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PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 Important Name Reactions of Chemistry in Class 12th CBSE and ISC Board INDEX 1. Sandmeyer Reaction 2. Gattermann Reaction 3. Balz-Schiemann Reaction 4. Finkelstein Reaction 5. Swartz Reaction 6. Wurtz Reaction 7. Fitting Reaction 8. Wurtz - Fittig Reaction 9. Kolbe's Reaction 10. Reimer- Tiemann Reaction 11. Rosenmund Reduction 12. Gattermann - Koch Reaction 13. Stephen Reaction or Stephen Reduction 14. Clemmensen Reduction 15. Wolff - Kishner Reduction 16. Haloform Reaction (Iodoform Reaction) 17. Aldol Condensation 18. Cannizzaro Reaction 19. Friedel - Crafts Reaction 20. Grignard Synthesis 21. Esterification Reaction or Fischer Esterification 22. Williamson Synthesis 23. Diazotisation Reaction 24. Etard Reaction 25. Hell - Volhard Zelinsky Reaction 26. Decarboxylation Reaction 27. Hofmann Bromide Reaction 28. Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis 29. Coupling Reaction 30. Carbylamine Reaction 1 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 1. SANDMEYER REACTION The DIAZONIUM (C6H5N2Cl) is prepared by treating ice cold solution of ANILINE (C6H5NH2) in excess of dilute HCl with an aqueous solution of NaNO2 at low temperature (0-5) C and the reaction is known as DIAZOTIZATION REACTION. BROMO and CHLORO ALKANES can be prepared by treating a freshly prepared DIAZONIUM SALT with CUPPEROUS BROMIDE or CUPPEROUS CHLORIDE and this reaction is called as SANDMEYER REACTION. . 2. GATTERMANN REACTION This Reaction is same as SANDMEYER REACTION. But the only difference between both of them is that here we use COPPER POWDER (Cu) in the presence of HCl/HBr, and in SANDMEYER REACTION we use Cu2Cl2/Cu2Br2 as catalyst. 2 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 3. BALZ-SCHIEMANN REACTION It is a method of preparation of FLOUROBENZENE. In this method DIAZONIUM SALT is reacted with FLOUROBORIC ACID, followed by heating the complex compound formed. 4. FINKELSTEIN REACTION ALKYL IODIDE (R-I) are often prepared by the Reaction of ALKYL CHLORIDE (RCl) or ALKYL BROMIDE (R-Br) with SODIUM IODIDE (NaI) in Dry Acetone. 5. SWARTZ REACTION FLOUROALKANE (ex. CH3CH2F) are prepared by treating ALKYL CHLORIDE (ex. CH3CH2Cl) or BROMIDE (ex. CH3CH2Br) in the presence of metallic FLOURIDES such as AgF, Hg2F2, CoF2 etc. 3 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 6. WURTZ REACTION ALKYL HALIDE/HALOALKANE react with metallic SODIUM in the presence of DRY ETHER to form ALKANE containing double the no. of CARBON atom as present in parent ALKYL HALIDE. 7. FITTIG REACTION Aryl Halides prepared with Sodium (Na) in dry ether to give analogous compounds where two aryl groups joined. 8. WURTZ-FITTIG REACTION When a mixture of Alkyl Halide and Aryl Halide gets treated with sodium in dry ether, we get an Alkyl Arene. 4 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 9. KOLBE-SCHMITT REACTION SODIUM PHENOXIDE (C6H5ONa) when heated with CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) at 400 Kelvin under a pressure of (4-7)atm followed by acidification gives 2-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID (SALICYLIC ACID) as the main product. This Reaction is called KOLBE S REACTION. 10. REIMER TIEMANN REACTION When PHENOL (C6H5OH) reacts with CHLOROFORM (CHCl3) in the presence of NaOH (SODIUM HYDROXIDE), a CHO group is introduced at ortho position of the Ring. This Reaction is known as REIMER TIEMANN REACTION. 5 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 11. Roesnmund Reaction The Rosenmund Reduction is a hydrogenation process in which an Acyl Chloride is selectively reduced to an Aldehyde. The reaction is catalysed by Palladium on Barium Sulphate. 12. GATTERMAN-KOCH REACTION When Benzene or its derivative is treated with Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) in the presence of Anhydrous AlCl3 or CuCl2, it gives Benzaldehyde or substituted benzaldehyde. This Reaction is called Gatterman Koch Reaction. 13. STEPHEN REACTION When Ethereal solution of a Nitrile is reduced with STANNOUS CHLORIDE (SnCl2) in the presence of HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HCl) at room temperature, Imine Hydrochloride (R CH=NH.HCl) is formed. This up on Hydrolysis with boiling H2O give Aldehyde and the Reaction is called STEPHEN REACTION. 6 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 14. CLEMMENSEN REDUCTION Aldehyde and Ketone are reduced to corresponding hydrocarbon when they are reacted with a mixture of Zinc Mercury Alloy and Concentrated HCl. This reaction is called as Clemmensen Reduction. 15. WOLFF - KISHNER REDUCTION Carbonyl group of Aldehydes and Ketones on treatment with Hydrazine which on heating with Potassium Hydroxide in high boiling solvent (ethylene glycol) reduced to CH2 group. 7 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 17. ALDOL CONDENSATION In this Reaction two Molecules of an ALDEHYDE or a KETONE condense in presence of a Dilute ALKALI (Dilute NaOH, Na2CO3, Ba(OH)2 etc.) to form a -hydroxyaldehyde or -hydroxyketone resp. These -hydroxyaldehydes or ketones are collectively called ALDOLS. 18. CANNIZZARO REACTION ALDEHYDES which do not contain a hydrogen atom when treated with concentrated ALKALI SOLUTION (NaOH) undergo disproportionation reaction, i.e. self-Oxidation/Reduction. As a result one molecule is oxidized to CARBOXYLIC ACID and another molecule is reduced to ALCOHOL. 8 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 22. WILLIAMSON SYNTHESIS It is an important Laboratory method for the preparation of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical ETHER. In this method an ALKYL HALIDE is allowed to react with SODIUM ALKOXIDE. 24. ETARD REACTION Chromyl chloride oxidises methyl group to get chromium complex which on hydrolysis provides corresponding benzaldehyde. 25. HELL VOLHARD ZELINSKY (HVZ) REACTION Carboxylic acids having an -hydrogen are halogenated at the -position on treatment with chlorine (Cl) or bromine (Br) in the presence of small amount of red phosphorus to give -halocarboxylic acid. This reaction is known as HVZ reaction. 9 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 27. HOFMANN BROMIDE REACTION When a Primary AMIDE is treated with an Aqueous or Alcoholic NaOH (SODIUM HYDROXIDE) or KOH (POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE) solution and BROMINE, it gives a Primary AMINE which has one CARBON atom less than the original AMIDE. 28. GABRIEL PHTHALIMIDE SYNTHESIS Phthalimide prepared with Ethanolic Potassium Hydroxide produces Potassium salt of Phthalimide when heated with Alkyl Halide followed by Alkaline hydrolysis forms the corresponding primary Amine. 10 PCM ENCYCLOPEDIA 8445151733 29. COUPLING REACTION Benzene diazonium chloride gets reacted with phenol in which the phenol molecule at its para position is mixed with the diazonium salt to give phydroxyazobenzene. 30. CARBYLAMINE REACTION Primary amine (both aliphatic and aromatic) when warmed with chloroform and alcoholic KOH, gives isocyanides (carbylamines). This is called carbylamine reaction. Carbylamines has an offensive smell. This reaction is answered only by primary amine and hence to distinguish primary amine from other classes of amines. Preparation of Iodobenzene Replacement of the DIAZONIUM Group by IODINE is done simply by Shaking the DIAZONIUM SALT with KI. 11

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