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GSEB HSC JULY 2008 : Chemistry

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This Question Paper contains 8 Printed Pages. 052(E) (JULY, 2008) [Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 Hours] Instructions (1) This question paper contains 60 questions. All are compulsory. (2) Write each new section with anew page and write answers of the questions in their order. (3) Write your answers according to instructions pointwise and to the point. Draw figure and give reactions wherever required.' (4) Section-A contains 1 to 16 multiple choice questions, each of 1 mark. (5) Section-B contains 17 to 32 very short answered questions, each of 1 mark. (6) Section-C contains 33 to 48 short answered questions, each of 2 marks. (7) Section-D contains 49 to 60 long answered questions, each of 3 marks. (8) Use log-table provided by Board, or a simple calculator provided for your calculations. (9) Use Pencil for figure drawing and Blue-pen for your writing in the Answer Book. (10) Constants : R = 1.987 Cal./ mole K. = 8.314 Joule/ mole K. SECTION-A 16 1. 2 litre of a solution contains 5 mole solute and 45 mole solvent. Mole fraction of solute is ............... (A) 5.0 (B) 10.0 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.10 052(E) [1] P.T.O. 2. The equation to determine the change in free energy alongwith the change in pressure-volume change at constant temperature is .............. (A) AG = nRT log P2 (B) A G = nRT log V2 1 1 (C) AG = nRT ln 1 (D) AG = nRT log 1 3. Unit of rate constant of 3rd order reaction is ........... (A) (Litre (Mole? sec (B) sec.-1 Mole -1 Litre (C) Litre sec (D) M 2.sec ole 4. Catalyst which convert alcohol directly into gasolene. (A) ZSM- 5 (B) Zinc stearate (C) Zinc Blende (D) PHBV 5. Which structure indicate Phosphinic acid? (A) O O (B) HO-P-H -H H-P-OH . OH (C) 0 H (D ) 91 gi HO-P-011 OH 6. HO-P-O-P-OH OH OH Transition ion of which compound has maximum magnetic moment? (A) MnSO4 (C) FeSO4 7. (B) Cr2(SO4)3 (D) CuSO4 Which is the structural formula of Sodium tris oxalato ferrate (III) ? (A) Na[Fe(Ox)3] (B)' Na2[Fe(Ox)3] (C) Na3[Fe(Ox)3] 052(E) (D) Na3[Fe(Ox)3]2 [2l 8. Which character will exhibit a particles? (A) Al foil like thin paper can stop it. (B) Only more thick Al strip can stop it. (C) 15-20 cm thick Al strip can stop it. (D) 15-20 cm thick tin metal strip - can stop it. 9. l-Epinephrine is how much more effective to raise blood pressure than its d . isomer? (A) 500 times ( B) 20 times (C) 50 times (D) 10 times 10. The use of a substance obtained by hydrolysis of ethylene oxide in presence of H2SO4 at 80 C is ..... (A) As a rubber solvent (B) as a filler (C) for Nylon fibres (D) for terrylene fibres. 11. Which of the following substance undergoes Aldol condensation? (A) CAHSCHO (B) CH3 CHO (C) H.CHO (D) All of above. 12. Which of the following has highest boiling point? (A) Ethanol (B) Ethanal (C) Glycerol (D) Ethyl amine 13. What type of the polymer Novolac is? (A) Branched (B) Linear (C) Cross-linked (D) Thermoplastic 14. Joining of which Carbon of Glucose unit form Starch? (A) C-1 and C- 2 (B) C-1 and C-3 (C) C-1 and C- 4 (D) C-1 and C-5 15. Which of the following is LAS? (A) CH3 (CH2 )x -< - SO3Na+ (B) CH3 - (CH2 )ii - O SO3Na+ (C). CH3 - (CH2 )15 - N+ (CH3)3 C1- (D) CH3 (CH2)lo - CH2 - O - SO+ - Na- 052(E ) [31 P.T.O. 16. The substance having no specific molecular formula but useful in manufacturing of Machinery is ...... (A) Fe2S3 (B) FeSO4. (C) Fe2(SO4)3 (D) Fe3C SECTION-B 16 17. Who proved the de-Broglie's principle experimentally? How? 18. Draw the structure of Diamond and write its type of hybridization. 19. Define : Colligative properties. OR Define : Osmosis. 20. What will be the change in entropy, when 18 grams of Water is converted into its vapour at 100 C temperature? Heat of Vapourisation of Water is 9720 cal/mole. 21. Define : Cell Potential 22. Write uses of Sn02 (two). 23. Write any one chemical reaction to prepare Chlorine in laboratory. 24. State the type of classification of ligands exist in complex ion [Pt(en)2C12]2+ 25. Calculate ratio of Neutron and Proton of the element obtained by emission of a- particle from 2 90Th 26. What are Isomorphous? 27. Write Van't-Hoff rule in terms of Stereo-isomers. 28. Draw electronic structure of Methanol. 29. Write : Decarboxylation reaction of Acetic acid. OR Write : Reaction to prepare Acetic anhydride from Acetic acid. 052(E) [41 30. Diazotisation,reaction is carried out at a low temperature. Why? 31. How Dextran is produced? State its use. 32. What are Nucleoside and Nucleotide? SECTION-C 32 33. Explain the evolution of Spin Quantum Number. 34. Explain Raoult's law for the solution which possess solute gas in a liquid solvent. 35. Write short note on : Substitutional Solid Solution. 36. Write difference between Electro-chemical cell and`Electrolytic cell (state 4 points). 37. Explain the equation of average rate of reaction by graph showing the change in concentration of reactants and products with time. 38. The first order reaction takes 20 minutes to complete 15% of its concentration, calculate what time will be required to complete its 75% concentration? OR The rate constant of a reaction is 2.Ox103min.-1 at 27 C. If the temperature is increased by 20 C, its value becomes three times. Calculate energy of activation. 39. On which principle the Langmuir adsorption isotherm depends? Write its hypothesis. 40. Uses' of adsorption (any four). 41. Give chemical reactions for preparation of K2Cr2O7. OR How photographic plate is. prepared? Explain the preparation. 42. Explain structure of complex ion in K2[Ni(CN)4] on the basis of hybridisation. OR State magnetic moment of metal ion present in [Fe(H2O)6]3+ and [Fe(CN)6]3-. Give reason for their different values. 052(E ) [5] P.T.O. 43. Complete reactions : 1 21 AI O 13A1 + 2He --> ................... + on (2) 294 Pu (a, ................... 44. What is called Nuclides? State the element Z=90 atomic weight with 230 and 228 in the form of nuclides. 45. Write short note on Di-saccharides. 46. Give structural formula of a-amino acid obtained by hydrolysis of Protein. Write names of any two amino-acids occur in nature. 47. Explain : Mordant Dyes. OR How Ceramics are obtained? Write names of ceramics used in cutting and grinding tools. 48. Write short note on : Synthetic Sweetners. SECTION-D 36 49. Describe energy band model. Explain the various electrical conductivity observed in substances on the basis of this theory. 50. Write short note on : (1) Ferromagnetic substances. (2) Anti-ferromagnetic substances. 51. At 25 C KP for the given reaction is 1.792 x 1012. Calculate its entropy change. AS R=1.987 Cal./K. 2NO(g) + 02(9) -4 2NO2(g) OH = - 7.77 K.Cal. 052 (E) [6l 52. At 25 C, the potential of the following given cell is 0.71 V. Calculate the ionic product of Water (Ku,). Pt / H2(1 atm.) / KOH (0.1M) // HCl (0.1 M) / H2 (1 atm.) / Pt OR At 25 C, the potential of the following cell is 1.041 V; calculate the pH of HC1 solution . E Ag+ / Ag = 0.8 V. Pt/H2 (1 atm.)./HCl(xM)//Ag+(0.01M)/Ag 53. Name the oxy-acids of Phosphorus, giving their molecular and structural formula (any Six). OR Describe Contact process for manufacturing of H2SO4, stating chemical reactions. Also give electronic structural formula of H2SO4. 54. Discuss the magnetic properties of Transition ions or compounds. The experimental values of magnetic moment of some compounds differ than their theoretical values. Why? OR What is Actinide series ? State properties and uses of the elements of this series. 55. Define Chelates. Give structures of Optical isomers of the following. (1) [Cr(Ox)3] " (2) [CrC12(NH3)2 en]' OR Write application of Complex compounds. 56. Explain importance of Stereo-chemistry. 57. (i) Aliphatic compounds containing -OH group are neutral but Aromatic compounds containing -OH group are acidic. Why? (ii) Explain Reimer-Tiemann reaction. 052(E ) [71 P.T.O. 58. Explain by giving chemical reaction for the intermediate obtained by reaction of Methyl magnesium iodide with Ethaial and Propanone which give alcohols on their hydrolysis. OR 'Explain Condensation reaction of Aldehyde and Ketone compounds by reactions only. 59. (i) Write Conversion : Ethyl acetate from Acetamide. (ii) Complete the reaction : Propane Fuming HNO3 400 C 60. Write preparation of Vulcanised rubber. State its properties and uses. 052(E ) [ 8] JULY, 2008

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Additional Info : Gujarat Secondary Education Board (GSEB) Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) - Science Stream - English Medium
Tags : gujarat ssc, gujarat hsc, gujarat board ssc question papers, gujarat secondary education board (gseb) ssc exam model question, gujarat ssc board previous year question papers, gujarat board question papers, hsc board exams, gujarat board hsc question bank 2010, gseb hsc question bank, gesb hsc/ssc question paper structure, hsc question papers gujarati medium, hsc question english medium, gujarat board Sample Papers, gujarat board Books, previous year question paper of hsc gujarat board, previous 5 years exam papers for hsc gujarat board, h.s.c science previous question papers with answers.  

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