); } System.out.println(); } } } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics Question 6 Write a program to input and store roll numbers, names and marks in 3 subjects of n number students in five single dimensional array and display the remark based on average marks as given below:(the maximum marks in the subject are 100) average marks=Total Marks 3 Average marks Remarks 85-100 EXCELLENT 75-84 DISTINCTION 60-74 FIRST CLASS 40-59 PASS Less than 40 POOR [15] Examiners comments: (i) Many candidates attempted the question without using array. (ii) Input of data was not taken inside the loop. (iii) Value of n (number of students) not accepted. (iv) Arrays were declared without specifying the size. (v) Calculation average was not done inside the loop. (vi) Accepted the average marks from the user instead of computing. (vii) Conditions for grading were not written correctly. 235 Suggestions for teachers Array creation with different data types should be practiced. Inputting and storing elements in an array should be practiced on the computer. Use of relational operators should be explained clearly. MARKING SCHEME Question - 6 import java.util.*; class Quest_6 { void grade() { Scanner br=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number of students"); int n=br.nextInt(); int roll[]=new int[n]; String name[]=new String[n]; double m1[]=new double[n]; double m2[]=new double[n]; double m3[]=new double[n]; double avg[]=new double[n]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { System.out.println("Enter roll number,name,marks in 3 Subjects for"+(i+1)+"student"); roll[i]=br.nextInt(); name[i]; m1[i]=br.nextDouble(); m2[i]=br.nextDouble(); m3[i]=br.nextDouble(); avg[i]=(m1[i]+m2[i]+m3[i])/3; if(avg[i]>=85&&avg[i]<=100) System.out.println("EXCELLENT"); else if(avg[i]>=75&&avg[i]<=84) System.out.println("DISTINCTION"); else if(avg[i]>=60&&avg[i]<=74) System.out.println("FIRST CLASS"); else if(avg[i]>=40&&avg[i]<=59) System.out.println("PASS"); else System.out.println("POOR"); } } } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics 236 Question 7 Design a class to overload a function Joystring() as follows: (i) void Joystring (String s, char ch1, char ch2) with one string argument and two character arguments that replaces the character argument ch1 with the character argument ch2 in the given string s and prints the new string. Example: Input value of s ="TECHNALAGY" ch1='A', ch2='O' Output : "TECHNOLOGY" (ii) void Joystring (String s) with one string argument that prints the position of the first space and the last space of the given string s. Example: Input value of ="Cloud computing means Internet based computing" Output : First index : 5 Last index : 36 (iii) void Joystring ( String s1, String s2 ) with two string arguments that combines the two strings with a space between them and prints the resultant string. Example: Input value of s1 ="COMMON WEALTH " Input value of s2="GAMES " Output : COMMON WEALTH GAMES (use library functions) 15 237 Examiners Comments Most candidates answered correctly. A few candidates were not clear about the concepts of function overloading. (i) A few candidates used separate programs or three functions with different names. (ii) Some candidates used the same name for the class and the three methods. (iii) Some candidates made all the calculations in the main function itself. (vi) Functions were called without passing required arguments and accepted values as inputs inside the function body. (v) In place of concat() method , + operator was used. (vi) String functions were not used. Instead candidates complicated the program by using loops and arrays. MARKING SCHEME Question - 7 import java.util.*; class Quest_7 { void joystring(String s,char ch1,char ch2) { String str=s.replace(ch1,ch2); System.out.println(str); } void joystring(String s) { int first=s.indexOf(' '); System.out.println("First index :"+first); int last=s.lastIndexOf(' '); System.out.println("Last index :"+last); } void joystring(String s1,String s2) { String s3=" "; String str=s1.concat(s3).concat(s2); System.out.println(str); } public static void main(String args[]) { Quest_7 obj=new Quest_7(); obj.joystring("TECHNALAGY",'A','O'); 238 Suggestions for teachers - Emphasis on the function name to be the same. - Programs using function overloading should be practiced more. Using only main functions for all programs should be avoided. - String functions and their uses need to be taught thoroughly. - Passing arguments through function must be worked out while teaching. - Practice lot of output questions based on all the String functions. - During the given reading time, minute details should be noted and underlined so as not to be missed while writing the program. obj.joystring("Cloud computing means Internet based computing"); obj.joystring("COMMOM WEALTH","GAMES"); } } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics Question 8 Write a program to input twenty names in an array. Arrange these names in descending order of alphabets, using the bubble sort technique. [15] Examiners comments (i) Array elements are assigned not accepted. (ii) Integer array was declared instead of String array. (iii) Declaration of temporary variable as an integer type instead of String array. (iv) Compare To() method was not used. (v) Other methods of sorting were used instead of bubble sort. (vi) Array elements were sorted in ascending order instead of sorting in a descending order. (vi) Printing of sorted elements was not done. Suggestions for teachers Revise iteration before teaching arrays. Explain the importance of the loop variable. Basic technique such as searching and sorting should be taught with different data types. Use of compareTo () method should be explained with help of examples. Train candidates to write the program using different array length. Difference between bubble sort and selection sort must be discussed. Emphasize on output requirements. MARKING SCHEME Question 8 import java.util.*; class Quest_8 { void sort() { Scanner br=new Scanner (; String names[]=new String[20]; System.out.println("Enter 20 names"); for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { names[i]; } for(int j=0;j<(20-1);j++) { for(int k=0;k<20-j-1;k++) { if(names[k].compareTo(names[k+1])<0) { String temp=names[k]; 239 names[k]=names[k+1]; names[k+1]=temp; } } } System.out.println("Names in descending order"); for(int k=0;k<20;k++) {System.out.println(names[k]); }} } Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics Question 9 Using the switch statement, write a menu driven program to: (i) To find and display all the factors of a number input by the user (including 1 and excluding number itself). Example: Sample Input n =15 Sample Output : (ii) : 1,3, 5 To find and display the factorial of a number input by the user (the factorial of a non negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all integers less than or equal to n. Example: Sample Input : Sample Output : n =5 5! = 1 2 3 4 5 =120. For an incorrect choice, an appropriate error message should be displayed. [15] Examiners comments: Many candidates lost marks because of the absence of menu and input choice, break and default statement. Suggestions for teachers Some candidates did not follow the instruction and Additional practice on menu driven wrote two separate programs. programs. (a) (i) Overlooked the instruction excluding number Teach all types of logical programs. itself . Instruct candidates to read the (ii) For finding the factor / operator was used question carefully and follow the given instructions. instead of % operator. (b) (i) Variable for finding the factorial was initialized with value 0 . Some candidates initialized the variable with value 1 but inside the loop. (iii) Loop to find the factorial was formed 1 to < n. 240 MARKING SCHEME Question 9 import java.util.*; class question9 { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(; System.out.println("MENU"); System.out.println("1.FACTORS OF A NUMBER"); System.out.println("2.FACTORIAL OF A NUMBER"); System.out.println("ENTER A NUMBER"); int num=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("ENTER YOUR CHOICE"); int choice=sc.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: System.out.print("FACTORS ARE="); for(int i=1;i<=num/2;i++) { if(num%i==0) System.out.print(i+","); } break; case 2: int f=1; for(int i=1;i<=num;i++) { f=f*i; } System.out.println("FACTORIAL OF "+num+"="+f); break; default: System.out.println("Wrong choice"); } }} Description of variables/ comments/mnemonics 241 Topics /Concepts found difficult Default value of float. Working of ternary operator. Wrapper classes. Output question using different library functions. Default values of primitive data types. Evaluation of an expression containing prefix and postfix operators. Use of and default. Arranging names in descending order. Calculation of bill. Use of nested loop. Suggestions for students Solve exercises based on various operators and inbuilt functions. Section A is compulsory and hence all question must be attempted. Read the question carefully before answering. If a proper definition does not come to mind then explain the term with suitable example. Do not forget to write comment lines or description of variables and use mnemonic names. Dry run each program before trying it on the computer. Try to understand the question asked by reading it carefully. Each concept should be understood instead of rote learning. If a definition does not come to mind, write an accurate example to illustrate the concept. Learn the correct use of all statements so that syntax errors can be eliminated. 242

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