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GSEB HSC JULY 2009 : Physics

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054 ( E ) (JULY, 2009) [Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 Hours ] Instructions : (1) This question paper contains 60 questions . All the questions are compulsory. (2) Use log table or simple calculator if necessary. (3) Symbols (in this question paper) have their ususal meanings. (4) Begin new section on new page . Write answers in sequence. SECTION - A Question numbers from sl. 1 to 16 are objective type (multiple choice) carrying 16 1 mark each. Select the correct option. 1. The dimensions of Permittivity ( 60 ] are .. ......... Take Q as dimension of charge. (B) M- 'OT-3Q -1 2 -2Q-2 (A) M 1 L T (C) M-11;-3T 2Q2 (D) M-1L3T-20 2. The resistance of a 10 meter long potentiometer wire is 20 Q. It is connected in series with a 3 V battery and 10 52 resistor. The potential difference between two points on the wire seperated from each other by a distance 50 cm is equal to (A) 0.06 V (B) 0.5 V (C) 0.1 V (D) 1.2 V 3. If a Proton is moving with velocity 3 x105 ms - 1 at an angle 30 in a magnetic field of 0.3 T, then the radius of curvature of its trajectory will be ........ (for Proton ^/m = 108 C/kg.) (A) 0.5 cm (B) 0.02 cm (C) 2 cm ( D) 0.866 cm 054(E ) [171 P.T.O. 4. A bar magnet has magnetic dipole moment M. Its initial position is parallel to a uniform magnetic field. In this position, the torque and force acting on it are... (A) 0, 0 (B) M x B and MB (C) 1VI B and MB (D) None of these 5. The self inductance of a coil of 600 turns and some radius is 108 mH. Then the self inductance of an identical coil having 500 turns will be ...... mH. (A) 90 (C) 155 (B) (D) 75 130 6. The maximum value of t in an electro magnetic wave is equal to 18 Vm 1, then the maximum value of t will be equal to ..... (A) 11 x 10-11 T (B) 9 x 10-9 T (C) 6 x 10 -5T (D) 4 x 10-6 T 7. An image of an object obtained by convex mirror is n times smaller than object, if focal length of lens is f, object distance would be ......... n (A) o1 (B) f (C) (n - 1)f (D) of 8. The distance between two slits in Young's experiment is 0.1 mm and the distance of the screen from the slit is 100 cm. If the wavelength of height is 5000 A, the width of fringe is .............. (A) 5 mm (B) 5 cm (C) 2.5 mm (D) 2.5 cm 9. When a-particles are accelerated under the p.d. of V volt, their de-Broglie's wavelength is ........ A. Mass of a-particle is 6.4 x 10-27 kg. and its charge is 3.2 x 10-19 C. (A) (C) 0.287 -11V ( B) 0.103 ,/V ( D) 12.27 7V ^ 1.22 ,/V 10. Half life of a radioactive element is 5 min. In 20 min, the ...... % of the substance will remain undecayed. (A) 25 (B) 75 (C) 93.75 (D) 6.25 054(E) [18] 11. For N = Noe-X,t and t2 > tl, the number of nucleii disintegrating between tl and t2 is ..... (A) No [e t1 - e-a , t2 ] (B) N0 [e2 _ e-At1 ] (C) No [e t2 -Xtl -e ] (D) None of these 12. The wavelength of Ka spectral line is X for an element of atomic number 43. The wavelength of Ka spectral line for an element of atomic number 29 is ..... X. 42 (B) 28 (A) 43 (C) 29 13. What is the minimum number of geo-stationary satellites needed to establish communication over entire surface of the Earth ? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 4 14. In order to cover a circular region of radius 16 km, by a T.V. transmitter, what must be the height of the transmitting antenna ? [Radius of the Earth = 6.4 x 106 m] (A) 0.2 km (B) 2 km (C) 0.02 km (D) 0.1 km 15. The emitter junction of the CE transistor amplifier is ........ biased while the collector junction is .......... biased. (A) Reverse, forward (B) Forward, forward (C) Reverse, reverse (D) Forward, reverse. 16. a = 0.99 for a CE transistor amplifier circuit. The input resistance is equal to 1 kQ and the load resistance is equal to 10 k52. The voltage gain of the circuit is ........ (A) 990 (C) (B) 9900 99 054(E) (D) 99000. [19] P.T.O. SECTION - B Questions from sl. number 17 to 32 are short answer type questions. Each carries ONE mark. 16 17. Define Static electric potential. OR Write a unit of electric field strength. 18. Why does the current flowing through a super conductor sustain over a long time interval ? OR What is Conductance ? 19. Give dimensional formula of Magnetic field intensity. 20. The current is flowing through a straight long conductor. Find the ratio of magnetic field intensities at a distance of 2.0 cm. and 5.0 cm. 21. What is intensity of magnetization? 22. What is the value of power factor of series L-C-R AC circuit at resonance ? OR What is Wattless current ? 23. What are inductive components in electro-magnetic waves ? 24. Which physical quantity does not change when a ray of light travels from one medium to another medium ? OR Give a method to obtain plane polarised light. 25. What is meant by Critical angle ? 26. What is Characteristic impedence (Z0) ? 27. What is Integrated Circuit (I.C.) ? 054(E) [20] 28. Draw the circuit symbols of.NPN transistors. 29. Name any two donor impurities in semiconductors. 30. What is average life time of a radio active element ? OR What is the use of moderator in nuclear reactor ? 31. The radius of electron's second stationary orbit in Hydrogen atom is R. Find the radius of third orbit in terms of R. 32. What is slope of graph of V -4 f for photo electric effect ? SECTION-C Questions from sl. number 33 to 48 are short answer type questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 32 33. Mention any four characteristics of electric field lines. 34. Derive the formula of capacitance for parallel plate capacitor C = 0. A 35. , What is Relaxation time ? Accepting formula for drift velocity gained by electron in relaxation time vd = eE T , derive the expression for resistivity : m In ne2'r 36. Define Peltier and Joule effect. Show that both are not same. 37. State and explain Ampere's circuital law. 38. What is Magnetic Susceptibility ? On which factors it depends ? Obtain expression B = 0H for vacuum and write expression for permeability of the material. 39. Derive the relation E = -Bvl for motional emf produced in a rod of length 1, moving in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicularly with velocity v. 054(E ) [21] P.T.O. 40. Draw graphs of Irms --> w for L-C-R in series A.C. circuit for two different values of R1 and R2 (R1 < R2). Using it, explain Q factor. OR Define the term "effective power" for an L-C-R A.C. circuit. Obtain an expression for the Power. 41. What is Power Factor? Explain experimental arrangement of Hertz experiment with necessary diagram and show that it forms an oscillator circuit. 42. For a transparent prism, obtain i + e A + S. i 1 43. With the help of equation I= Io cos2 k(rl - r2) derive the condition for 2 constructive interference in terms of path and phase difference. 44. Give Einstein's explanation for Photoelectric effect. OR Write any four properties attributed to a Photon as a result of Photoelectric and Compton effect. 45. Accepting dN = -X,N, obtain exponential law of radioactive decay. dt 46. Give first hypothesis of Bohr model and using it, derive expression for radius of the orbit of electron in Hydrogen atom. 47. Explain half - wave rectifier with necessary circuit and graphs. OR Draw Input and Output characteristics for CE transistor circuit. Write the formula for input resistance (ri) and output resistance (ro). 48. Explain Analogy and Digital communication. OR On one particular day, maximum value of the frequency of waves reflected by the ionosphere is 3.3 MHz. On some other day it is 3 MHz. Find the ratio of maximum electron densities for these days. 054(E) [22] 91 SECTION - D Questions from sl. number 49 to 60 are short answer type questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 36 49. An electric dipole of moment P is placed in a uniform electric field E . The dipole is rotated through a very small angle 0 from equilibrium and is released. 1 PE Prove that it executes simple harmonic oscillation with frequency f = - KE 2nt I where I= Moment of inertia- of the dipole. 50. A spherical drop of water has 3 x 10-10 C amount of charge residing on it. 500 V electric potential exists on its surface. Calculate the radius of this drop. Two such identical drops combine to form a new drop. Calculate the electric potential on the surface of the new drop, where K = 9 x 109 SI. 51. A thin layer of 0.001 cm of Copper is to be deposited on a plate of copper of 10 cm2 through electrolysis. Calculate the amount of energy used if a battery of 12 V is connected. Density of Copper = 9 g cm 3, Electro chemical equivalent of Copper = 0.0003 g moi-1. 52. An electron in the Hydrogen atom is revolving around a Proton with a speed of e2 , . The radius of the electron orbit is equal to h^ e2. Obtain the formula for the electric current in the above case. Mass of electron = m, Charge on electron = e, where h _ 53. A circular coil having N turns is made from a wire of L meter length. If a current of I amp. is passed through the coil, which is suspended in a uniform magnetic field of B Tesla, find the maximum torque that can act on the coil. OR A toroidal core with 3000 turns has inner and outer radii of 11 cm and 12 cm respectively. When a current of 0.70 A is passed, then the magnetic field produced in the core is 2.5 T. Find the relative permeability of the core. (go = 4it x 10-7 TmA-1) . 54. Two long solenoids are of equal length 1 and the smaller solenoid having a cross sectional area a is placed within the larger solenoid in such a way that their axes coincide. Find the mutual inductance of the system. OR A U shaped conducting frame is placed in a uniform magnetic field B in such a 054(E ) [23] P.T.O. way that the plane of frame is perpendicular to the field lines. A conducting rod is supported on the parallel arms of the frame, perpendicular to them and is given a velocity vo at time t = 0. Prove that the velocity of the rod at time t will be given by vt = vo exp mR . t where R = resistance of circuit, m = mass of rod, l = perpendicular distance between two arms. 55. One inductor of 0.50 H and a resistor of 100 b2 are connected in series with an a.c. source of 240 V and 50 Hz, then calculate the following quantities : (a) The maximum current flowing through the inductor. (b) Phase difference and time difference between current and voltage. 56. A real image formed by a concave mirror is four times the object size. If object is taken 3 cm away, the image is 3 times enlarged. Calculate the focal length of the mirror. 57. In Young's experiment, the distance between third bright and fifth dark fringe is 1.5 mm. The distance between source and screen is 100 cm and wavelength of light is 5000 A. Find the distance between two slits. 58. Wavelength of light incident on a photosensitive surface is reduced from 4000 A to 360 nm. Find the change in stopping potential. h = 6.625 x 10-34 Js. OR Compare energy of a photon of X-rays having 1 A wavelength with the energy of an electron having same de-Broglie wavelength. h = 6.6x 10-34 Js ; c = 3 x 108 MS -1 ; me = 9.1 x 10-31 kg. 59. In an X-ray tube, the p.d. between the anode and the cathode is 12.4 kV and current flowing is 2 mA, then find (1) the number of electrons striking the anode in 1 sec. (2) the speed of electrons while striking the anode. (3) minimum wavelength (Xmin) emitted. OR In a mixture of two radioactive elements A and B, the decay constant of A is 0.1 (day)-1 and that of B is 0.2 (day)-1. The initial activity of A is twice that of B. Find the activity of this mixture after 10 days. Initial activity of the mixture is 2 tCi. 60. Two amplifier circuits are connected in series. The voltage gain of the first amplifier is equal to 15 and that of the second amplifier is equal to 10. If a 10 mV signal is applied at the input of the amplifier, then what will be the output signal ? 054(E ) (24] JULY, 2009

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Additional Info : Gujarat Secondary Education Board (GSEB) Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) - Science Stream - English Medium
Tags : gujarat ssc, gujarat hsc, gujarat board ssc question papers, gujarat secondary education board (gseb) ssc exam model question, gujarat ssc board previous year question papers, gujarat board question papers, hsc board exams, gujarat board hsc question bank 2010, gseb hsc question bank, gesb hsc/ssc question paper structure, hsc question papers gujarati medium, hsc question english medium, gujarat board Sample Papers, gujarat board Books, previous year question paper of hsc gujarat board, previous 5 years exam papers for hsc gujarat board, h.s.c science previous question papers with answers.  

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