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Tips and tricks for ICSE

3 pages, 9 questions, 9 questions with responses, 89 total responses,    3    0
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St. Xavier's Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata
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ENGLISH LANGUAGE Pay special attention to your essay, avoid spelling mistakes. Making no grammatical errors in the essay ensures a minimum of 18 marks out of 25 provided that the essay has the necessary length. Avoid scribbling and rewriting in the letter, they cost you marks. The formal letter is preferred since 3 marks are reserved in it for correct format. Do not copy sentences directly from the comprehension passage. However, certain keywords are required in the answer which may be taken from the passage. Ensure that all points needed in your answer to Question 3(c) have been stated in the precis within 60 words. LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Try your best to include all points in your answer. 0.5 mark is cut for every point missed. Give quotations from the text in your answers in the drama section(Section A). You are allowed to use the same phrases and sentences as in the text in case of questions in Section C-Prose. In the essay-type answer of sixteen marks, give a brief character sketch of the major character(s) and the background before expressing your opinion. HISTORY & CIVICS Study according to the prescribed syllabus for questions in Part II (Long questions) only. You need to study the entire textbook for short questions in Part I. GEOGRAPHY Avoid overcrowding in the map of India by drawing arrows at different places. All labelling should be done by means of arrows only. Study any 7 topics of the syllabus thoroughly, any 1 topic can be left out totally since you are required to answer 5 questions out of nine and seperate questions are given for each of the nine topics climate, soil, natural vegetation, water resources, agriculture, agro-based industries, minerals, mineral-based industries and transport & waste

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