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GSEB HSC MARCH 2009 : Chemistry

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This Question Paper contains 8 Printed Pages. 052(E) (MARCH, 2009) Time : 3.00 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) This question paper has total 60 questions and all are compulsory. (2) There are four sections A, B,-C and D in this question paper. Write your answer in order. Start writing new section on a new page. (3) Write your answer to the point and with essential chemical equations and figures. (4) Use log table for the calculation, which is given by the Board or simple calculator for calculation. Atomic Wt. (gm / mole) : C =12, H 1, 0 = 16. R = 0.082 Lit - atm. mole 1- V. R 1.987 Calorie/mole-K. (5) In this question paper, questions from 1 to 16 are of MCQ type, each of 1 mark belong to Section -A. Questions 17 to 32 are of SQ, each carries 1 mark belong to Section -B. Questions 33 to 48 are of SQ of 2 marks belong to Section-C and Questions 49 to 60 are long answer type questions of 3 marks each belong to Section-D. SECTION - A 1. 16 Which substance forms colloidal solution in water ? (A) Common salt (B ) Glucose (C) Starch ( D) Barium Nitrate 2. Which is not an interstitial compound? (A) TiC (B) VC (C) WC (D) SiC 052(E) [17] P.T.O. 3. For which of the following sets of quantum numbers, an electron will have the highest energy ? m n (A) 3 2 1 (B) 1 +Y (C) 0 _/2 (D) 5 4. Which is the parent element for the Actinium decay series ? (B) Plutonium - 241 (A) Thorium - 232 (C) Uranium - 238 5. (D) Uranium - 235 Which polymer is used in a safety belt ? (B) Neoprene (A) Dacron (C) Teflon (D) Orlon 6. Useful as an antacid is ............. (B) Promethazine (A) Mifepristone (D) Equanil (C) Omeprazole 7. Which is the structural formula of Cinnemaldehyde ? (A) C D-CH 2 CH CHO (B) (Q)-CH = CH CHO H = CH2 CHO (C) K 0 )- -CH2 CHO (D) 8. Which radioactive element has long life ? (A) 254 Fm 100 (B) 97Bk (C) 232U 92 (D) 41Am 95 052(E) [18] 9. How many number of ions will be released in the aqueous solution of Ferric hexa cyano ferrate (II) ? (A) (C) 4 6 (B) (D) 5 7 10. How many Oxygen atoms are shared by each SiO4- units in Berryl mineral ? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 1 (D) 4 11. Which of the following is the molarity of a solution when the osmotic pressure of a solution is 0.82 atm. at 27 C temperature ? (A) 0.33 M (B) 0.033 M (C) 3.3 M (D) 0.066 M 12. For the first order reaction, 60 minutes time is required to convert initial concentration of reactant from 0.8 M to 0.1 M, then what will be the ty ? (A) 20 minutes (B) 30 minutes (C) 40 minutes (D) 15 minutes 13. Which of the following substances will not give diazo reaction ? '(A) m Nitro aniline (B) o - Toludine (C) Phenyl methanamine (D) o - hydroxy amino benzene 14. Which of the following reactions will not give Chlorine gas as a product? (A) Oxidation of HCl by Mn02. (B) Oxidation of HC1 by KMn04. (C) Oxidation of KC103 by KMn04. (D) By electrolysis of concentrated NaCl aqueous solution. 15. Which formula will be useful to find out the change in Entropy, when one mole of an ideal gas expands in vacuum ? (A) AS= RT In V2 (C) AS= -R In V2 i ( B) AS= nRT In V2 Vl (D) V1 AS= R in V2 i 16. What will be the equilibrium constant at 25 C, when standard cell potential of a cell is 0.296 volt and the change of electrons during cell reaction is two ? (A) 10 (B ) 1 x 1010 (C) 1 x 10 -10 : (D) 2 . 96 x 10-2 052(E) [19] P.T.O. SECTION - B 16 17. What is meant by Tyndall effect ? 18. On which factor, co-ordination number depends for Crystal lattice ? 19. Write the equation for the non-standard half cell to find out the potential of Auq) +3e- . Au(S) reaction. 3 20. Write the structural formula of the o-hydroxy amino ethyl benzoate and also write the relation between the half life period and concentration of reactant for second order reaction. 21. Give the equation when Cinnabar reacts with Quick lime. 22. Give the name and structural formula of neutral Tridentate ligand. 23. By which reaction, isomers of Dicarboxylic acid (C4H404) can be differentiated ? 24. What is meant by Dia-stereoisomers? Which substance gives these types of isomers ? 25. Give the IUPAC name and molecular formula of a substance which is used as a solvent in paint and in lacquer industries. 26. Write the name and structural formula of a monomer of Butyl rubber. 27. Aluminium is more active metal than the Copper, though Aluminium is more useful for the making of utensils. Why ? 28. Write the equation for the preparation of Melamine polymer. 29. Write the electronic structure of Cyanide and state the type of bond and bond angle in it. 30. Write example of Polypeptide. When its solubility is minimum? 31. Calculate the mole fraction of Solute in 2.5. molal aqueous solution of Sucrose (C12H22011) 32. Give example and use of non-ionic Detergent. 052(E) [201 SECTION - C 32 33. Give preparation and uses of Perchloric acid. 34. Write equation for the preparation of Copper sulphate and its uses. 35. Write rules of Hume and Rothery for preparation of Alloys. OR On which factors, various oxidation states of transition elements depend ? 36. Write basic requirements for the formation of Complex compounds. 37. Explain : Moissan electrolytic method. OR Explain : Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite. 38. Write the importance of Stereochemistry. (any four) 39. (a) Which type of isomer of Lactic acid is obtained from muscle? (b) State R and S configuration of the following substances:(j) CH3 CH(OH) Br (ii) CH2OH CHOH COOH 40. Write only equation for the conversion : (Name of substance and structural formula is necessary) Cinnamaldehyde from Benzaldehyde. 41. (a) Write the structural formula and IUPAC name of Glycerine. (b) Solubility of Glycerine is higher than 1-Propanol . Give reason. 42. Write a short note on : Friedel - Crafts' reactions of Methoxybenzene. 43. Write a short note on Carbylamine test of Ethylamine and Aminobenzene. 44. Write conversion in two steps : (Name of the product and structural formula is essential) Cyanobenzene from Aniline. OR Acetanilide from Chlorobenzene. 052(E) [21] P.T.O. 45. Give chemical reactions of Acetic anhydride. 46. Write short note on : Self condensation polymerisation polymer of Polyamide group. 47. What is a - Amino acid ? Write physical properties of Amino acid. 48. By giving equations, prove -OH and>C = O groups present in Glucose. SECTION - t 36 49. Write a short note on "Werner's theory". 50. Define : Unit cell and write a short note on Diamagnetic substances. 51. Explain Langmuir adsorption isotherm. OR Explain : Hardy - Schulze rules in terms of Coagulation. 52. Give the classification of Vitamins. Which disease arise due to deficiency of vitamins ? OR Classify Ceramics and give their uses. 53. What are Carbon fibres ? Give the uses of Carbon fibres (any four). 54. What is meant by HDP and LDP ? Explain : Modification in properties of polymer substances. 052 (E) [221 55. At 360 C temperature , the following are the results of three experiments carried out for determination of differential rate of reaction : C12(g) + 2NO(g) = 2NOC1(g). (i) Derive differential rate law of this reaction. (ii) Calculate order of reaction. (iii) Find value of rate constant. Initial Concentration ( mole / lit) Experiment No . Initial rate of reaction - d(C12 ] dt mole. lit -' . sec -1 C12 NO 1. 0.06 0.03 0.0054 2. 0.06 0.08 0.0384 0.02 0.08 0.0128 OR At 25 C temperature CuS(S) + H2(g) --> Cu(S) + H2S(g) For this reaction : (i) Calculate the equilibrium constant. (ii) On which temperature and at 1 atm . pressure , the value of AG will be zero ? (For this reaction the value of AH and AS is 7.77 K. Cal. and 10.03 Cal. /mole - K respectively) 56. Write a short note on intermolecular attraction forces. Melting point of P4 is more than that of N. Why ? 57. Half life time of 226Ra is 1620 years. How many a-particles will be released per minute from 2.5 gm. 226 Ra sample ? Each 226 Ra nucleus releases one a-particle. 052(E ) [23] P.T.O. 58. Define : Primary cell and Secondary cell. Discuss Hydrogen fuel cell. OR Explain Faraday's laws of Electrolysis. 59. Write the Second law of Thermodynamics. Discuss:' Free energy and Second law of Thermodynamics. 60. Explain : Henry's law and give its limitations. OR Define Molal depression constant and derive the-equation for Molal depression constant. 1 052(E ) 241 [ 2009

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Additional Info : Gujarat Secondary Education Board (GSEB) Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) - Science Stream - English Medium
Tags : gujarat ssc, gujarat hsc, gujarat board ssc question papers, gujarat secondary education board (gseb) ssc exam model question, gujarat ssc board previous year question papers, gujarat board question papers, hsc board exams, gujarat board hsc question bank 2010, gseb hsc question bank, gesb hsc/ssc question paper structure, hsc question papers gujarati medium, hsc question english medium, gujarat board Sample Papers, gujarat board Books, previous year question paper of hsc gujarat board, previous 5 years exam papers for hsc gujarat board, h.s.c science previous question papers with answers.  

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